Target is banning books. Time for the Bud Light treatment.

Because it was reported in the media, dipshit.

You people are SO fucking dumb.

So if Target had taken the books. Never put them out. And returned them six months later as unsold for credit how would any RW type know?

Better yet, who do you expect to buy it? Or is the idea to just force companies to give RW types money?
So if Target had taken the books. Never put them out. And returned them six months later as unsold for credit how would any RW type know?

Better yet, who do you expect to buy it? Or is the idea to just force companies to give RW types money?

He has five previous #1 bestsellers. Again, your illiteracy does not necessarily reflect on the rest of the country.

But, your support for book bans is noted.
He has five previous #1 bestsellers. Again, your illiteracy does not necessarily reflect on the rest of the country.

But, your support for book bans is noted.

I’m not saying nobody should read it. I’m trying to fathom why a store currently being boycotted by the RW should carry a book targeted (forgive the pun) towards the people boycotting the store.

I’m not saying pull it from libraries. I’m not saying that the publisher must change the book before it can be in libraries. No one is. Nobody is saying that any retailer who Carrie’s it should be boycotted.

From what I can see it’s a business decision. The book is bought by RW types. All of his books are. As for reading them. I read one. I wasn’t impressed. His arguments were uninspired and so shallow as to barely qualify as surface. But back to Target. Why carry a book that is of interest to customers who aren’t coming to the store?

What you on the Right wanted to do was get Target’s attention with the boycott. It sounds like you got it. And it sounds like they don’t miss you as customers.

I believe they are saying. Buh Bye.
The fact that you won't answer my question tells me I'm directly over the target. Thanks.
I answered it many times now.

Yes, stores have the right to pick and choose what products to carry in order to attract a certain customer base and/or prevent existing customers from being offended. As I said, every store on earth does this already. It’s business 101

And, no, what target did with this book has zero in common with, say, denying service to gays. Which is what I believe is the sort of thing you’re trying to conflate it with.

Target has denied service to no one. They are under zero obligation to stock this guys book or anyone else’s.
Don't shop at book-banning Target, and tell your friends to do the same.


How many times do people need to be told that numerous posters cannot access this site nor see quoted Twitter posts?

But as is pointed out below, this isn't book banning.

Don't you support the right of businesses to conduct themselves as they see fit?

Or must the Christian baker make the Adam & Steve wedding cake?
Book banning is done by governments, schools, libraries.

Target simply not to stock a particular book.

There’s literally millions of books that target does not sell. Are they all “banned” as well?
Stop being rational, dude. :)
No, I didn’t say that at all.

They have a right to sell or not sell what they want. That’s not the same as denying service to gays, black, trans or wherever you were going with that train of thought.
You are to effing rational for this thread... :)

How many times do people need to be told that numerous posters cannot access this site nor see quoted Twitter posts?

But as is pointed out below, this isn't book banning.

Don't you support the right of businesses to conduct themselves as they see fit?

Or must the Christian baker make the Adam & Steve wedding cake?

So you agree that a business has the right to not make or a sell a product if they don't want to?
So you don't have a problem with that? A business can refuse to make or sell any product they want, right?
Not if they're being selective in terms of whom they serve, no.

You can't refuse to serve someone because they're Black or Christian or gay or all three of those things for instance.

Did you really not know this?

It's been the law for decades now.
You keep coming back to this hypothetical question.

I get the impression that you’re trying to twist it into some sort of equivalency with denying service to certain groups of people. Its not the same thing.

Not stocking a product isn't denying service to anyone. People who would be the sort of people to buy this book are still 100% free to shop at Target to their heart’s content. They just won’t find this book because Target doesn’t carry it. That’s all there is to it. You’re blowing it out of proportion.
You keep beating me to the beatdown of the OP... :)
The advantages here are that Target is private, but purchasers are also private and can choose to do what they wish with their purchases.

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