Tax cuts for the rich, why?

Post the actual numbers. How much additional revenue would that raise, how much spending would that cut, and what impact would it have on the deficit, and finally the debt? Here are some real numbers to get you started:

Annual US military budget - 600B. Cut that in half and you save 300B. The current US deficit is about 1T. Cut the military budget in half and you still are ADDING 600B to the debt every year. Do you see where I'm going with this?

Now, we haven't dealt with the 91% top tax bracket you want, because that's bogus. No one ever paid that rate and no one ever will, because the declared income will vanish overnight. The wealthy are not stupid. But for chuckles and to keep it simple, calculate the income US billionaires declare every year, multiply it by 91% and post that number here. We'll pretend we'd actually get it. Next, calculate how much money you're going to get from taxing poor people who want to smoke tobacco, again pretending that many won't just quit because they can't afford it any more, then add in how much you'd get from Marijuana, realizing that if you exceed the current street price, the illegal trade will continue, robbing you of revenue. See if all that adds up to more than 600B/year. That's your target. Any less that that and you're not only not reducing the debt, you're still ADDING to it.

After you do all that, come back here and admit that the only way the US is going to seriously reduce the debt is by severely cutting spending, because you're coming at this from an emotional, not rational, perspective.

The net worth of the 400 richest Americans is 2.9 trillion.

That could pay say 10% of the budget just there, if we tackled 91% of that net worth.

They'd still be outrageously rich, but that's a problem?

Only to Individualist simpletons.

That doesn't begin to speak of the amounts generated by also increasing taxes on millionaires. (Although not to that extent)

Then that doesn't factor in the potential increases in taxation on Marijuana, Gasoline, or Tobacco products.

Not to mention cutting the military spending in half.

I'm coming from both a rational & an empathetic approach.

Individualists seem to be severe savages, they don't seem to have normal intellectual abstract reasoning, nor empathetic responses.

The Individualist serves no purpose, and its best purpose is to eliminate its self.

Which Individualism is leading to the extinction of the Individualist Western Europeans in the form of mass immigration, that they judge hostile intruders as just "Individuals"

You can't make up such a senseless bunch of nonsense.

Individualists = Primates.
Okay, now you're talking about a wealth tax, not an income tax. Here's your problem. You can take that 2.7T ONE time, just once, and you still have 20T left in the debt, but now you've lost all your wealthy people, because they've packed up and left the country, along with their companies and wealth generation. You just killed the goose the laid the golden egg and you still have 20T to pay off and less to pay it off with. Now, I cut the military budget in half for you and told you to get real numbers on raising taxes on the poor through pot, gas, and tobacco. Go for it and post real numbers.[/QUOTE

I don't support Capitalist rights.
Capitalist rights are basically for simpletons.

I would just jail anyone outsourcing, or hiring Illegals.

Problem easily solved

In fact, that would solve just about all of America's problems very easily.
Have you managed to come up with 600B/year to overcome the existing deficit? If you have not, you haven't even started on the debt. This is why I said you're coming at this from an emotional standpoint, because you won't post real numbers, you just keep saying it will work. Sorry, but it DOESN'T work like that in the real world.

Your Baby boomers have left my generation with a colossal amount of debt, loss of manufacturing, influx of illegals, influx of the Islamists.

You have effectively destroyed this country.

The ONLY ideas you come up with are the same old nonsense that got us here.

Talk about idiots, pointblank.
Post the real numbers or your whole complaint is nullified.
Booting 20 million Illegals will cost a ton

Yeah, catching criminals ain't cheap.

and many will sneak back in

I agree, we need to build a wall.
Jail repeat offenders.

Its far more easy to just let them self deport

You can do both at the same time.
Anytime you pull over a drunk illegal alien, deport him.
Anytime they interact with government, give them the boot.

LMFAO, so your solution is to spend money on mass deportations,spending on jailing repeat offenders who cross back into the USA, and spending on building a wall.


Yeah, fiscally responsible, what ever you Protestant idiots say.

LMFAO, so your solution is to spend money on mass deportations,

Do you want to help low-skilled Americans, like yourself, or not?

and spending on building a wall.

You could probably help with the construction.
You're cheap, unskilled labor, right?

what ever you Protestant idiots say

I'm not a Protestant and you're the only idiot here.

Whatever is one word. LMAO. Sobie is so dumb.

All OCD, and no logic.

Typical of the very inbred, pale Sand Negroes OCD panic filled dopey Western Europeans + Chosen Hook Nosen.

Ever see a pale Sand Negro they look like your ilk & the Western European.

