Stop the Flow of Anti-Trans Hate & Malicious Disinformation About Trans Healthcare

It's not obsessing, it's pointing out the public display of fetishes and the sexualizing of children.

It is being shoved down our throats, and denying it doesn't make you look too smart.
You are obsessing 24/7 over things in your imagination that either aren't happening or that you are blowing completely out of proportion.
They should be aware that there is a benefit to their movement from letting the fundie wackjobs express their madness and hatred freely and openly. Independent and moderate voters are turned off by the religious madness that is the voice of the anti-LGBT movement.
Have you seen the most recent polling? Support has fallen in those of all political stripes. That's why glaad is getting involved. The truth is hurting them.
Conservatives don't object to grooming that is actually being performed by religious people, so why would independents and moderates object to grooming that isn't being performed by groups those conservatives hate?
That's parents rights to raise their children the way they want to as long as they don't abuse them. It's possible for a religious person to abuse their children based on religion. It's done frequently with Muslims when they mutilate girl's vaginas. Do you approve of mutilation of girl's vaginas the way they do? If not, then why do you approve of mutilation of vaginas with so called trans children? Most religious parents teach them correct principles of good verses evil and then let the children govern themselves when they reach adulthood. That's not what is happening with trans children under the hands of fascist Democrats who have buckled under the pressure of LGBTQ demands. The activists are demanding the Government steps in and assumes the parental rights of children and forces the children to be mutilated without all the facts nor the capacity to make those decisions at their age. Sounds like the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany where Hitler took over the children and made them hate Jews and LGBTQ people at a young age. Remember the days where the Soviet Government would search for potential athletes and steal them from their parents without consent to train in their sports.
So, I ask you the question, who has the right to groom a child, the parents or the Government?
That's parents rights to raise their children the way they want to as long as they don't abuse them. It's possible for a religious person to abuse their children based on religion. It's done frequently with Muslims when they mutilate girl's vaginas. Do you approve of mutilation of girl's vaginas the way they do? If not, then why do you approve of mutilation of vaginas with so called trans children? Most religious parents teach them correct principles of good verses evil and then let the children govern themselves when they reach adulthood. That's not what is happening with trans children under the hands of fascist Democrats who have buckled under the pressure of LGBTQ demands. The activists are demanding the Government steps in and assumes the parental rights of children and forces the children to be mutilated without all the facts nor the capacity to make those decisions at their age. Sounds like the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany where Hitler took over the children and made them hate Jews and LGBTQ people at a young age. Remember the days where the Soviet Government would search for potential athletes and steal them from their parents without consent to train in their sports.
So, I ask you the question, who has the right to groom a child, the parents or the Government?

No no no no!

Children belong to society.

The left is slowly finding out that's not going to happen and they're angry
Have you seen the most recent polling? Support has fallen in those of all political stripes. That's why glaad is getting involved. The truth is hurting them.
Support has actually fallen for LGBTQ push on mutilation of children and is swinging back to sanity supporting religious ideas that men are men and women are women. There is no way to make a man a woman. But, there is a way to disfigure a man to appear as a woman for unrighteous pride sakes.
You are obsessing 24/7 over things in your imagination that either aren't happening or that you are blowing completely out of proportion.

You are deflecting because like most of the left you cannot just come out and support things like this without looking horrible.
Then why are you raising such a stink over people not wanting it to be fucking happening?
Because other than a handful of incidents that you are blowing out of proportion and taking out of context, it is not happening. Conservative thought leaders see a short term political benefit in causing your imagination to run wild, and that's the origin of 100% of your current outrage.
It's actually up 400% over the past couple of years of this insanity. You simply don't want to agree it's going on because it doesn't fit your agendas.
Prove it. Post a case where a trans minor's vagina has been "mutilated" in the U.S. Should be easy if it's up over 400%.

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