Stuck On Stupid

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
Obama's vaunted "jobs" plan is revealed as a rehash of the Stimulus Bill that brought us 9% unemployment and no new jobs.
Obama to propose $300 billion jobs package: reports - Yahoo! News
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama, facing waning confidence among Americans in his economic stewardship, plans some $300 billion in tax cuts and government spending as part of a job-creating package, U.S. media reported on Tuesday.

The price tag of the proposed package, to be announced by Obama in a nationally televised speech to Congress on Thursday, would be offset by other cuts that the president would outline, CNN reported, citing Democratic sources.

Bloomberg News said the plan would inject more than $300 billion into the economy next year through tax cuts, spending on infrastructure, and aid to state and local governments.

Obama would offset those short-term costs by calling on Congress to raise tax revenues in a deficit-cutting proposal he will lay out next week, the news agency reported, without citing sources.

The White House declined to comment on the reports.
More at the source.
Obama's aides have refused to go public with the estimated cost of Obama's package or provide many specifics in advance, except to say that the proposals will have a "quick and positive" impact on boosting jobs at a time of stubbornly high U.S. unemployment.

Commenting on this plan, without knowing the details of it, is sort of difficult.
Just as long as it produces more of those fabulous "shovel ready" jobs for these unemployed Liberals, I am OK with it. Maybe he'll bring back Cash for Clunkers II as a bonus.
Obama's aides have refused to go public with the estimated cost of Obama's package or provide many specifics in advance, except to say that the proposals will have a "quick and positive" impact on boosting jobs at a time of stubbornly high U.S. unemployment.

Commenting on this plan, without knowing the details of it, is sort of difficult.

I wonder why Obama aides have refused to go public..
If it were so awesomet, damn Skippy 'they' would be 'going public'!
hes going public tomarrow in his speach.

Stimulus has historically proven to create jobs and ease an economic downturn.

The last one was too small ( gop insisted it be smaller) and was wieghted twith too many tax cuts instead of stimulus (gop insisted on a mountain of tax cuts).

You can pretend for your political hackmanship that stimulus doesnt work but that doesnt make it true.

BTW WHY do you think it gains your party to lie about stimulus and do you care that those lies HURT the American people?
Obama's aides have refused to go public with the estimated cost of Obama's package or provide many specifics in advance, except to say that the proposals will have a "quick and positive" impact on boosting jobs at a time of stubbornly high U.S. unemployment.
Quick and positive impact on jobs?
Like the healthcare law that was supposed to create 400,000 jobs 'almost immediately'?

(still waiting for those jobs... maybe TM can tell us specifically where they are?)
He should have spent the last stimulus wisely. They fucked up and now they want to bail themselves out. This has nothing to do with jobs - except one job.... that of President of the United States. He wants to save his own fucking job.
hes going public tomarrow in his speach.

Stimulus has historically proven to create jobs and ease an economic downturn.

The last one was too small ( gop insisted it be smaller) and was wieghted twith too many tax cuts instead of stimulus (gop insisted on a mountain of tax cuts).

You can pretend for your political hackmanship that stimulus doesnt work but that doesnt make it true.

BTW WHY do you think it gains your party to lie about stimulus and do you care that those lies HURT the American people?

His speach ?

Stuck on stupid still ?
Obama's vaunted "jobs" plan is revealed as a rehash of the Stimulus Bill that brought us 9% unemployment and no new jobs.
Obama to propose $300 billion jobs package: reports - Yahoo! News
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama, facing waning confidence among Americans in his economic stewardship, plans some $300 billion in tax cuts and government spending as part of a job-creating package, U.S. media reported on Tuesday.

The price tag of the proposed package, to be announced by Obama in a nationally televised speech to Congress on Thursday, would be offset by other cuts that the president would outline, CNN reported, citing Democratic sources.

Bloomberg News said the plan would inject more than $300 billion into the economy next year through tax cuts, spending on infrastructure, and aid to state and local governments.

Obama would offset those short-term costs by calling on Congress to raise tax revenues in a deficit-cutting proposal he will lay out next week, the news agency reported, without citing sources.

The White House declined to comment on the reports.
More at the source.

When Obama says tax revenues, he means tax raises. It hasn't happened yet you think it will this time?
(If his 300 billion stimulus, now re labeled "Kinetic Wealth Redistribution Programs" by the Democrats, is so urgently needed, why wasn't it included in 2009's 787 billion dollar stimulus, instead of the ten million for "Walked' guns into Mexico, and the $130,000 for Omaha City's little kiddies, and probably many other cities as well? When your kid takes the family credit card for a reckless spending spree $1000 boots, dresses, and goodies for their friends, you'd take the credit card away, wouldn't you as a responsible parent? The Left has already conclusively proved they have no spending sense.)

