Did Racist Dems Force Tim Scott To Drop Out Of The Race?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina is suspending his presidential campaign, he announced in an interview with Fox News on Sunday. “I love America more today than I did on May 22. But when I go back to Iowa, it will not be as a presidential candidate. I am suspending my campaign,” he said. The announcement Sunday night took many of Scott’s aides and donors by surprise. Two people close to his campaign said they were not given advance notice, even though it was becoming increasingly clear Scott was facing an uphill struggle to break through in the GOP primary. The super PAC supporting Scott pulled its slate of television ads in October, and, following last week’s third GOP presidential debate, decided not to make a new investment."

Many people are saying that the Dems lead a nefarious hate campaign to both smear Tim Scott and force him to drop out as a candidate. This is common practice for Dems as they have lead similar racist smear campaigns against other black Conservative candidates - such as Larry Elders, Herman Cain, Alan Keyes and others - simply put; the GOP would have nominated their first black GOP years and years ago if it were not for the nefarious smear campaigns orchestrated by the Dems.

In the case of Tim Scott, Dems were basically exposing their homophobia by forcing Scott to prove he really had a girlfriend. This is 2023, not 1923, nobody cares about a person being gay anymore; especially right-wing voters - but unfortunately, Scott took the bait and brought out his totally not fake girlfriend at the last debate - and that ended up being the nail in the coffin to his campaign. This was a totally shameful smear campaign implemented by the Dems - now they are once again successful at preventing another black GOP presidential nominee.
Liberals can't stand it when a Negro escapes the Democrat welfare plantation.
I think more Republicans should campaign on that message

They should constantly attack any black Democrat voter as a slave on a plantation.......I mean, its a slap in the face to those Americans who were actually murdered, raped, beaten and oppressed by slavery; -- since, in case you didn't know this but - they didn't have a right to vote

That's kinda what that whole Civil War thing was about......but thanks for reminding us how butt hurt right-wingers still are about losing that war

Right wing voters who spread lies that Obama is gay, Hillary is a lesbian, Michelle Obama is a transexual.
Voters who are repulsed by Pete Butengeig
Fact, never heard that, Fact.
Repulsive Pete absolutely

Right wing voters who spread lies that Obama is gay, Hillary is a lesbian, Michelle Obama is a transexual.
Voters who are repulsed by Pete Butengeig
Progs are a hundred times worse on Republicans. Endless smearing from TV pundits, media, Entertainers and Prog politicians. The lies you say against the Prog politicians are endless and the same as viciousness with Republicans. The talk shows and TV comedy skit shows are brutal. Imagine SNL doing those skits on the Prog politicians. Imagine Joe walking around not knowing where he is in weekly skits. Or Jill who is shameless using her missteps or even one as a constant skit. Tell us about MTG. The woman is not a professional grifter like many of the politicians in D.C. with the Progs having a much higher percentage who are. The Republicans who actually voice their opinions and try to live it from their actions are destroyed.
His dropping out had nothing to do with his sex life or his race. He was a perfectly good candidate who got no traction because he couldn't provide a reason to vote for him.
I think more Republicans should campaign on that message

They should constantly attack any black Democrat voter as a slave on a plantation.......I mean, its a slap in the face to those Americans who were actually murdered, raped, beaten and oppressed by slavery; -- since, in case you didn't know this but - they didn't have a right to vote

That's kinda what that whole Civil War thing was about......but thanks for reminding us how butt hurt right-wingers still are about losing that war
You dumb Moon Bat.

The Civil War was fought over keeping the Union together. Lincoln even said he didn't give a shit about the goddamn Negroes, he just cared about the Union. Go look it up. I shit you not.

However, that has absolutely nothing to do with the filthy ass Democrat agenda to keep Blacks and Browns on welfare and to foster racial hatred to maintain a voter base and that is despicable.

Liberals hate it when a Black capable of thinking for themself (like Scott) decides not to be on that Democrat welfare slave platation.
His dropping out had nothing to do with his sex life or his race. He was a perfectly good candidate who got no traction because he couldn't provide a reason to vote for him.

He was unable to stand out in the crowd

Like Mike Pence, he never provided any spark and Ramaswamy walked all over him in terms of getting attention

"Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina is suspending his presidential campaign, he announced in an interview with Fox News on Sunday. “I love America more today than I did on May 22. But when I go back to Iowa, it will not be as a presidential candidate. I am suspending my campaign,” he said. The announcement Sunday night took many of Scott’s aides and donors by surprise. Two people close to his campaign said they were not given advance notice, even though it was becoming increasingly clear Scott was facing an uphill struggle to break through in the GOP primary. The super PAC supporting Scott pulled its slate of television ads in October, and, following last week’s third GOP presidential debate, decided not to make a new investment."

Many people are saying that the Dems lead a nefarious hate campaign to both smear Tim Scott and force him to drop out as a candidate. This is common practice for Dems as they have lead similar racist smear campaigns against other black Conservative candidates - such as Larry Elders, Herman Cain, Alan Keyes and others - simply put; the GOP would have nominated their first black GOP years and years ago if it were not for the nefarious smear campaigns orchestrated by the Dems.

In the case of Tim Scott, Dems were basically exposing their homophobia by forcing Scott to prove he really had a girlfriend. This is 2023, not 1923, nobody cares about a person being gay anymore; especially right-wing voters - but unfortunately, Scott took the bait and brought out his totally not fake girlfriend at the last debate - and that ended up being the nail in the coffin to his campaign. This was a totally shameful smear campaign implemented by the Dems - now they are once again successful at preventing another black GOP presidential nominee.
Tim Scott got swiftboated because a conhole, I forgot either Hannity or Clucker, outed him as a homosexual.

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