Take it down!


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
We feel safe expressing ourselves on USMB. No problem with listing reasons to do or not to do some things. No issue over mocking political opponents.

For now.

But remember, Our Kenyan President is enamoured of European socialism and want to make it yours.

Europe has already a sheaf of laws that make open expression difficult. Their libel and slander laws are much different that those we now have. It's not very hard to suppress something you don't like just by mentioning the possibility of an expensive lawsuit.

But to have your door knocked on by police telling you to remove a post from this or some other website/social interaction medium?

Can't happen here!

Not yet.

But in England it's already happened:

Police ask blogger to remove tweet about Ukip | Politics | theguardian.com

Notice, the police did ASK, not demand and told the subject he had done nothing against the law. Yet the visit was enough to cause him to remove the "offensive" post though it had been re-Tweeted hundreds of times and was long out of his control. But will he dare "offend" again and risk another visit? Perhaps a less friendly one?

What would you do?

No, let me rephrase that to reflect the trend in Obamerica:

What WILL you do?

This is obviously where we're headed.

While the idea of such an authoritarian environment is repulsive to many us, the Left feels it would somehow make us a more civilized society. Good little scared subjects who are literally afraid to say things that run counter to "acceptable" speech, as it is deemed by the central authority.

It's chilling, but they're all for it.

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Another fine kook victimhood conspiracy thread.

We get it, how so many of the modern right are irredeemable whinyasstittybabies. They can't face real liberals, and they know it, hence they don't even try. Instead, they spend their lives telling each other nutty stories about how their voices told them that the imaginary liberals are oppressing them.

Go on, keep it up. We liberals appreciate the votes it brings us, since normal people don't want to be seen as associated with a pack of eternal-victims.
PC was self censorship and control over free expression. Next step it to ramp it up a little to "encourage" people to remove un-PC speech. After that, it'll be "you better, or else". We still have time to stop it. Fight it by refusing to practice PC speech.

But always be civil. Don't lose your temper.........
We feel safe expressing ourselves on USMB. No problem with listing reasons to do or not to do some things. No issue over mocking political opponents.

For now.

But remember, Our Kenyan President is enamoured of European socialism and want to make it yours.

Europe has already a sheaf of laws that make open expression difficult. Their libel and slander laws are much different that those we now have. It's not very hard to suppress something you don't like just by mentioning the possibility of an expensive lawsuit.

But to have your door knocked on by police telling you to remove a post from this or some other website/social interaction medium?

Can't happen here!

Not yet.

But in England it's already happened:

Police ask blogger to remove tweet about Ukip | Politics | theguardian.com

Notice, the police did ASK, not demand and told the subject he had done nothing against the law. Yet the visit was enough to cause him to remove the "offensive" post though it had been re-Tweeted hundreds of times and was long out of his control. But will he dare "offend" again and risk another visit? Perhaps a less friendly one?

What would you do?

No, let me rephrase that to reflect the trend in Obamerica:

What WILL you do?

This is ignorant hyperbolic nonsense and partisan demagoguery; it's not going to "happen here."
Liberals always laugh when anyone brings up the radical tactics they engage in. Yes, other socialist/communist countries seek to control people and things get increasingly worse. I have heard so many liberals talk fondly of European countries and they want us to be more like them.

There are good reasons why America exists. Our founders wanted something better than the oppressive government they left behind.

Everything liberals have done in the last 200 years has been leading to the same goal. They don't like America and never have. The reason our founders wrote the constitution and founded this country was because they wanted to get away from the dictators who controlled people's lives and taxed them to death. They no longer wanted to be slaves to government and believed that individuals were better suited to run their own lives. For the first time, a country guaranteed freedom and liberty and our rights would be protected.

Of course, the liberals in other countries despised the idea of people governing themselves. Our founders were traitors and I love them for that because they were not loyal to tyrants. If the British had their way, they would have been hung and America would never have become the wonderful country that it did.

It didn't take long for liberals to come here and take root. They organized and since the beginning have sought to take us down. America has long been resented for our prosperity and super power status. The founders knew what they were doing. The youngest country was the best because we did it the right way. Putting faith in people instead of government was key. Dictators never have and never will appreciate that. There will always be those who feel they are superior and will strive to rule over people. I honestly believe that those who feel that way are mentally ill, perhaps even psychopaths.

When you see a party that makes every attempt to control the media and free speech, that taxes us to death, that seeks to control every aspect of our lives, that tramples on our rights and constantly attacks freedom and liberty, you know that tyrannical minds are still alive and well. Human nature will never change and the left's agenda is evidence of that.

In order to gain control of a country, they need power. To get that power, they need blind support. To get that blind support, they get people hooked on government dependence and then threaten that they will lose everything if others get elected. And they must divide people and pit them against each other. Hitler was proud of the loyalty of his useful idiots and used them until he got what he wanted. Once that happened, everyone was expendable.

To control the country, you must have voters who never question you. You must have control over energy, food and medical care. Middle class must be eliminated. Rights must be taken away and people must be disarmed.