What was wrong with me correcting you that whatever is one word? Not my fault you're fat, stupid and ugly. Learn English and then you we can debate like men. My nose is smaller than yours. Fatty.

You can't contribute logic, but have OCD nitpicking & control freak panic attacks in general.
The net worth of the 400 richest Americans is 2.9 trillion.

That could pay say 10% of the budget just there, if we tackled 91% of that net worth.

They'd still be outrageously rich, but that's a problem?

Only to Individualist simpletons.

That doesn't begin to speak of the amounts generated by also increasing taxes on millionaires. (Although not to that extent)

Then that doesn't factor in the potential increases in taxation on Marijuana, Gasoline, or Tobacco products.

Not to mention cutting the military spending in half.

I'm coming from both a rational & an empathetic approach.

Individualists seem to be severe savages, they don't seem to have normal intellectual abstract reasoning, nor empathetic responses.

The Individualist serves no purpose, and its best purpose is to eliminate its self.

Which Individualism is leading to the extinction of the Individualist Western Europeans in the form of mass immigration, that they judge hostile intruders as just "Individuals"

You can't make up such a senseless bunch of nonsense.

Individualists = Primates.
Okay, now you're talking about a wealth tax, not an income tax. Here's your problem. You can take that 2.7T ONE time, just once, and you still have 20T left in the debt, but now you've lost all your wealthy people, because they've packed up and left the country, along with their companies and wealth generation. You just killed the goose the laid the golden egg and you still have 20T to pay off and less to pay it off with. Now, I cut the military budget in half for you and told you to get real numbers on raising taxes on the poor through pot, gas, and tobacco. Go for it and post real numbers.[/QUOTE

I don't support Capitalist rights.
Capitalist rights are basically for simpletons.

I would just jail anyone outsourcing, or hiring Illegals.

Problem easily solved

In fact, that would solve just about all of America's problems very easily.
Have you managed to come up with 600B/year to overcome the existing deficit? If you have not, you haven't even started on the debt. This is why I said you're coming at this from an emotional standpoint, because you won't post real numbers, you just keep saying it will work. Sorry, but it DOESN'T work like that in the real world.

Your Baby boomers have left my generation with a colossal amount of debt, loss of manufacturing, influx of illegals, influx of the Islamists.

You have effectively destroyed this country.

The ONLY ideas you come up with are the same old nonsense that got us here.

Talk about idiots, pointblank.

You don't work but vilify the rich. This is priceless. Eat another burger. Fatty.

He's soooo fucking stupid.
LMFAO, so your solution is to spend money on mass deportations,spending on jailing repeat offenders who cross back into the USA, and spending on building a wall.


Yeah, fiscally responsible, what ever you Protestant idiots say.

LMFAO, so your solution is to spend money on mass deportations,

Do you want to help low-skilled Americans, like yourself, or not?

and spending on building a wall.

You could probably help with the construction.
You're cheap, unskilled labor, right?

what ever you Protestant idiots say

I'm not a Protestant and you're the only idiot here.

Whatever is one word. LMAO. Sobie is so dumb.

All OCD, and no logic.

Typical of the very inbred, pale Sand Negroes OCD panic filled dopey Western Europeans + Chosen Hook Nosen.

Ever see a pale Sand Negro they look like your ilk & the Western European.

What was wrong with me correcting you that whatever is one word? Not my fault you're fat, stupid and ugly. Learn English and then you we can debate like men. My nose is smaller than yours. Fatty.

You can't contribute logic, but have OCD nitpicking & control freak panic attacks in general.

Nitpicking? You did not know that whatever was one word. That is crazy. Taxing net worth doesn't work as it is double taxation. I'll explain why since you're dumb.

If I buy a car for $50,000 and pay a 5% tax and then you tax me again because the car is part of my wealth, I have paid 2x for it. Stupid. How about just a Federal Tax on new items purchased of 2% until we reduce the debt to $10trn. This way you tax the rich more as the rich buy more. Seems fair. What are your thoughts, fatty?
The net worth of the 400 richest Americans is 2.9 trillion.

That could pay say 10% of the budget just there, if we tackled 91% of that net worth.

They'd still be outrageously rich, but that's a problem?

Only to Individualist simpletons.

That doesn't begin to speak of the amounts generated by also increasing taxes on millionaires. (Although not to that extent)

Then that doesn't factor in the potential increases in taxation on Marijuana, Gasoline, or Tobacco products.

Not to mention cutting the military spending in half.

I'm coming from both a rational & an empathetic approach.

Individualists seem to be severe savages, they don't seem to have normal intellectual abstract reasoning, nor empathetic responses.

