Survey Finds 40% of Japanese Men in Their Twenties Have Never Dated


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

This is what the modern western world and feminism gets you. Along with the willingness by massive amounts of men around the so-called Westernize world, who are spending all their money on pornography, Instagram and TikTok.

The White Paper on Gender Equality 2022, published by Japan’s Cabinet Office, has shown that many people in their twenties and thirties, which used to be considered to be the most suitable age for marriage, are actually far removed from romantic relationships.

In a survey conducted in 2021, 65.8% of men and 51.8% of women in their twenties said that they had “no spouse or partner

This kind of stuff is unsustainable. And it’s only the countries with the traditional values of honor and integrity that will prevail in the future.
It is becoming a global issue for a multittude of reasons. Primarily the internet and the rampant anti-social skills a new generation has. Everything is instant and about convenience or is transactional. Chat online, order food, trips whatever all at your fingertips. I am shocked at the profiles of women in Ontario and how delusional they are. Single in their 40s I imagine many of them will remain that way until they pass on. We have lost our spirit. It is far worse here than in the U.S, but far worse in Japan than in Canada.
Where have you been? This has been going on for awhile.

They are called grass eaters.


This is what the modern western world and feminism gets you. Along with the willingness by massive amounts of men around the so-called Westernize world, who are spending all their money on pornography, Instagram and TikTok.

The White Paper on Gender Equality 2022, published by Japan’s Cabinet Office, has shown that many people in their twenties and thirties, which used to be considered to be the most suitable age for marriage, are actually far removed from romantic relationships.

In a survey conducted in 2021, 65.8% of men and 51.8% of women in their twenties said that they had “no spouse or partner

This kind of stuff is unsustainable. And it’s only the countries with the traditional values of honor and integrity that will prevail in the future.

So feminism is the reason for a lack of relationships?

That speaks volumes. But what do you propose we do about it?
Years ago, Japan was offering American men money to marry Japanese women (dune to the population declining). Now it’s $1 million yen per child to leave Tokyo to help reverse the population decline in the regions. Amazing that it’s come to that.


This is what the modern western world and feminism gets you. Along with the willingness by massive amounts of men around the so-called Westernize world, who are spending all their money on pornography, Instagram and TikTok.

The White Paper on Gender Equality 2022, published by Japan’s Cabinet Office, has shown that many people in their twenties and thirties, which used to be considered to be the most suitable age for marriage, are actually far removed from romantic relationships.

In a survey conducted in 2021, 65.8% of men and 51.8% of women in their twenties said that they had “no spouse or partner

This kind of stuff is unsustainable. And it’s only the countries with the traditional values of honor and integrity that will prevail in the future.
If you can't afford a wife and child, you shouldn't seek out a wife and child.

I Asked My Guy Friends Why They Don’t Want To Date ... - Evie …

Mar 21, 2022 · You’ve probably heard the idea that feminism isn’t about equality of opportunity, it’s about equality of outcomes. But feminists don’t desire equality of outcome anymore either; they demand being above men, except for when it’s convenient to them, which is why young men are growing fatigued from dating feminist women. In an effort to …

Karen Harradine: Feminists have ruined dating for women

Feb 27, 2017 · Cerberus: Queen Theresa can make Britain great again. Karen Harradine The Conservative Woman. Karen is an anthropologist and freelance journalist. She writes on anti-Semitism, Israel and spirituality. She is @KarenH777 on Twitter. Feminists believe that men are in a conspiracy to subjugate and abuse women.

Woke women are killing marriage and dating - Washington Examiner

Nov 10, 2020 · Suzanne Venker ( @SuzanneVenker) is a contributor to the Washington Examiner's Beltway Confidential blog. She's the author of five books, a relationship coach, and the host of " The Suzanne Venker ...

Feminists Freak Out After Discovering Men Don’t Want To Date …

Jan 23, 2020 · Feminists Freak Out After Discovering Men Don’t Want To Date ‘Woke’ Women. It turns out, there is an entire segment of men — even, perhaps, a rather large one — that has sworn off dating “woke women,” and feminists, predictably, are quite angry about it. One writer at the women’s lifestyle site, Refinery 29, gave voice to the ...

Feminists have destroyed dating and marriage.
Western Civilization is disappearing.
Marrying one's high school sweetheart is pretty normal in America. However, it is unacceptable to have a girlfriend in high school in Japan because most Japanese schools ban dating altogether. They are only allowed to date a woman after graduating from high school. By that time, it is too late to develop social skills associated with relationships for most Japanese men.
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And it’s only the countries with the traditional values of honor and integrity that will prevail in the future.
The population decline in Russia is pretty severe. It appears they lack those traditional values.

There's a whole production industry on YouTube making videos about how it's the evils of feminism that causes young men to be unable to get date. They'll find some delusional golddigging woman on tiktok, and declare how that's "feminism", even though it has nothing to do with feminism.

Why? It's a standard authoritarian technique to try to brainwash young men by telling them the political opposition is to blame for them not being able to date. The jihadists do it as well.
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This is what the modern western world and feminism gets you. Along with the willingness by massive amounts of men around the so-called Westernize world, who are spending all their money on pornography, Instagram and TikTok.

The White Paper on Gender Equality 2022, published by Japan’s Cabinet Office, has shown that many people in their twenties and thirties, which used to be considered to be the most suitable age for marriage, are actually far removed from romantic relationships.

In a survey conducted in 2021, 65.8% of men and 51.8% of women in their twenties said that they had “no spouse or partner

This kind of stuff is unsustainable. And it’s only the countries with the traditional values of honor and integrity that will prevail in the future.
I am single and never had a girlfriend and I am very happy with my life. I'm a Korean-American male and 46 years old and soon to be 47 on December 25 Christmas Day. December 25, 1976 - a Dragon and Capricorn. :)
I am single and never had a girlfriend and I am very happy with my life. I'm a Korean-American male and 46 years old and soon to be 47 on December 25 Christmas Day. December 25, 1976 - a Dragon and Capricorn. :)
God bless you my friend. We’re both bills fans so there you go.
I believe that Japanese men work to much and therefore they have no time for dating.

Actually you are pretty close. Education and training for good paying technical fields are such that many young men have no time outside of pursuing their careers and getting established in enough success to afford retirement until they are into their 30s and 40s.

That is why low income, uneducated poor factions of society are growing at a much faster rate, because they have nothing to do but stay home trying to have babies while collecting checks paid for by the hard working single people.
What does our ambassador to Japan have to say? I'm sure the Baby Daddy per capita is much lower there, and doesn't reflect our high standards.
Real jobs have declined,and men are heavily discriminated against in the job markets these days. Women don't want men who make less money than they do, so, despite all the Woke bullshit, what women are really whining about is fewer rich dorks to exploit with sex around these days. They still want white men who can pamper and feed them while they shop all day.

In a survey conducted in 2021, 65.8% of men and 51.8% of women in their twenties said that they had “no spouse or partner

As far as I can see most children here in Germany have no parents any longer but only a single living mother.
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