Wasn't The bush Tax Cuts Set To Expire Now?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Isn't it a KNOWN FACT that the bush Administration did NOT pay for the tax cuts, but instead passed the bill on to our grandchildren by making the bill due at least a decade later?

Now the RepubliCON$ are arguing to pass the bill on to our grandchildren once again by extending it and yay...threatening to make them PERMANENT!

WHEN will they be paid for? By WHOM? And HOW?

Most importantly, WHY are the cowardly Democrats even ENTERTAINING such a thing with these bastards?
Isn't it a known fact that you don't pay for tax cuts because it wasnt your money to begin with?

Isn't it a known fact that if you want to avoid deficits, you need to cut spending?
So you want to raise taxes now? With unemployment already this high? I think you should actually think for a change.

No asshole...its not "raising taxes" its letting the bush Tax Cuts EXPIRE.

Get it now?
Before the bus Tax Cuts, were they considered "raised" then?
Let me try this again...

BEFORE the bush Tax Cuts, were they considered "raised" then?
Oh boy.. another douchebag "pay for tax cuts" rant.

Hey, DoucheATL, if tax cuts expire, then taxes go up. Are you retarded or something?
Why? Because democrats are playing republican lite ever since they got thier asses kicked a decade ago. And they fight like girls and lose. that's why
I would love to see Nancy Pelosi and her merry band of idiots raise taxes right now. It would make the 2012 elections a cake walk for the Republicans.
For the THIRD time, I'll repeat the question so the TURDS on the right can get it.

Before the bush Tax Cuts, were they considered "raised" then?

Get it, third-turd? hehehehe
Just a thought, but wouldn't it be great if the partisan politics of BOTH sides stopped and our so-called leaders actually debated pending legislation based on the merits of the benefit to the country?

I know I am dreaming, but wouldn't it be great........
For the THIRD time, I'll repeat the question so the TURDS on the right can get it.

Before the bush Tax Cuts, were they considered "raised" then?

Get it, third-turd? hehehehe

You're not getting an answer because it is a completely retarded question. It makes no sense.

Now, let me help you... is your question, before the tax rates were lowered, were they at a rate that was higher than a previous level? Ok, yes, they were.

So fucking what? Point?
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Put another way.. if gas goes down tomorrow and up the next day, then the price still went up from day two to day three.

It isn't that complicated Marc, even you should be able to grasp this one.
So you want to raise taxes now? With unemployment already this high? I think you should actually think for a change.

Convince us that there is a time when the conservative consensus would be that it would be the right time to raise taxes.

This is a conservative red herring, oh, we can't raise taxes in a recession. As if conservatives would EVER support raising taxes...

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