Strike Three?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. We tried to warn you that this empty suit didn’t have the qualifications…

“CBS Poll: Lack Of Experience Hurts Obama
More than half of voters (51 percent) think Obama, a first-term U.S. senator from Illinois, does not have the right kind of experience to be a good president, compared with 29 percent who think he does."
CBS Poll: Lack Of Experience Hurts Obama - CBS News

2. We tried to warn you about the global warming scam…

“The biggest news story of the day is one that has barely begun to break and will continue to reverberate for months or years to come. Someone hacked into a computer at the University of East Anglia's Hadley Climatic Research Centre, one of the main centers of anthropogenic global warming research…. The emails are stunning. They are authored by many of the leading figures in the global warming movement: Michael Mann, James Hansen, Phil Jones, Keith Briffa, Stephen Schneider, and others…. that pro-global warming scientists fudge data to get the results they are looking forPower Line - Global Warming Bombshell

3.We tried to warn you about the ‘death panels’ in the Obamacare bill, that saw reducing healthcare costs had to involve depriving the oldies of life-sustaining medication…but you laughed, and referred to ‘wingnuts’…who would believe that our vaunted liberals could think that way (again…Progressives did):

“"Some years down the pike, we're going to get the real solution, which is going to be a combination of death panels and sales taxes. It's going to be that we're actually going to take Medicare under control, and we're going to have to get some additional revenue, probably from a VAT. But it's not going to happen now." Krugman: Death Panels, VAT Will Fix Debt Crisis

Geeez, when you lefties are so wrong so often, don’t you think you should be looking for some sort of psychological intervention???

At least, could you make some New Year's resolutions...
People were told but they just didn't want to listen. They were far too busy lapping up the corrupt Liberal Media's "BOOOOOOOOOOSH!!" propaganda. This guy was not qualified to be President. I have said this all along. He's still an inexperienced "Community Organizer." Nothing has changed.
People were told but they just didn't want to listen. They were far too busy lapping up the corrupt Liberal Media's "BOOOOOOOOOOSH!!" propaganda. This guy was not qualified to be President. I have said this all along. He's still an inexperienced "Community Organizer." Nothing has changed.

I beg to differ....

Having closely followed his career, at least since assuming the presidency, it is very clear that he would have made a better than average Deputy Secretary of Education.
People were told but they just didn't want to listen. They were far too busy lapping up the corrupt Liberal Media's "BOOOOOOOOOOSH!!" propaganda. This guy was not qualified to be President. I have said this all along. He's still an inexperienced "Community Organizer." Nothing has changed.

I beg to differ....

Having closely followed his career, at least since assuming the presidency, it is very clear that he would have made a better than average Deputy Secretary of Education.

That is Faint Praise indeed.
Your warnings still haven't come to fruition and so I'm not sure what to say to you. Your obvious goal is to come to USMessageboard and create obscurely sourced threads in an attempt to diminish other Citizens' intelligence and perhaps boost your own self confidence.

Question #1. How does a poll of what people "think" detract from and/or add to a person's "experience?"

Question #2. How can any amount of sourcing which sheds light on your view of Global Warming, while not simultaneously sourcing the Data which directly conflicts with your view, be considered a balanced & well researched outline?
Like, you really think an Obama supporter is going to go:

"let's see, people polled find him inexperienced, global warming is a scam in some people's opinions, and oh yeah.......DEATH PANELS!!"

And then be like, ohhh...after these three strikes? I'm like, totally a Conservative now!
The only "empty suits" or "empty dresses" are those like PC and her supporters who have no idea what they are talking about. Fact: previous experience is no guarantee of excellence (example: James Buchanan and Abraham Lincoln). Fact: global warming is occurring (the only question is the role of man in it). Fact: the only "death panels" are those held by health insurance companies that deny continuing coverage to those who need it. Fact: PoliticalChic should be called PoliticalHackChic.
People were told but they just didn't want to listen. They were far too busy lapping up the corrupt Liberal Media's "BOOOOOOOOOOSH!!" propaganda. This guy was not qualified to be President. I have said this all along. He's still an inexperienced "Community Organizer." Nothing has changed.