The Individualist serves no purpose, and its best purpose is to eliminate its self.

Which Individualism is leading to the extinction of the Individualist Western Europeans in the form of mass immigration, that they judge hostile intruders as just "Individuals"

You can't make up such a senseless bunch of nonsense.

Individualists = Primates.
Okay, now you're talking about a wealth tax, not an income tax. Here's your problem. You can take that 2.7T ONE time, just once, and you still have 20T left in the debt, but now you've lost all your wealthy people, because they've packed up and left the country, along with their companies and wealth generation. You just killed the goose the laid the golden egg and you still have 20T to pay off and less to pay it off with. Now, I cut the military budget in half for you and told you to get real numbers on raising taxes on the poor through pot, gas, and tobacco. Go for it and post real numbers.[/QUOTE

I don't support Capitalist rights.
Capitalist rights are basically for simpletons.

I would just jail anyone outsourcing, or hiring Illegals.

Problem easily solved

In fact, that would solve just about all of America's problems very easily.
Have you managed to come up with 600B/year to overcome the existing deficit? If you have not, you haven't even started on the debt. This is why I said you're coming at this from an emotional standpoint, because you won't post real numbers, you just keep saying it will work. Sorry, but it DOESN'T work like that in the real world.

Your Baby boomers have left my generation with a colossal amount of debt, loss of manufacturing, influx of illegals, influx of the Islamists.

You have effectively destroyed this country.

The ONLY ideas you come up with are the same old nonsense that got us here.

Talk about idiots, pointblank.

You don't work but vilify the rich. This is priceless. Eat another burger. Fatty.

I'm in college so I can get a better paying job.

Why should the rich be super rich, f*cking over this nation by outsourcing, and hiring illegals?

Oh but the working class, who put consumerism into the rich peoples pockets are the issue.

You savages don't quite grasp reality very well.

Capitalism & Genes both create winners & losers.

There's nothing logical, or moral about continuing that legacy.
Okay, now you're talking about a wealth tax, not an income tax. Here's your problem. You can take that 2.7T ONE time, just once, and you still have 20T left in the debt, but now you've lost all your wealthy people, because they've packed up and left the country, along with their companies and wealth generation. You just killed the goose the laid the golden egg and you still have 20T to pay off and less to pay it off with. Now, I cut the military budget in half for you and told you to get real numbers on raising taxes on the poor through pot, gas, and tobacco. Go for it and post real numbers.[/QUOTE

I don't support Capitalist rights.
Capitalist rights are basically for simpletons.

I would just jail anyone outsourcing, or hiring Illegals.

Problem easily solved

In fact, that would solve just about all of America's problems very easily.
Have you managed to come up with 600B/year to overcome the existing deficit? If you have not, you haven't even started on the debt. This is why I said you're coming at this from an emotional standpoint, because you won't post real numbers, you just keep saying it will work. Sorry, but it DOESN'T work like that in the real world.

Your Baby boomers have left my generation with a colossal amount of debt, loss of manufacturing, influx of illegals, influx of the Islamists.

You have effectively destroyed this country.

The ONLY ideas you come up with are the same old nonsense that got us here.

Talk about idiots, pointblank.

You don't work but vilify the rich. This is priceless. Eat another burger. Fatty.

I'm in college so I can get a better paying job.

Why should the rich be super rich, f*cking over this nation by outsourcing, and hiring illegals?

Oh but the working class, who put consumerism into the rich peoples pockets are the issue.

You savages don't quite grasp reality very well.

Capitalism & Genes both create winners & losers.

There's nothing logical, or moral about continuing that legacy.

I'm in college so I can get a better paying job. -- What job do you have now?

Why should the rich be super rich, f*cking over this nation by outsourcing, and hiring illegals? -- They should not hire illegals. If you have proof call the police.

After that it was just fat ramblings. You lost it.
Booting 20 million Illegals will cost a ton

Yeah, catching criminals ain't cheap.

and many will sneak back in

I agree, we need to build a wall.
Jail repeat offenders.

Its far more easy to just let them self deport

You can do both at the same time.
Anytime you pull over a drunk illegal alien, deport him.
Anytime they interact with government, give them the boot.

LMFAO, so your solution is to spend money on mass deportations,spending on jailing repeat offenders who cross back into the USA, and spending on building a wall.


Yeah, fiscally responsible, what ever you Protestant idiots say.

LMFAO, so your solution is to spend money on mass deportations,

Do you want to help low-skilled Americans, like yourself, or not?

and spending on building a wall.

You could probably help with the construction.
You're cheap, unskilled labor, right?

what ever you Protestant idiots say

I'm not a Protestant and you're the only idiot here.

