Stone May Be Going To Jail

A gag order is used to prevent an asshole like Stone from poisoning a jury pool or as was attempted put the JUDGE in jeopardy.

You don't like it? Tough shit. File a law suit
finally somebody going to jail over Hillary's emails
Karma is a bitch...not a fan of Hillary but one by one, trumps slaves are heading to jail.

I am very anti Trump, but the charges are really, really bogus.
For example, Cohen is going to jail for lying about blackmail payments to Stormy Daniels, and that makes no sense.
It can NEVER be illegal to MAKE blackmail payments, as that would make the government aiding and abetting the blackmailers.
And it can't be a violation of campaign finance either, since the only point of that is to prevent people from secretly being able to buy up all the media. Money spent on blackmail has zero effect on media, and is totally exempt from campaign finance laws.
John Edwards proved that when the jury refused to convict him when he was clearly totally guilty according to the lettor of the legislation.
With Stone, all he is guilty of is trying to see if Assange had anything on Hillary, which is not illegal, but legal whistle blowing.
There is no case against him at all. Its Hillary that was trying to commit fraud by rigging the debates by getting the questions ahead of time.
Gag orders abound, both in the courts and in state government, some of which have even outlawed even t.he mere mention of a word.There even have been laws passed to prevenf medical professionals from merely saying the word "abortion" around a patient. Gag order to the extreme.

That said, CNN had been watching stone`s house for days as there were signs that something was up.

One wonders about stone himself. A tattoo of nixon`s face on his back???
Gag orders abound, both in the courts and in state government, some of which have even outlawed even t.he mere mention of a word.There even have been laws passed to prevenf medical professionals from merely saying the word "abortion" around a patient. Gag order to the extreme.

That said, CNN had been watching stone`s house for days as there were signs that something was up.

One wonders about stone himself. A tattoo of nixon`s face on his back???
The really hilarious thing was that after the Stone raid...the idiot Trumpers provided sme memo thatthey thought wascgonna prove their claim of CNN/FBI collusion...that was dated AFTER th raid...

Friggin stupid asses.

Now they're trying to get redactions in Manafort's sentencing docs so they can dishonestly claim that Kilimnik was a US untel agent (he wasn't). So far the judge is having none of it.

Watch this space
A gag order is used to prevent an asshole like Stone from poisoning a jury pool or as was attempted put the JUDGE in jeopardy.

You don't like it? Tough shit. File a law suit
finally somebody going to jail over Hillary's emails
Ya know, if tRump really wanted Hillary to go to.prison he should have hired her to work on his campaign.

Edit: Damn it you beat me to the punch line.

No one took a microscope to the Podesta brothers and their accepting money from the Rooskies to lobby on their behalf to lift sanctions that never should have been placed on them to begin with. No one investigated where 300 plus tons of Libya's gold vanished like a fart in the wind after CIA fashioned, Barrypuppet and Hildebeast approved "ISIS" took out Gaddafi leaving the people in that country
at the mercy of these mercenaries. Deep state crooks doing the dirty work of the banking oligarchs that own USA.INC get a pass......someone like Trump that has thrown a wrench in their globalist plans and anyone associated with him are fair game. Every "i" better be dotted, every "t" crossed. Where is the scruting of the actions of Fusion GPS? Cohen never went to Prague so the entire Steele dossier falls flat on it's face. No Russian "collusion" but what it has done is put anyone associated with Trump in the crosshairs of deep state swamp rats like Mueller.....leftards cheer because the ends justifies the means and anyone that dares to throw a wrench in the works of the commie agenda is "fair game" in the deep state kangaroo court system.

When I claimed that we live in a "banana republic", I was right on point.
Next up?

Chem trails and Bigfoot
Gag orders abound, both in the courts and in state government, some of which have even outlawed even t.he mere mention of a word.There even have been laws passed to prevenf medical professionals from merely saying the word "abortion" around a patient. Gag order to the extreme.

That said, CNN had been watching stone`s house for days as there were signs that something was up.

One wonders about stone himself. A tattoo of nixon`s face on his back???

LMAO! Yeeeaaah, they "watched it", and set up their cameras 30 minutes BEFORE the jackboots arrived. Leftards are a bunch of fucking jokes.
A gag order is used to prevent an asshole like Stone from poisoning a jury pool or as was attempted put the JUDGE in jeopardy.

You don't like it? Tough shit. File a law suit
finally somebody going to jail over Hillary's emails
Ya know, if tRump really wanted Hillary to go to.prison he should have hired her to work on his campaign.

Edit: Damn it you beat me to the punch line.

No one took a microscope to the Podesta brothers and their accepting money from the Rooskies to lobby on their behalf to lift sanctions that never should have been placed on them to begin with. No one investigated where 300 plus tons of Libya's gold vanished like a fart in the wind after CIA fashioned, Barrypuppet and Hildebeast approved "ISIS" took out Gaddafi leaving the people in that country
at the mercy of these mercenaries. Deep state crooks doing the dirty work of the banking oligarchs that own USA.INC get a pass......someone like Trump that has thrown a wrench in their globalist plans and anyone associated with him are fair game. Every "i" better be dotted, every "t" crossed. Where is the scruting of the actions of Fusion GPS? Cohen never went to Prague so the entire Steele dossier falls flat on it's face. No Russian "collusion" but what it has done is put anyone associated with Trump in the crosshairs of deep state swamp rats like Mueller.....leftards cheer because the ends justifies the means and anyone that dares to throw a wrench in the works of the commie agenda is "fair game" in the deep state kangaroo court system.

When I claimed that we live in a "banana republic", I was right on point.
great job!
Gag orders abound, both in the courts and in state government, some of which have even outlawed even t.he mere mention of a word.There even have been laws passed to prevenf medical professionals from merely saying the word "abortion" around a patient. Gag order to the extreme.