When I look around today, I see where liberals have made serious progress with their quest to take down America.

Liberals vowed to take over schools back in the 60s. They knew that adults were difficult to con, but young people were easier to influence. They realized that teaching children from the start was even better. Growing up being taught liberal ideas would mold them into future useful idiots. Common core is the jewel in the crown of their attempt at indoctrination. Young children are being taught to hate guns, that wealth should be redistributed and that global warming means we must give up rights. History is being re-written. They are being taught that Republicans are evil and greedy. It's like the liberals got tired of slowly reaching their goal to destroy America and have become emboldened enough to step up the process.

Tactics that are straight from the radical rule book are being followed and they are starting to have an affect. Liberals are proud of this. Every time people's rights are trampled and the politically correct gurus win, the left cheers. While they likely approve of a visit from police for those who speak ill of the liberal agenda, they wouldn't want the same treatment. They don't believe in equal rights.
Deflection noted.

No, I directly addressed the topic of you being delusional and whiny.

Also note: No denial.

Who here is denying that you're a crybaby loon?

I'd ask you to turn up the eternal-victim act more and get us more votes, but I don't think that's possible. You've already got the dial set at 11.

Yes, the standard deflection and personal insults so typical of partisan ideologues.

You may very well get what you want. Something tells me you won't be a gracious winner.

We feel safe expressing ourselves on USMB. No problem with listing reasons to do or not to do some things. No issue over mocking political opponents.

For now.

But remember, Our Kenyan President is enamoured of European socialism and want to make it yours.

Europe has already a sheaf of laws that make open expression difficult. Their libel and slander laws are much different that those we now have. It's not very hard to suppress something you don't like just by mentioning the possibility of an expensive lawsuit.

But to have your door knocked on by police telling you to remove a post from this or some other website/social interaction medium?

Can't happen here!

Not yet.

But in England it's already happened:

Police ask blogger to remove tweet about Ukip | Politics | theguardian.com

Notice, the police did ASK, not demand and told the subject he had done nothing against the law. Yet the visit was enough to cause him to remove the "offensive" post though it had been re-Tweeted hundreds of times and was long out of his control. But will he dare "offend" again and risk another visit? Perhaps a less friendly one?

What would you do?

No, let me rephrase that to reflect the trend in Obamerica:

What WILL you do?

This is ignorant hyperbolic nonsense and partisan demagoguery; it's not going to "happen here."

Damn, isn't that what they said in Germany? It can't happen here.
We feel safe expressing ourselves on USMB. No problem with listing reasons to do or not to do some things. No issue over mocking political opponents.

For now.

But remember, Our Kenyan President is enamoured of European socialism and want to make it yours.

Europe has already a sheaf of laws that make open expression difficult. Their libel and slander laws are much different that those we now have. It's not very hard to suppress something you don't like just by mentioning the possibility of an expensive lawsuit.

But to have your door knocked on by police telling you to remove a post from this or some other website/social interaction medium?

Can't happen here!

Not yet.

But in England it's already happened:

Police ask blogger to remove tweet about Ukip | Politics | theguardian.com

Notice, the police did ASK, not demand and told the subject he had done nothing against the law. Yet the visit was enough to cause him to remove the "offensive" post though it had been re-Tweeted hundreds of times and was long out of his control. But will he dare "offend" again and risk another visit? Perhaps a less friendly one?

What would you do?

No, let me rephrase that to reflect the trend in Obamerica:

What WILL you do?

This is ignorant hyperbolic nonsense and partisan demagoguery; it's not going to "happen here."

Damn, isn't that what they said in Germany? It can't happen here.

During the 2010 election run-up, liberals in Wisconsin used LEO's to keep conservatives from holding up their own signs or being in the first five rows of a public event. The officers held conservatives at the main entrance and forced them to relinquish their signs while ushering approved attendees to a special entrance so they could pick up preapproved liberal signs and fill the front rows.
We feel safe expressing ourselves on USMB. No problem with listing reasons to do or not to do some things. No issue over mocking political opponents.

For now.

But remember, Our Kenyan President is enamoured of European socialism and want to make it yours.

Europe has already a sheaf of laws that make open expression difficult. Their libel and slander laws are much different that those we now have. It's not very hard to suppress something you don't like just by mentioning the possibility of an expensive lawsuit.

But to have your door knocked on by police telling you to remove a post from this or some other website/social interaction medium?

Can't happen here!

Not yet.

But in England it's already happened:

Police ask blogger to remove tweet about Ukip | Politics | theguardian.com

Notice, the police did ASK, not demand and told the subject he had done nothing against the law. Yet the visit was enough to cause him to remove the "offensive" post though it had been re-Tweeted hundreds of times and was long out of his control. But will he dare "offend" again and risk another visit? Perhaps a less friendly one?

What would you do?

No, let me rephrase that to reflect the trend in Obamerica:

What WILL you do?