Whatever is one word. LMAO. Sobie is so dumb.

All OCD, and no logic.

Typical of the very inbred, pale Sand Negroes OCD panic filled dopey Western Europeans + Chosen Hook Nosen.

Ever see a pale Sand Negro they look like your ilk & the Western European.

What was wrong with me correcting you that whatever is one word? Not my fault you're fat, stupid and ugly. Learn English and then you we can debate like men. My nose is smaller than yours. Fatty.

You have severe OCD, and no logical skills.

So typical of the brutish savages we call Chosen hook nosen & Protestants AKA the scums & traitors of God, Humanity & Political reason.
LMFAO, so your solution is to spend money on mass deportations,spending on jailing repeat offenders who cross back into the USA, and spending on building a wall.


Yeah, fiscally responsible, what ever you Protestant idiots say.

LMFAO, so your solution is to spend money on mass deportations,

Do you want to help low-skilled Americans, like yourself, or not?

and spending on building a wall.

You could probably help with the construction.
You're cheap, unskilled labor, right?

what ever you Protestant idiots say

I'm not a Protestant and you're the only idiot here.

Whatever is one word. LMAO. Sobie is so dumb.

All OCD, and no logic.

Typical of the very inbred, pale Sand Negroes OCD panic filled dopey Western Europeans + Chosen Hook Nosen.

Ever see a pale Sand Negro they look like your ilk & the Western European.

What was wrong with me correcting you that whatever is one word? Not my fault you're fat, stupid and ugly. Learn English and then you we can debate like men. My nose is smaller than yours. Fatty.

You have severe OCD, and no logical skills.

So typical of the brutish savages we call Chosen hook nosen & Protestants AKA the scums & traitors of God, Humanity & Political reason.

OCD? I have OCD? LOL

Do you even know what that is? If so, how would you diagnose that on a PC?
I don't support Capitalist rights.
Capitalist rights are basically for simpletons.

I would just jail anyone outsourcing, or hiring Illegals.

Problem easily solved

In fact, that would solve just about all of America's problems very easily.
Have you managed to come up with 600B/year to overcome the existing deficit? If you have not, you haven't even started on the debt. This is why I said you're coming at this from an emotional standpoint, because you won't post real numbers, you just keep saying it will work. Sorry, but it DOESN'T work like that in the real world.

Your Baby boomers have left my generation with a colossal amount of debt, loss of manufacturing, influx of illegals, influx of the Islamists.

You have effectively destroyed this country.

The ONLY ideas you come up with are the same old nonsense that got us here.

Talk about idiots, pointblank.

You don't work but vilify the rich. This is priceless. Eat another burger. Fatty.

I'm in college so I can get a better paying job.

Why should the rich be super rich, f*cking over this nation by outsourcing, and hiring illegals?

Oh but the working class, who put consumerism into the rich peoples pockets are the issue.

You savages don't quite grasp reality very well.

Capitalism & Genes both create winners & losers.

There's nothing logical, or moral about continuing that legacy.

I'm in college so I can get a better paying job. -- What job do you have now?

Why should the rich be super rich, f*cking over this nation by outsourcing, and hiring illegals? -- They should not hire illegals. If you have proof call the police.

After that it was just fat ramblings. You lost it.

I lost it?
No you lost it, I've never seen any single Chosen Hook Nosen ever get Politics correct.
Not much more Protestants get it correct, although at least a couple of Forum Protestants get it right like VonIngerslaben, or ImPureTrash.

Capitalism has lead to colossal issues of Illegal Immigration & Outsourced jobs.

Anybody who doesn't grasp that, is a MORON.

Capitalism creates winners & losers, so long as the job market demands lower wages, then people will struggle to make it.

Of course, genes & environment cause people to be disabled, or have low IQ's, and they can't make it.

Oh that's so wrong, NO YOU ARE Wrong, and don't quite grasp it.
Have you managed to come up with 600B/year to overcome the existing deficit? If you have not, you haven't even started on the debt. This is why I said you're coming at this from an emotional standpoint, because you won't post real numbers, you just keep saying it will work. Sorry, but it DOESN'T work like that in the real world.

Your Baby boomers have left my generation with a colossal amount of debt, loss of manufacturing, influx of illegals, influx of the Islamists.

You have effectively destroyed this country.

The ONLY ideas you come up with are the same old nonsense that got us here.

Talk about idiots, pointblank.

You don't work but vilify the rich. This is priceless. Eat another burger. Fatty.

I'm in college so I can get a better paying job.