I think I am going to cry. Life is so bad, I maybe taxed in my future. Oh, gawwd, the evil tax, while corporations and the rich go free.
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i'm disappointed by this thread, PC. you normally work with some cut-n-pastes of some quality primary sources and then butcher their implications afterward. here you're butchering some garbage sources. better luck next time.
Like, you really think an Obama supporter is going to go:

"let's see, people polled find him inexperienced, global warming is a scam in some people's opinions, and oh yeah.......DEATH PANELS!!"

And then be like, ohhh...after these three strikes? I'm like, totally a Conservative now!

While not Conservative, the nation has concluded that it would be best to move right.
You've documented that you have no sense of where the nation is going...

"Riding a wave of voter frustration over the economy and the federal government itself, the Republican Party sailed into the majority in the House of Representatives Tuesday with victories projected to be on a scale not seen since the end of the New Deal. "
Republicans Win House Majority, Make Senate Gains in Wave Election -

Possibly a more incisive post from your side of the aisle might have been to attack me from another direction: my OP might be considered to be so five-minutes-ago, as the nation has already handed the House over to the GOP, an obvious extension of my OP, and prior to same...

But then incisive has never been your strong suit.

Rather you come across as whining about the fact that I have reminded what you call 'Obama supporters' about said 'strikes.'

As for your request that I give 'evidence' for the alternate side, you seem to think that we on the right are like 'Scrubbing Bubbles,' we work hard so you don't have to.
People were told but they just didn't want to listen. They were far too busy lapping up the corrupt Liberal Media's "BOOOOOOOOOOSH!!" propaganda. This guy was not qualified to be President. I have said this all along. He's still an inexperienced "Community Organizer." Nothing has changed.

I think I am going to cry. Life is so bad, I maybe taxed in my future. Oh, gawwd, the evil tax, while corporations and the rich go free.

I'm sure that you wouldn't write a post including terms that are beyond your understanding...

so, would you mind explaining who the "rich" are?
Like, you really think an Obama supporter is going to go:

"let's see, people polled find him inexperienced, global warming is a scam in some people's opinions, and oh yeah.......DEATH PANELS!!"

And then be like, ohhh...after these three strikes? I'm like, totally a Conservative now!

While not Conservative, the nation has concluded that it would be best to move right.
You've documented that you have no sense of where the nation is going...

"Riding a wave of voter frustration over the economy and the federal government itself, the Republican Party sailed into the majority in the House of Representatives Tuesday with victories projected to be on a scale not seen since the end of the New Deal. "
Republicans Win House Majority, Make Senate Gains in Wave Election -

Possibly a more incisive post from your side of the aisle might have been to attack me from another direction: my OP might be considered to be so five-minutes-ago, as the nation has already handed the House over to the GOP, an obvious extension of my OP, and prior to same...

But then incisive has never been your strong suit.

Rather you come across as whining about the fact that I have reminded what you call 'Obama supporters' about said 'strikes.'

As for your request that I give 'evidence' for the alternate side, you seem to think that we on the right are like 'Scrubbing Bubbles,' we work hard so you don't have to.

Your OP isn't one tenth of one percent incisive. There's no point in going in-depth and making outlines that say as much, when likely 90% of people who read it can conclude that themselves. I'd go to no such trouble for an apparent dummy, that lacks class for a lady.

Outline that.
i'm disappointed by this thread, PC. you normally work with some cut-n-pastes of some quality primary sources and then butcher their implications afterward. here you're butchering some garbage sources. better luck next time.

Let me return the good wishes: better luck in selecting a champion.
People were told but they just didn't want to listen. They were far too busy lapping up the corrupt Liberal Media's "BOOOOOOOOOOSH!!" propaganda. This guy was not qualified to be President. I have said this all along. He's still an inexperienced "Community Organizer." Nothing has changed.

I beg to differ....

Having closely followed his career, at least since assuming the presidency, it is very clear that he would have made a better than average Deputy Secretary of Education.

Just so he is third or fourth deputy with no chance to be elevated to the highest post. He has demonstrated far too little grasp of historical context to be trusted with the education of children.

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