"I especially want you to have all this information handy when Obama complains on Thursday about all the infrastructure that’s still not getting built despite the $230 billion in porkulus money set aside for construction projects

I’ve been reporting for more than a year about how Big Labor will benefit from Obama’s new government infrastructure bank/public construction slush funds — and how feckless U.S. Chamber of Commerce officials in Washington are going along with the union-exclusive project labor agreements that punish taxpayers, employers, and non-union workers. Pay special attention to those goodies in Obama’s jobs speech. The jackals at Teamsters headquarters in D.C. can’t wait to tear up more of your tax dollars on government projects doled out by the crony-in-chief.

As usual, Jimmy Hoffa Jr.’s Tea Party-bashing is a calculated distraction from his festering ethics problems and internal Teamsters strife. According to the FBI via the Center for Union Facts, four of the last eight Teamsters presidents have been criminally indicted and since FY 2001, racketeering investigations have yielded more than 2,000 indictments and awarded more than $3 billion in fines and restitution. In past union elections, Hoffa’s team was caught laundering union funds for electioneering and for campaign polling on dues-payers’ dime. Hoffa now faces a new challenge to his union presidency from his own far Left flank this fall. Make sure to read about the latest election corruption he’s embroiled in below.

Barry and Jimmy: Birds of a feather"

Michelle Malkin » How Obama protects the Teamsters
He should have spent the last stimulus wisely. They fucked up and now they want to bail themselves out. This has nothing to do with jobs - except one job.... that of President of the United States. He wants to save his own fucking job.

There was no "spending the money wisely." That is impossible. When Bush approved tons of aid for Katrina victims the level of fraud and waste was enormous. Any time gov't spends huge sums of money there is going to be fraud and waste because the spur is to spend the money, not solve the problem.
Obama's vaunted "jobs" plan is revealed as a rehash of the Stimulus Bill that brought us 9% unemployment and no new jobs.
Obama to propose $300 billion jobs package: reports - Yahoo! News
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama, facing waning confidence among Americans in his economic stewardship, plans some $300 billion in tax cuts and government spending as part of a job-creating package, U.S. media reported on Tuesday.

The price tag of the proposed package, to be announced by Obama in a nationally televised speech to Congress on Thursday, would be offset by other cuts that the president would outline, CNN reported, citing Democratic sources.

Bloomberg News said the plan would inject more than $300 billion into the economy next year through tax cuts, spending on infrastructure, and aid to state and local governments.

Obama would offset those short-term costs by calling on Congress to raise tax revenues in a deficit-cutting proposal he will lay out next week, the news agency reported, without citing sources.

The White House declined to comment on the reports.
More at the source.

When Obama says tax revenues, he means tax raises. It hasn't happened yet you think it will this time?

Closing loopholes wouldn't be a tax raise. It's the hypocrisy of the Tea party that are willing to accept all sorts of tax-giveaways, just to protect their particular favorites. Not true? Then give me a list of the loopholes the TPers want to close?
Bloomberg News said the plan would inject more than $300 billion into the economy next year through tax cuts, spending on infrastructure, and aid to state and local governments.

In other words it doesnt do shit!!!
I can't bother with what Barry might dream up next go-round. Can't help it as I'm still busting a gut from when he and the lefty clowns around him started laughing about all those shovel ready jobs that really didn't exist. What a hoot, huh? All those unemployed folks fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Too funny!!! Hell, forget Habitat for Humanity come January '13, Barry. Your future is in stand-up comedy.
If nearly a trillion didn't work, what makes anyone think that another 300 billion will?
He should have spent the last stimulus wisely. They fucked up and now they want to bail themselves out. This has nothing to do with jobs - except one job.... that of President of the United States. He wants to save his own fucking job.

Too bad 40% of the stimulus was GOP imposed tax cut. Tax cuts have the worst multiplier (about .50) of any government policy.
He should have spent the last stimulus wisely. They fucked up and now they want to bail themselves out. This has nothing to do with jobs - except one job.... that of President of the United States. He wants to save his own fucking job.

Too bad 40% of the stimulus was GOP imposed tax cut. Tax cuts have the worst multiplier (about .50) of any government policy.

dufus. only three repubs voted for the stimulus.

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