Why should the rich be super rich, f*cking over this nation by outsourcing, and hiring illegals?

Oh but the working class, who put consumerism into the rich peoples pockets are the issue.

You savages don't quite grasp reality very well.

Capitalism & Genes both create winners & losers.

There's nothing logical, or moral about continuing that legacy.

I'm in college so I can get a better paying job. -- What job do you have now?

Why should the rich be super rich, f*cking over this nation by outsourcing, and hiring illegals? -- They should not hire illegals. If you have proof call the police.

After that it was just fat ramblings. You lost it.

I lost it?
No you lost it, I've never seen any single Chosen Hook Nosen ever get Politics correct.
Not much more Protestants get it correct, although at least a couple of Forum Protestants get it right like VonIngerslaben, or ImPureTrash.

Capitalism has lead to colossal issues of Illegal Immigration & Outsourced jobs.

Anybody who doesn't grasp that, is a MORON.

Capitalism creates winners & losers, so long as the job market demands lower wages, then people will struggle to make it.

Of course, genes & environment cause people to be disabled, or have low IQ's, and they can't make it.

Oh that's so wrong, NO YOU ARE Wrong, and don't quite grasp it.

Damn. Take your meds dude. Also do a sit up.
Okay, now you're talking about a wealth tax, not an income tax. Here's your problem. You can take that 2.7T ONE time, just once, and you still have 20T left in the debt, but now you've lost all your wealthy people, because they've packed up and left the country, along with their companies and wealth generation. You just killed the goose the laid the golden egg and you still have 20T to pay off and less to pay it off with. Now, I cut the military budget in half for you and told you to get real numbers on raising taxes on the poor through pot, gas, and tobacco. Go for it and post real numbers.[/QUOTE

I don't support Capitalist rights.
Capitalist rights are basically for simpletons.

I would just jail anyone outsourcing, or hiring Illegals.

Problem easily solved

In fact, that would solve just about all of America's problems very easily.
Have you managed to come up with 600B/year to overcome the existing deficit? If you have not, you haven't even started on the debt. This is why I said you're coming at this from an emotional standpoint, because you won't post real numbers, you just keep saying it will work. Sorry, but it DOESN'T work like that in the real world.

Your Baby boomers have left my generation with a colossal amount of debt, loss of manufacturing, influx of illegals, influx of the Islamists.

You have effectively destroyed this country.

The ONLY ideas you come up with are the same old nonsense that got us here.

Talk about idiots, pointblank.

You don't work but vilify the rich. This is priceless. Eat another burger. Fatty.

He's soooo fucking stupid.

Keep eliminating your culture, jobs, and general livelihood you thoughtless Protestant & Chosen Hook Nosen savages.

You have both effectively destroyed America, your heritage, your jobs, etc.

Such a lack of commonsense.

Oh, and you BOTH are traitors of Jesus Christ (God) and towards the Catholic faith.

Having not just rejected Jesus's doctrine, by being traitors to the Catholic faith.

You value greed & Capitalism, actual Sins.

You are monstrosities.
I don't support Capitalist rights.
Capitalist rights are basically for simpletons.

I would just jail anyone outsourcing, or hiring Illegals.

Problem easily solved

In fact, that would solve just about all of America's problems very easily.
Have you managed to come up with 600B/year to overcome the existing deficit? If you have not, you haven't even started on the debt. This is why I said you're coming at this from an emotional standpoint, because you won't post real numbers, you just keep saying it will work. Sorry, but it DOESN'T work like that in the real world.

Your Baby boomers have left my generation with a colossal amount of debt, loss of manufacturing, influx of illegals, influx of the Islamists.

You have effectively destroyed this country.

The ONLY ideas you come up with are the same old nonsense that got us here.

Talk about idiots, pointblank.

You don't work but vilify the rich. This is priceless. Eat another burger. Fatty.

He's soooo fucking stupid.

Keep eliminating your culture, jobs, and general livelihood you thoughtless Protestant & Chosen Hook Nosen savages.

You have both effectively destroyed America, your heritage, your jobs, etc.

Such a lack of commonsense.

Oh, and you BOTH are traitors of Jesus Christ (God) and towards the Catholic faith.

Having not just rejected Jesus's doctrine, by being traitors to the Catholic faith.

You value greed & Capitalism, actual Sins.

You are monstrosities.

I am in the process of converting to Catholicism. May we be friends please?
LMFAO, so your solution is to spend money on mass deportations,

Do you want to help low-skilled Americans, like yourself, or not?

and spending on building a wall.

You could probably help with the construction.
You're cheap, unskilled labor, right?

what ever you Protestant idiots say

I'm not a Protestant and you're the only idiot here.

