Steyer just got his last-minute ticket for next week's Democrat debate. He's 2nd in South Carolina!

Surging Steyer is right. count him out at your own peril!

Surging Steyer qualifies for Democratic debate

They must not know who he is. SC voters will vote for someone if they don't know who he is --- a few years ago they voted for a black retarded man (he did take a good photo) in a primary for Senator instead of the president of the State Senate --- he was really humiliated. SC tends to vote AGAINST people, so they probably don't like the others but never heard of Steyer.
Steyer Surging---that should give every Sane American a hint as to just how fucked up the Democratic Voter Base really is.

And yet, for any of these Ass-Clowns--Senile Joe, Pocahontas, The Socialist Bern, the religious hypocrite Man with the Husband---for any of them to "surge" is like the Twilight Zone.

In 2016, people voted for Trump, even though they thought he might be about half crazy, BECAUSE their other choice was pure Depravity. Yes, dumb, drunk, dishonest, downright depraved---Hillary Clinton. It was definitely time to take a chance on Crazy.

But now, the Democratic line-up is---if possible---even more Fucked Up.

And Trump, personality peculiarities notwithstanding---is absolutely kicking ass. People who voted for him in 2016 because they felt they had no choice---are giving him money now! No man has tried harder to keep his campaign promises; few have been more successful at it; and none have faced greater internal resistance---rising to the level of a coup d'etat.

Steyer Surging? Lord help you poor fools. The Donald is waiting.

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