This is ignorant hyperbolic nonsense and partisan demagoguery; it's not going to "happen here."

Came pretty damn close last month with that "unwelcome" to Condi Rice -- didn't it?
Small group of whiners intimidated the entire nation into backing off.
If you think about it, we did have though police a few years ago. Anyone remember AttackWatch? That was Obama's Soviet-style website where sheep were encouraged to snitch on people who were bad mouthing Obamacare. I was told by an idiot poster that he/she reported me for claiming that Obama was lying about some promises made before Obamacare was shoved through. While I didn't get a visit from the PC police, I was probably put on some list. Of course, now we know that the secret enemy list contains names of people who saw through the bullshit and knew he was lying.

And those who openly spoke out against liberal policies found themselves being audited by the IRS and denied tax-exempt status. Many Republican donors have been audited. That is worse than some cops showing up to ASK you to withdraw your comments. Having corrupt government bureaucrats come after you means no fair treatment and no recourse for the victim after they've been screwed.

I'd say we are being told to shut up in a very underhanded way. They can't stop free speech, something Obama lamented about during a speech to some Muslims, but they can and do make life hell for those who speak out against them.

Facebook takes down posts that they find offensive. Companies are being pressured to fire people who don't toe the line. How many people have lost their jobs for having the "wrong" opinion? Companies could very well fear reprisals if they don't make an example out of people who speak out against the current regime. Anything anti-liberal, anti-amnesty, anti-Muslim or anti-gay is viewed as hate speech and they do take action.

Some countries are more open about their policies regarding dissention. Our government is doing the same, only being secretive about it.
Another fine kook victimhood conspiracy thread.

We get it, how so many of the modern right are irredeemable whinyasstittybabies. They can't face real liberals, and they know it, hence they don't even try. Instead, they spend their lives telling each other nutty stories about how their voices told them that the imaginary liberals are oppressing them.

Go on, keep it up. We liberals appreciate the votes it brings us, since normal people don't want to be seen as associated with a pack of eternal-victims.

We don't understand the Mail? The BBC? You are really starting to get under my skin.
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Another fine kook victimhood conspiracy thread.

We get it, how so many of the modern right are irredeemable whinyasstittybabies. They can't face real liberals, and they know it, hence they don't even try. Instead, they spend their lives telling each other nutty stories about how their voices told them that the imaginary liberals are oppressing them.

Go on, keep it up. We liberals appreciate the votes it brings us, since normal people don't want to be seen as associated with a pack of eternal-victims.
Who says we're homophobic?
PC was self censorship and control over free expression. Next step it to ramp it up a little to "encourage" people to remove un-PC speech. After that, it'll be "you better, or else". We still have time to stop it. Fight it by refusing to practice PC speech.

But always be civil. Don't lose your temper.........

To his credit, Bill Maher is on our side when it comes to free speech.
This is ignorant hyperbolic nonsense and partisan demagoguery; it's not going to "happen here."

Damn, isn't that what they said in Germany? It can't happen here.

During the 2010 election run-up, liberals in Wisconsin used LEO's to keep conservatives from holding up their own signs or being in the first five rows of a public event. The officers held conservatives at the main entrance and forced them to relinquish their signs while ushering approved attendees to a special entrance so they could pick up preapproved liberal signs and fill the front rows.

during the 04 election both Kerry and Bush had demonstration zones about 5 miles away from the actual events, All fenced in....

guess what they used to keep people in line? LEO's...


Oh and this was pointed out to people on a mainly rightwing board at the time. They ignored it.

So please save the fakerage.
If you think about it, we did have though police a few years ago. Anyone remember AttackWatch? That was Obama's Soviet-style website where sheep were encouraged to snitch on people who were bad mouthing Obamacare. I was told by an idiot poster that he/she reported me for claiming that Obama was lying about some promises made before Obamacare was shoved through. While I didn't get a visit from the PC police, I was probably put on some list. Of course, now we know that the secret enemy list contains names of people who saw through the bullshit and knew he was lying.

And those who openly spoke out against liberal policies found themselves being audited by the IRS and denied tax-exempt status. Many Republican donors have been audited. That is worse than some cops showing up to ASK you to withdraw your comments. Having corrupt government bureaucrats come after you means no fair treatment and no recourse for the victim after they've been screwed.

I'd say we are being told to shut up in a very underhanded way. They can't stop free speech, something Obama lamented about during a speech to

, but they can and do make life hell for those who speak out against them.

Facebook takes down posts that they find offensive. Companies are being pressured to fire people who don't toe the line. How many people have lost their jobs for having the "wrong" opinion? Companies could very well fear reprisals if they don't make an example out of people who speak out against the current regime. Anything anti-liberal, anti-amnesty, anti-Muslim or anti-gay is viewed as hate speech and they do take action.

Some countries are more open about their policies regarding dissention. Our government is doing the same, only being secretive about it.

I blame islam....Without conspiracy your posts would drop to about one a day.

edit: Whoops didnt see you already covered your bigotry for Muslims. good times
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