Whatever is one word. LMAO. Sobie is so dumb.

All OCD, and no logic.

Typical of the very inbred, pale Sand Negroes OCD panic filled dopey Western Europeans + Chosen Hook Nosen.

Ever see a pale Sand Negro they look like your ilk & the Western European.

What was wrong with me correcting you that whatever is one word? Not my fault you're fat, stupid and ugly. Learn English and then you we can debate like men. My nose is smaller than yours. Fatty.

You can't contribute logic, but have OCD nitpicking & control freak panic attacks in general.

Nitpicking? You did not know that whatever was one word. That is crazy. Taxing net worth doesn't work as it is double taxation. I'll explain why since you're dumb.

If I buy a car for $50,000 and pay a 5% tax and then you tax me again because the car is part of my wealth, I have paid 2x for it. Stupid. How about just a Federal Tax on new items purchased of 2% until we reduce the debt to $10trn. This way you tax the rich more as the rich buy more. Seems fair. What are your thoughts, fatty?
I'll chime in on the impossibility of doing something like that. Congress has shown itself to be totally incapable of spending less than the revenue generated. The FIRST thing that would happen with such a tax is a raft of new spending bills that would completely wipe out any gains. Generate a cool trillion in new revenue? Spending would go up by 1.5T. I guarantee that. Even if you tried to lock it away in its own "lockbox", Congress would raid it and the debt would not be impacted. In fact, there would probably be wails that, "If we can afford to pay off the debt, we can certainly afford to spend the money my new bill requires".
The net worth of the 400 richest Americans is 2.9 trillion.

That could pay say 10% of the budget just there, if we tackled 91% of that net worth.

They'd still be outrageously rich, but that's a problem?

Only to Individualist simpletons.

That doesn't begin to speak of the amounts generated by also increasing taxes on millionaires. (Although not to that extent)

Then that doesn't factor in the potential increases in taxation on Marijuana, Gasoline, or Tobacco products.

Not to mention cutting the military spending in half.

I'm coming from both a rational & an empathetic approach.

Individualists seem to be severe savages, they don't seem to have normal intellectual abstract reasoning, nor empathetic responses.

The Individualist serves no purpose, and its best purpose is to eliminate its self.

Which Individualism is leading to the extinction of the Individualist Western Europeans in the form of mass immigration, that they judge hostile intruders as just "Individuals"

You can't make up such a senseless bunch of nonsense.

Individualists = Primates.
Okay, now you're talking about a wealth tax, not an income tax. Here's your problem. You can take that 2.7T ONE time, just once, and you still have 20T left in the debt, but now you've lost all your wealthy people, because they've packed up and left the country, along with their companies and wealth generation. You just killed the goose the laid the golden egg and you still have 20T to pay off and less to pay it off with. Now, I cut the military budget in half for you and told you to get real numbers on raising taxes on the poor through pot, gas, and tobacco. Go for it and post real numbers.[/QUOTE

I don't support Capitalist rights.
Capitalist rights are basically for simpletons.

I would just jail anyone outsourcing, or hiring Illegals.

Problem easily solved

In fact, that would solve just about all of America's problems very easily.
Have you managed to come up with 600B/year to overcome the existing deficit? If you have not, you haven't even started on the debt. This is why I said you're coming at this from an emotional standpoint, because you won't post real numbers, you just keep saying it will work. Sorry, but it DOESN'T work like that in the real world.

Your Baby boomers have left my generation with a colossal amount of debt, loss of manufacturing, influx of illegals, influx of the Islamists.

You have effectively destroyed this country.

The ONLY ideas you come up with are the same old nonsense that got us here.

Talk about idiots, pointblank.
Post the real numbers or your whole complaint is nullified.

Post it now, because Chimpity Choo Choo said so.

My plans would significantly help the Nation, Culture, Economy, Job Market and also National debt.

A.) Jail those who hire Illegals, this would boost income tax on jobs, and lower spending on scrambling to pay for the Illegal Alien issues, like having more kids they put through school, undermining wages, and so forth.

B.) Jail those who outsource jobs, this would boost manufacturing taxes on properties, and also boost good paying manufacturing jobs in the United States, bolstering income tax, presumably.

C.) Tax Marijuana that is legalized, Marijuana farmers, and Marijuana sellers both pay taxes.

D.) Tax Tobacco more, so that a nasty habit generates wealth.

E.) Boost the tax on the rich, to help pay the debt.

F.) Tax gasoline more & more overtime, not just does this help bring down the debt, but helps incentivize electric vehicles better for the environment.

