suddenly i feel very old


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
yesterday i had to go over to the neighbor who has a pack....bull mastiff/great dane crosses and a great dane...the great dane is up for stud i was talking to him about getting the puppy.. when suddenly the dane just began to push me around playing...i could not stop him..the owner was pulling him away but then i realized..i am too damn old to start over with a massive great dane...part of the reason i wanted a pup off this dane was he is a healthy as hell weight problems...

it is scary watching the bull mastiff mixes fight with each other...they are playing but go up in the air ...
Smaller terrier breeds maybe better for you they are easy to train and take are of and good protectors. I will add proper training is the main thing with dogs .None of the dogs I have had would have done that to you by me just useing a hand command.
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Bull Mastiffs probably weigh as much as or more than you, Bonesey.

Also are young with endless energy. Do you really want to deal with that?

I deal with a bratty pitbull all the time. It's a handful.
yesterday i had to go over to the neighbor who has a pack....bull mastiff/great dane crosses and a great dane...the great dane is up for stud i was talking to him about getting the puppy.. when suddenly the dane just began to push me around playing...i could not stop him..the owner was pulling him away but then i realized..i am too damn old to start over with a massive great dane...part of the reason i wanted a pup off this dane was he is a healthy as hell weight problems...

it is scary watching the bull mastiff mixes fight with each other...they are playing but go up in the air ...
Shepard mix
Bull Mastiffs probably weigh as much as or more than you, Bonesey.

Also are young with endless energy. Do you really want to deal with that?

I deal with a bratty pitbull all the time. It's a handful.
Pitbulls have been bred historically for...?
House dogs? To take down hogs? Idk :dunno:

I know they will naturally take down hogs, whether you want them to or not.
I could never read them. I used to go to dog shows. I've seen families with small children having aggressive dogs. But the owners knew what the pups were bred for.

I've known far too many people who have had a pitbull turn on them or others. Part of it is of course the owners lack of shit
Pitbulls have been bred historically for...?
Pit fighting and hunting. But they are friendly dogs that will bond to you easily with proper training. But without proper training and abuse and neglect a [pit bull can be a very powerfull amd dangerous animal. Saying that I use rough house with mine in the yard and then drop down and played dead he would gently grab my arm and drag to the porch and yip until my mom came out and get on to me for upsetting the dog. :)
Pit fighting and hunting. But they are friendly dogs that will bond to you easily with proper training. But without proper training and abuse and neglect a [pit bull can be a very powerfull amd dangerous animal. Saying that I use rough house with mine in the yard and then drop down and played dead he would gently grab my arm and drag to the porch and yip until my mom came out and get on to me for upsetting the dog. :)
I get it. But personally, I could never read them. There are a few breeds and mixes that fall into that category.

And I agree 100% -- training - of the owners. :laughing0301:

My pup (D), was a hundred pound pup when I adopted him. Almost one-year old, and some what aggressive. I almost returned him to the pound, when I gave him a chance -- spoke to a woman who bred and trained large pups. She gave me a few tips. I also ignored D for about a month (he would constantly look to be physical and get attention).
Afterwards, he was so attentive and easily trained. He was looking to me for guidance.

I don't subscribe to the theory that the pup looks at the people as part of the pack. My D knew I was not another dog, and he knew that I was in charge of if and when and what he'd eat. His walks and exercise. We were companions, with me being the First amongst equals. I'll nver forget the day I chose to put him down. He struggles with the second of three shots. Except for during the first shot where he started to get dizzy and nervous, I held him the whole time. I had let him walk away into a corner of the room, before calling him to me.
i have 3 dogs...two around 60 lbs and a 19 lb beagle mix....i would say the bull mastiff mixes and the dane all are around 150 lb...i just cant even imagine how physical a pup would be..i dont have the energy to start over with a big dog....even my beloved dobermans are too much now
Vicious/dangerous dog breeds should be considered wild animals, and their owners should face strict liability for any harm those dogs inflict.
Vicious/dangerous dog breeds should be considered wild animals, and their owners should face strict liability for any harm those dogs inflict.

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