stop asking where the jobs are

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
They were permanently lost when obamacare was passed. The vast majority of them anyhow. You can lower or raise taxes all you want but until the ball and chain is removed from the business community we will see stagnant growth at best.

The only thing that has prospered under Obama is wallstreet and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Wall st is prospering because of all the money the Fed has been creating, and because companies have figured out how to turn big profits from their streamlining.
What's sad is that Obamacare is a good idea. Universal health care? That's awesome!

...too bad we can't afford it right now.
[Jobs] were permanently lost when obamacare was passed.

we can't afford it right now.

I know this doesn't matter to rw's, but neither of these statements is true.

There is one indesputable fact, when government shifts money to a sector the costs go up, prime examples are healthcare and education. Once market preasures were removed their cost have risen 3-6 times the rate of inflation.
They were permanently lost when obamacare was passed. The vast majority of them anyhow. You can lower or raise taxes all you want but until the ball and chain is removed from the business community we will see stagnant growth at best.

The only thing that has prospered under Obama is wallstreet and the Muslim Brotherhood.

So, why was it necessary to extend the Bush tax cuts to the wealthi....err, job creators?
I know this doesn't matter to rw's, but neither of these statements is true.

yay another person who thinks I'm right wing! That's 2 for the right and 1 for the left.

Anyway, tell me where in the hell the money comes from? If we pull it from taxpayers, then do we prioritize it above other things that need money sunk into it?
They were permanently lost when obamacare was passed. The vast majority of them anyhow. You can lower or raise taxes all you want but until the ball and chain is removed from the business community we will see stagnant growth at best.

The only thing that has prospered under Obama is wallstreet and the Muslim Brotherhood.

So, why was it necessary to extend the Bush tax cuts to the wealthi....err, job creators?

If Maobamas tax rates are bad, why extend any of them? Let them all expire.
[Jobs] were permanently lost when obamacare was passed.

we can't afford it right now.

I know this doesn't matter to rw's, but neither of these statements is true.

How are neither true? COUNTLESS jobs have already been lost or set-up to be lost at the end of the year because of this. SO, we can afford it? Middle class percentage is getting lower and lower every day. So there goes the tax payer being able to afford it. Dcotors giving away free care? NO there goes the liberal standpoint. The US paying for it.. HHMmmm 16+ trillion in debt, another recession coming next year.. Hmm there goes that one. Your partisan ideology is obsurd. BAsically, sir, you are an idiot
They were permanently lost when obamacare was passed. The vast majority of them anyhow. You can lower or raise taxes all you want but until the ball and chain is removed from the business community we will see stagnant growth at best.

The only thing that has prospered under Obama is wallstreet and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Except that most of the job losses occured before the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act passed.
They were permanently lost when obamacare was passed. The vast majority of them anyhow. You can lower or raise taxes all you want but until the ball and chain is removed from the business community we will see stagnant growth at best.

The only thing that has prospered under Obama is wallstreet and the Muslim Brotherhood.

So, why was it necessary to extend the Bush tax cuts to the wealthi....err, job creators?

The Bush cuts were for everyone not just the rich.
They were permanently lost when obamacare was passed. The vast majority of them anyhow. You can lower or raise taxes all you want but until the ball and chain is removed from the business community we will see stagnant growth at best.

The only thing that has prospered under Obama is wallstreet and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Except that most of the job losses occured before the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act passed.

And very few have returned because of it. The worst part is America voted for more of this shit by reelecting Obama.
What's sad is that Obamacare is a good idea. Universal health care? That's awesome!

...too bad we can't afford it right now.

Do you really want the same people that pay a hundred dollars for a fucking hammer making decisions about your healthcare? No... Government controlled Healthcare is a very bad idea.
I disagree, regardless of my disdain for obummer, I don't accept that any president can stop me from succeeding. There's lots of jobs if people are willing to relocate, and maybe lower their standards a bit. I truly believe anyone without a job need look no further than the nearest mirror for the reasons. As Judge Judy says, "If you can say "do you want fries with that" you can find a job".

I'm determined to succeed in spite of these don't have a fuckin clue progressive morons, not because of them.
With constant talk of raising taxes on investors and companies coming from Obamination's mouth in addition to constant talk of more has to be an idiot to not understand that is going to slow down any company from hiring new workers and struggling companies will fire people today preparing for the shit storm coming in 2013.

Companies only employ people when they are making a profit....
We were bleeding jobs at a massive rate and Obama gave us obamacare instead of legislation to help job growth. And it's had a negative impact on jobs yet you lefties blame the gop. Obama's policies are a net negative on job growth. He had two years during the height of the crisis and did squat.
We had higher taxes across the board under Clinton, and the economy boomed while 25 million jobs were created.

The idea that raising taxes on only the top two percent back to the same rates they had under Clinton will somehow blow up the economy is a Single Cause Fallacy that ignores reality.

The problems with our economy lie elsewhere.

And it ain't ObamaCare, either. The full effects of ObamaCare won't be felt for several more years. Long after Obama has left the White House.

The world economy was in a huge bubble that is not yet completed being deflated. It is being kept artificially inflated to keep things from really crashing. But it will have to deflate sooner or later.

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I disagree, regardless of my disdain for obummer, I don't accept that any president can stop me from succeeding. There's lots of jobs if people are willing to relocate, and maybe lower their standards a bit. I truly believe anyone without a job need look no further than the nearest mirror for the reasons. As Judge Judy says, "If you can say "do you want fries with that" you can find a job".

I'm determined to succeed in spite of these don't have a fuckin clue progressive morons, not because of them.

Easy to say when you aren't the affected. My business has slowed far more than normal for this time of year and nothing we've done has changed to cause it. I think UE numbers and difficulty vary depending on which industry you're in and where you live.
We had higher taxes across the board under Clinton, and the economy boomed while 25 million jobs were created.

The idea that raising taxes on only the top two percent back to the same rates they had under Clinton will somehow blow up the economy is a Single Cause Fallacy that ignores reality.

The problems with our economy lie elsewhere.

And it ain't ObamaCare, either. The full effects of ObamaCare won't be felt for several more years. Long after Obama has left the White House.

The world economy was in a huge bubble that is not yet completed being deflated. It is being kept artificially inflated to keep things from really crashing. But it will have to deflate sooner or later.


Businesses make decisions based on long term outlooks. Obamacare has had a huge impact on that as witnessed by all the businesses taking stands on it. And those are just the big ones we're hearing from.
Hell there are still 16 plus states refusing to create the required exchanges to impliment the law. That is a major problem for those conducting business in those states.

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