G.) Tax automation, robotics, AI, so that tax is generated, as people lose their jobs, a tax which will help bolster the economy & tax base, and consumerism from the switch to automation causing as much as 40% of people to lose jobs in the USA in the next 15 years, a potential catastrophe for the USA economy & consumerism.

H.) Tax the Porn Industry, and even Abortion heavily, so they deter this degeneracy, and raise funds.
SobieskiSavedEurope expects you to pay more for goods and services in order to benefit another, but he is himself unwilling to do so.

You expect us to settle for less pay & less in goods.

Just like in 3rd World countries. LMFAO.

Why are you Protestant filth such irrational, and emotionally detached cretins?

Yeah, Venezuela's problem is their goods are too cheap.

Were lead paint chips the only thing you ate as a child?
You still do, because you like the taste, right?

There's a lot of biased agendas & propaganda floating around the USA.

Soviet Communism may have stagnated in comparison to Western Europe & the Anglosphere.

Even so Soviet Communism didn't actually cause decreasing standards of life.

The Human height stature, food supply had increased in the Soviet Union on the whole since its implementation.

There's also similar to be said about colonialism in Africa.

An increase in Human height stature is a good sign of life quality, and nutrition.

Oh, and there's evidence that Scientific patents, and the food supply + food quality had declined in the Soviet Union post Soviet collapse in Russia.

I'm not a Communist, but its probably still slightly better than what we have now.
SobieskiSavedEurope expects you to pay more for goods and services in order to benefit another, but he is himself unwilling to do so.

You expect us to settle for less pay & less in goods.

Just like in 3rd World countries. LMFAO.

Why are you Protestant filth such irrational, and emotionally detached cretins?

You fucking idiot. My position is to let free people negotiate their own transactions. You're a government, boot-licking moron that wants bureaucrats to determine prices, pay, etc. You sound like a fascist.

I am a Fascist leaning guy.

This is only SO WRONG because of America's ignorant indoctrination.

A.) Franco + Hitler achieved faster economic growth than any USA President in the 20th Century.

B.) Fascism killed less than Communism, or Capitalism, without a doubt.

C.) Fascism wouldn't allow for outsourced manufacturing, nor mass immigration, either.

D.) Fascism wouldn't allow for Facebook, Hollywood, and Liberal media indoctrinating the ignorant masses, either.

Fascism is proper Nationalism, and properly anti-Globalist.
Okay, now you're talking about a wealth tax, not an income tax. Here's your problem. You can take that 2.7T ONE time, just once, and you still have 20T left in the debt, but now you've lost all your wealthy people, because they've packed up and left the country, along with their companies and wealth generation. You just killed the goose the laid the golden egg and you still have 20T to pay off and less to pay it off with. Now, I cut the military budget in half for you and told you to get real numbers on raising taxes on the poor through pot, gas, and tobacco. Go for it and post real numbers.[/QUOTE

I don't support Capitalist rights.
Capitalist rights are basically for simpletons.

I would just jail anyone outsourcing, or hiring Illegals.

Problem easily solved

In fact, that would solve just about all of America's problems very easily.
Have you managed to come up with 600B/year to overcome the existing deficit? If you have not, you haven't even started on the debt. This is why I said you're coming at this from an emotional standpoint, because you won't post real numbers, you just keep saying it will work. Sorry, but it DOESN'T work like that in the real world.

Your Baby boomers have left my generation with a colossal amount of debt, loss of manufacturing, influx of illegals, influx of the Islamists.

You have effectively destroyed this country.

The ONLY ideas you come up with are the same old nonsense that got us here.

Talk about idiots, pointblank.
Post the real numbers or your whole complaint is nullified.

Post it now, because Chimpity Choo Choo said so.

My plans would significantly help the Nation, Culture, Economy, Job Market and also National debt.

A.) Jail those who hire Illegals, this would boost income tax on jobs, and lower spending on scrambling to pay for the Illegal Alien issues, like having more kids they put through school, undermining wages, and so forth.

B.) Jail those who outsource jobs, this would boost manufacturing taxes on properties, and also boost good paying manufacturing jobs in the United States, bolstering income tax, presumably.

C.) Tax Marijuana that is legalized, Marijuana farmers, and Marijuana sellers both pay taxes.

D.) Tax Tobacco more, so that a nasty habit generates wealth.

E.) Boost the tax on the rich, to help pay the debt.

F.) Tax gasoline more & more overtime, not just does this help bring down the debt, but helps incentivize electric vehicles better for the environment.

