“take our country back” cont.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

RRWE (Radical Right Wing Extremist) want to take control our of the hand of the federal Government and put it in the hand of the state, city and local government. Doesn’t matter whether it federal or state that control the our lives the end results are the same. Does states want to generate the revenue to have the control or will they expect the federal, that they want to be smaller, to finance their control. Cannot have your cake and eat it too. That is exactly what they want. Less Government mean less revenue and the federal Government will not have the revenue to pay for state run programs and services.
Federal gov’t and state gov’t is made up of the people’s choice of people.
“Take back our country” is just a RRWE quirky campaign slogan that have on meaning except to take the country our of Obama’s hand and put it into the hands of another politician like the Newt who is just another Washington politician who will say anything he knows we want to hear but when he is in office it is the SOS.
Less federal gov’t control only means more state gov’t control. Same people. Same revenue. Same results.
RRWE like Bachmann want to dismantle the federal government altogether and turn programs and services over to churches, charities, friends, neighbors and relatives. She wants to take us back to the 1700s. We cannot function as a country under 1700 laws and services. As the country got bigger a bigger government was needed with a bigger budget and more revenue. We cannot effective function as a country with less Government and less spending. We are long past that scenario.
I don’t give a rat’s *** who sends me my Social Security check, etc as long as I get one. Feds states, church, charity, etc but if I don’t get it I am going to be a problem.
Now if the government is dismantled that is going to cause a problem for my children and grand children if they will have to depend on RRWE for their livelihood and their future.

Does it really matter if we have federal run Obamacare with it’s mandate or Romney care (state run healthcare) with it’s mandate as long as we all get affordable healthcare and take it out of the hands of private healthcare for profit industry.
Repeal Obamacare and not replace it and we will still have to pay for those who do not have healthcare. Federal to state is just a game of push and shove. SOS. After all the talk there is nothing new.
Cut my Social Security, raise my Medicare premiums and I will get more food stamps, more housing assistance, more energy assistance and more help with my prescription drugs. Cut government spending is a joke unless you want a revolution.
Name of the RRWE game is make Obama fail as any cost. Don’t let RRWE screw up the country because they is exactly what they want to do when they say “take back our country.”
If I am not mistaken the constitution originally required that a portion of revenue generated by taxes be given over to the states. I am not a constitutional scholar but I remember reading about this in reference to the history of taxes in america. It was only after the income tax was made law that the federal government started keeping the majority of the revenue to spend as they deemed appropriate.

As far as the rest of your post, I gather you are for a socialist nanny state and I think we will have to agree to disagree on that stance as I don't think I will be able to change your mind on it.

RRWE (Radical Right Wing Extremist) want to take control our of the hand of the federal Government and put it in the hand of the state, city and local government. Doesn’t matter whether it federal or state that control the our lives the end results are the same. Does states want to generate the revenue to have the control or will they expect the federal, that they want to be smaller, to finance their control. Cannot have your cake and eat it too. That is exactly what they want. Less Government mean less revenue and the federal Government will not have the revenue to pay for state run programs and services.
Federal gov’t and state gov’t is made up of the people’s choice of people.
“Take back our country” is just a RRWE quirky campaign slogan that have on meaning except to take the country our of Obama’s hand and put it into the hands of another politician like the Newt who is just another Washington politician who will say anything he knows we want to hear but when he is in office it is the SOS.
Less federal gov’t control only means more state gov’t control. Same people. Same revenue. Same results.
RRWE like Bachmann want to dismantle the federal government altogether and turn programs and services over to churches, charities, friends, neighbors and relatives. She wants to take us back to the 1700s. We cannot function as a country under 1700 laws and services. As the country got bigger a bigger government was needed with a bigger budget and more revenue. We cannot effective function as a country with less Government and less spending. We are long past that scenario.
I don’t give a rat’s *** who sends me my Social Security check, etc as long as I get one. Feds states, church, charity, etc but if I don’t get it I am going to be a problem.
Now if the government is dismantled that is going to cause a problem for my children and grand children if they will have to depend on RRWE for their livelihood and their future.

Does it really matter if we have federal run Obamacare with it’s mandate or Romney care (state run healthcare) with it’s mandate as long as we all get affordable healthcare and take it out of the hands of private healthcare for profit industry.
Repeal Obamacare and not replace it and we will still have to pay for those who do not have healthcare. Federal to state is just a game of push and shove. SOS. After all the talk there is nothing new.
Cut my Social Security, raise my Medicare premiums and I will get more food stamps, more housing assistance, more energy assistance and more help with my prescription drugs. Cut government spending is a joke unless you want a revolution.
Name of the RRWE game is make Obama fail as any cost. Don’t let RRWE screw up the country because they is exactly what they want to do when they say “take back our country.”

This string of your's is really quite remarkable, LilOlLady...you are completely oblivious to the fact our country is careening towards insolvency because of the unsustainable costs of big government.

I hate to "burden" you with reality but we're rapidly approaching the point where the Federal Government will not be able to pay for Social Security, Medicare, Food Stamps, housing assistance, energy assistance and help with your prescription drugs. We're no different than Greece. When you spend more than you take in...you have to borrow to make up the shortfall. At some point your debt becomes so large your creditors become concerned and back off on making further loans. That S&P credit downgrade that just took place? The first in our nation's history? That's a wakeup call. It's a slap in the face telling us that we've pushed our credit envelope to the breaking point. It's our creditors telling us that they're nervous about loaning us ever increasing amounts of money because they are finally starting to have concerns about our ability to pay those loans off.

Bottom line is this...government in this country has become bloated and inefficient to the point where it is in desperate need of downsizing if we are to survive. If we don't shrink the size of the Federal beaurocracy then the whole house of cards is going to come crashing down.
The deep dark secret comes out...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrA9zj94NuU]MAXINE WATERS OUTS THE DEMS SOCIALIST AGENDA - YouTube[/ame]

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