Stone May Be Going To Jail

Gag orders abound, both in the courts and in state government, some of which have even outlawed even t.he mere mention of a word.There even have been laws passed to prevenf medical professionals from merely saying the word "abortion" around a patient. Gag order to the extreme.

That said, CNN had been watching stone`s house for days as there were signs that something was up.

One wonders about stone himself. A tattoo of nixon`s face on his back???

LMAO! Yeeeaaah, they "watched it", and set up their cameras 30 minutes BEFORE the jackboots arrived. Leftards are a bunch of fucking jokes.
They been following Stone around like a pack of hounds after a bitch in heat for weeks moron

Pre-dawn raid? Thirty minutes before the SWAT team shows up with weapons drawn and a CNN reporter has his camera set up? No " tip off", you say? What a moron, Lush.

Yup. He's a fucking moron.

CNN was there before the raid. They knew the where, when and how. Wonder if they knew about the 29 agents to apprehend one old man and his wife??

Only an idiot couldn't see they knew about the raid.

And that idiot is Lesh.
It was no secret that Stone was going down soon. They staked the place out.

Common sense eludes rightards.

"Gag orders"? How in the fuck is that even constitutional? Basically a "gag order" is used to prevent the public from letting people know that someone is about to get fucked over in their courts of admiralty. Two whistleblowers that can prove that the Hildebeast was up to her neck in shit as it pertains to Uranium One has been "gagged". The NYPD detectives have been "gagged" as it pertains to the information found on Wiener's laptop proving high level DNC operatives are involved in child trafficking and acts of pedophilia.
Of course someone like you wouldn't give a shit and would worry about how it could hurt the DNC before thinking about the harm being done to children....that's just how leftards "roll"....
I think gag orders are tied in with chem trails and their secrecy.
Gag orders abound, both in the courts and in state government, some of which have even outlawed even t.he mere mention of a word.There even have been laws passed to prevenf medical professionals from merely saying the word "abortion" around a patient. Gag order to the extreme.

That said, CNN had been watching stone`s house for days as there were signs that something was up.

One wonders about stone himself. A tattoo of nixon`s face on his back???

LMAO! Yeeeaaah, they "watched it", and set up their cameras 30 minutes BEFORE the jackboots arrived. Leftards are a bunch of fucking jokes.
They been following Stone around like a pack of hounds after a bitch in heat for weeks moron
What's the name of Stone's book ASSHOLE??????
Oh that's right there IS NO FUCKING BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You need mental help.

You know, you might want to check Google before making yourself look like an ass. Yes, he has a book......................

Attorneys for Roger Stone withheld and misrepresented plans for his new book criticizing special counsel Robert S. Mueller III in violation of a gag order in his case, a federal judge found Tuesday, warning that any “costs or consequences” that result are solely his responsibility.

The new order by U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson of Washington does not spell out consequences but bodes ill for the longtime friend of President Trump and Republican operative, who asked the court for leeway late Friday regarding the “imminent release” of a new version of his book about Trump’s 2016 campaign, retitled “The Myth of Russian Collusion.”

Jackson found that, in fact, Stone deliberately waited until after publication to disclose plans that had been underway for weeks, suggesting his defense was using her docket to gin up publicity about the book.
Gag orders abound, both in the courts and in state government, some of which have even outlawed even t.he mere mention of a word.There even have been laws passed to prevenf medical professionals from merely saying the word "abortion" around a patient. Gag order to the extreme.

That said, CNN had been watching stone`s house for days as there were signs that something was up.

One wonders about stone himself. A tattoo of nixon`s face on his back???

LMAO! Yeeeaaah, they "watched it", and set up their cameras 30 minutes BEFORE the jackboots arrived. Leftards are a bunch of fucking jokes.
They been following Stone around like a pack of hounds after a bitch in heat for weeks moron
What's the name of Stone's book ASSHOLE??????
Oh that's right there IS NO FUCKING BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You need mental help.
CRC love talk.
A gag order is used to prevent an asshole like Stone from poisoning a jury pool or as was attempted put the JUDGE in jeopardy.

You don't like it? Tough shit. File a law suit
finally somebody going to jail over Hillary's emails
Karma is a bitch...not a fan of Hillary but one by one, trumps slaves are heading to jail.
nothing related to trump. funny eh? everyone has a crime if one investigates. why didn't they do that to the left during that time? oh yeah, not allowed to. yeah we get it.
That's not our topic...we have a criminal surrounded by criminals, one by one heading to jail.
Gag orders abound, both in the courts and in state government, some of which have even outlawed even t.he mere mention of a word.There even have been laws passed to prevenf medical professionals from merely saying the word "abortion" around a patient. Gag order to the extreme.

That said, CNN had been watching stone`s house for days as there were signs that something was up.

One wonders about stone himself. A tattoo of nixon`s face on his back???

LMAO! Yeeeaaah, they "watched it", and set up their cameras 30 minutes BEFORE the jackboots arrived. Leftards are a bunch of fucking jokes.
They been following Stone around like a pack of hounds after a bitch in heat for weeks moron
What's the name of Stone's book ASSHOLE??????
Oh that's right there IS NO FUCKING BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You need mental help.

Actually it's you who needs the mental health.

stone's new book is already available on Amazon.
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Stone's lawyer tried to ease things with the judge yesterday but apparently it didn't work.

She called him in to see her next week.

He better bring his tooth brush
Stone's lawyer tried to ease things with the judge yesterday but apparently it didn't work.

She called him in to see her next week.

He better bring his tooth brush

Yep. I'm thinking that he better enjoy this weekend, because it could very well be the last free one he sees for a while.

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