G.) Tax automation, robotics, AI, so that tax is generated, as people lose their jobs, a tax which will help bolster the economy & tax base, and consumerism from the switch to automation causing as much as 40% of people to lose jobs in the USA in the next 15 years, a potential catastrophe for the USA economy & consumerism.

H.) Tax the Porn Industry, and even Abortion heavily, so they deter this degeneracy, and raise funds.
Unless you post realistic numbers showing how much new revenue will be raised and show that the amount will be greater than the deficit, you're only wishing that you could impact the debt. The truth is, as you tax things like tobacco, people use less of it, giving you less new revenue. As you tax gasoline more, people use less of it, giving you less new revenue. Why do you think California is looking for new taxes? Because higher gas mileage and electric cars are cutting their gas tax revenue (and for an education, research the pollution created to build an electric vehicle and you'll start to realize that they're not really that great a deal for the environment). Taxing Marijuana is the same as taxing tobacco. Tax it too high and the black market just keeps on running, again undercutting any new revenue you might get.

You keep saying to tax the rich to pay down the debt. Again, post real numbers, then come back and admit the only way to really tackle the US debt is to significantly cut spending, something Congress simply will not do. If you look at the real numbers, you'll realize that there just isn't enough wealth to do what you want to do.
Okay, now you're talking about a wealth tax, not an income tax. Here's your problem. You can take that 2.7T ONE time, just once, and you still have 20T left in the debt, but now you've lost all your wealthy people, because they've packed up and left the country, along with their companies and wealth generation. You just killed the goose the laid the golden egg and you still have 20T to pay off and less to pay it off with. Now, I cut the military budget in half for you and told you to get real numbers on raising taxes on the poor through pot, gas, and tobacco. Go for it and post real numbers.[/QUOTE

I don't support Capitalist rights.
Capitalist rights are basically for simpletons.

I would just jail anyone outsourcing, or hiring Illegals.

Problem easily solved

In fact, that would solve just about all of America's problems very easily.
Have you managed to come up with 600B/year to overcome the existing deficit? If you have not, you haven't even started on the debt. This is why I said you're coming at this from an emotional standpoint, because you won't post real numbers, you just keep saying it will work. Sorry, but it DOESN'T work like that in the real world.

Your Baby boomers have left my generation with a colossal amount of debt, loss of manufacturing, influx of illegals, influx of the Islamists.

You have effectively destroyed this country.

The ONLY ideas you come up with are the same old nonsense that got us here.

Talk about idiots, pointblank.

You don't work but vilify the rich. This is priceless. Eat another burger. Fatty.

I'm in college so I can get a better paying job.

Why should the rich be super rich, f*cking over this nation by outsourcing, and hiring illegals?

Oh but the working class, who put consumerism into the rich peoples pockets are the issue.

You savages don't quite grasp reality very well.

Capitalism & Genes both create winners & losers.

There's nothing logical, or moral about continuing that legacy.

I'm in college so I can get a better paying job.

Take some econ classes.

You might sound less like a moron.
Your Baby boomers have left my generation with a colossal amount of debt, loss of manufacturing, influx of illegals, influx of the Islamists.

You have effectively destroyed this country.

The ONLY ideas you come up with are the same old nonsense that got us here.

Talk about idiots, pointblank.

You don't work but vilify the rich. This is priceless. Eat another burger. Fatty.

I'm in college so I can get a better paying job.

Why should the rich be super rich, f*cking over this nation by outsourcing, and hiring illegals?

Oh but the working class, who put consumerism into the rich peoples pockets are the issue.

You savages don't quite grasp reality very well.

Capitalism & Genes both create winners & losers.

There's nothing logical, or moral about continuing that legacy.

I'm in college so I can get a better paying job. -- What job do you have now?

Why should the rich be super rich, f*cking over this nation by outsourcing, and hiring illegals? -- They should not hire illegals. If you have proof call the police.

After that it was just fat ramblings. You lost it.

I lost it?
No you lost it, I've never seen any single Chosen Hook Nosen ever get Politics correct.
Not much more Protestants get it correct, although at least a couple of Forum Protestants get it right like VonIngerslaben, or ImPureTrash.

Capitalism has lead to colossal issues of Illegal Immigration & Outsourced jobs.

Anybody who doesn't grasp that, is a MORON.

Capitalism creates winners & losers, so long as the job market demands lower wages, then people will struggle to make it.

Of course, genes & environment cause people to be disabled, or have low IQ's, and they can't make it.

Oh that's so wrong, NO YOU ARE Wrong, and don't quite grasp it.

Damn. Take your meds dude. Also do a sit up.

With that fat fucking head? Unlikely.

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