Rubio Campaign claims he already has 40+ Million for the Primary campaign


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
Marco Rubio the 2016 presidential campaign s 40 million man Reuters

Less than a week after announcing his 2016 campaign for president, Republican Senator Marco Rubio of Florida doesn't need to worry about money.

It's as good as in the bank.

"Marco Rubio will have the resources necessary to run a first-class campaign, that’s already been determined," said billionaire Florida auto dealer Norman Braman, a former Jeb Bush supporter who is now one of Rubio's highest-silhouette donors.

Annandale Capital founder George Seay, who is hosting a Rubio fundraiser with the moneyed Dallas elite at his 7,000-square-foot, seven-bath home on Tuesday, said: "Marco has had zero trouble raising money."

At least seven other Rubio mega donors say their candidate has already received monetary commitments in excess of the $40 million he will likely need to battle through a presidential primary season that will feature a crowd of seasoned Republican candidates with strong financial backing.

Rubio’s whirlwind money-raising comes after a network of Senator Ted Cruz super PACs raked in $31 million following Cruz's announcement in March that he was seeking the Republican presidential nomination.

The breakneck pace of the 2016 fundraising, most notably characterized by former Florida Governor Jeb Bush's reputed aim to raise $100 million, is emblematic of how much the Supreme Court's 2010 Citizens United decision unleashed an era of unfettered political spending by for-profit corporations and the rich, altering the financial calculus of campaigns.
Lots of whoring going on cuz everybody needs big bucks to run their campaigns. Who will Adelson/Koch's choose to be their Repub yes-man shill?

Funny that he's running as the fresh new face but is spouting the crap as the old guys.

Thankfully, the little twerp doesn't have a chance but hey, you Rubio lovers should definitely write him in.
Oh please, he's just counting on the VP nom because the others think he'll grab that all important Hispanic vote!
He's just the GOP's party trick :laugh2: "Hey look! Mexicans like us, too!" ...Not.

But hey, at least he's smart enough to know it, and bank on that reality.

On the flip side, Ted Cruz is in it to win it.. His blissful ignorance is astounding.
Blue billionaires on top - Kenneth P. Vogel - POLITICO

You know if any of you liberal shills ever really cared about money in politics you would try to be honest, but you won't. 52 of the biggest 100 money donors are democratic and Tom Steyer dwarfs all donors with his liberal giving. Where are your stories of Obama who has been to more fundraisers than any president ever? Ya think Hilary is going to get 2.5 billion from the little,people? Please! The Dems are the party of big business, big money, and big influence and this will be pointed out during this election cycle. And that doesn't even cover the unions. You all just keep bringing the lies and innuendo and I'll just keep bringing the facts.

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