That said, CNN had been watching stone`s house for days as there were signs that something was up.

One wonders about stone himself. A tattoo of nixon`s face on his back???

LMAO! Yeeeaaah, they "watched it", and set up their cameras 30 minutes BEFORE the jackboots arrived. Leftards are a bunch of fucking jokes.
They been following Stone around like a pack of hounds after a bitch in heat for weeks moron
Gag orders abound, both in the courts and in state government, some of which have even outlawed even t.he mere mention of a word.There even have been laws passed to prevenf medical professionals from merely saying the word "abortion" around a patient. Gag order to the extreme.

That said, CNN had been watching stone`s house for days as there were signs that something was up.

One wonders about stone himself. A tattoo of nixon`s face on his back???

LMAO! Yeeeaaah, they "watched it", and set up their cameras 30 minutes BEFORE the jackboots arrived. Leftards are a bunch of fucking jokes.
They been following Stone around like a pack of hounds after a bitch in heat for weeks moron

Pre-dawn raid? Thirty minutes before the SWAT team shows up with weapons drawn and a CNN reporter has his camera set up? No " tip off", you say? What a moron, Lush.
Gag orders abound, both in the courts and in state government, some of which have even outlawed even t.he mere mention of a word.There even have been laws passed to prevenf medical professionals from merely saying the word "abortion" around a patient. Gag order to the extreme.

That said, CNN had been watching stone`s house for days as there were signs that something was up.

One wonders about stone himself. A tattoo of nixon`s face on his back???

LMAO! Yeeeaaah, they "watched it", and set up their cameras 30 minutes BEFORE the jackboots arrived. Leftards are a bunch of fucking jokes.
They been following Stone around like a pack of hounds after a bitch in heat for weeks moron
What's the name of Stone's book ASSHOLE??????
Oh that's right there IS NO FUCKING BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You need mental help.
Stone is the butt of so many comic and political attacks right now, he has the right to defend himself.
No, he really doesn't, if his "defense" is talking about his case or the judge. The only place he has the right to defend himself is in the courtroom. Get that straight.
For example, Cohen is going to jail for lying about blackmail payments to Stormy Daniels, and that makes no sense.
Going to jail for lying to congress and to law enforcement doesn't make any sense?

What is this absurd cultism?
What's the name of Stone's book
Good grief ya fuckin something that isn't a comic book once in a while....

"On Jan. 16, Stone announced via Instagram that he would be publishing a book titled “The Myth of Russian Collusion: The Inside Story of How Trump Really Won.” He included an image of the book cover. "

-- WaPo
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What's the name of Stone's book
Good grief ya fuckin something that isn't a comic book once in a while....

"On Jan. 16, Stone announced via Instagram that he would be publishing a book titled “The Myth of Russian Collusion: The Inside Story of How Trump Really Won.” He included an image of the book cover. "

-- WaPo
The asshole conflated the 'maybe' book to what's happening to him now legally.
Surely you are sentient enough to know the difference
Has Stone "put out a book" asshole!???????
The fucking judge has known about 'the book' for weeks!
"Jackson’s order follows the filing of a sealed motion by Stone’s attorneys that refers to the release of a book, according to the judge. Jackson instructed the lawyers to file a partially unsealed version of the document."
What's the name of Stone's book
Good grief ya fuckin something that isn't a comic book once in a while....

"On Jan. 16, Stone announced via Instagram that he would be publishing a book titled “The Myth of Russian Collusion: The Inside Story of How Trump Really Won.” He included an image of the book cover. "

-- WaPo
The asshole conflated the 'maybe' book to what's happening to him now legally.
Surely you are sentient enough to know the difference
Excuse you. You said you didn't know the title of the book. You also said there is no book. Now you know there is a book forthcoming, and now you know the title.

Try, "Thank you for spoon-feeding me basic facts I should have known before opening my mouth."
For example, Cohen is going to jail for lying about blackmail payments to Stormy Daniels, and that makes no sense.
Going to jail for lying to congress and to law enforcement doesn't make any sense?

What is this absurd cultism?

It is perfectly legal to maintain privacy of political strategy, such as asking Assange for dirt on Hillary.
That is not illegal, and in fact it is illegal for police or congress to demand answers to questions like that.

And of course you have legal right to lie to congress and law enforcement.
That can be when congress and law enforcement are violating the law, your right to privacy, your right against self incrimination, etc.
There are millions of times it is perfectly legal to lie to congress and law enforcement.
Are you suggesting you are legally bound to reveal crimes, personal proclivities blackmailers could use, etc.?
That would be absurd.
Congress and law enforcement are not legally allowed to even ask those kinds of questions unless you have been granted immunity from prosecution.
And even then you can still like if you think it is an attempt at illegal extortion.
You seem to forget that government are the most corrupt and criminal of them all.
What's the name of Stone's book
Good grief ya fuckin something that isn't a comic book once in a while....

"On Jan. 16, Stone announced via Instagram that he would be publishing a book titled “The Myth of Russian Collusion: The Inside Story of How Trump Really Won.” He included an image of the book cover. "

-- WaPo

A book that has been in the works for over a year now.
It is perfectly legal to maintain privacy of political strategy, such as asking Assange for dirt on Hillary
Okay, but it is still unethical.

and in fact it is illegal for police or congress to demand answers to questions like that.

And of course you have legal right to lie to congress and law enforcement.

Are you suggesting you are legally bound to reveal crimes, personal proclivities blackmailers could use, etc.?
No, you have the right to invoke the 5th amendment. Unless, of course ,you have waived that right via a cooperation agreement wiht the government, as Cohen has. No, that doesn't mean you get to lie. You are ass backwards on that one.

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