Steven "POS" Colbert

Sooooooo fifty posts later, anyone have any clue yet what this thread is about?
I'm guessing it's Colbert's two-minute tirade Monday night:

‘Trump’s mouth is only good as Vladimir Putin’s c*ck holster’: Colbert brutalizes Trump in 2-minute blitz
Stephen Colbert on Monday defended fellow CBS host John Dickerson against Donald Trump after the president told the renowned journalist he refers to the (award-winning) news program “Face the Nation” as “Deface the Nation.”

“Donald Trump, John Dickerson is a fair-minded journalist and one of the most competent people who will ever walk into your office,” Colbert began during his opening monologue on “The Late Show.”

Colbert noted Dickerson has too much “dignity to trade insults with the president of the United States to his face,” adding “But I, sir, am no John Dickerson.”

“Here we go,” Colbert began, before ripping into Trump.

“Mr. Trump, your presidency? I love your presidency, I call it ‘Disgrace the Nation.’” Colbert said. “You’re not the POTUS, you’re the BLOTUS. You’re the glutton with a button. You’re a regular ‘Gorge’ Washington. You’re the presi-dunce. But you’re turning into a real prictator.”

Colbert said Trump “attracts more skinheads than free Rogaine,” has “more people marching against [him] than cancer,” and talks “like a sign-language gorilla who got hit in the head.”

Going all-in against the president, Colbert added: “Sir, the only the only thing your mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin’s cock holster.”

Watch the takedown below, via CBS:
such entertainment eh? Him and Howard Dean ought to share rants.
President Trump is tough enough to take a comedian's rant, don't you think?....or do you think Trump is a snowflake?
where did I say he couldn't take it? Doesn't make what colbert any less tasteless, vile and unamerican. And the fact that he reminded me of Howard Dean's rant. Especially to say cock in front of a live audience that may have had children in it. what a piece of fking work
Enough to make a Cardinal blush......
Colbert crossed WAY over the line regarding disrespecting a sitting President. 'Un-precedented' is not an exaggeration. He needs to be fired.
Sooooooo fifty posts later, anyone have any clue yet what this thread is about?
I'm guessing it's Colbert's two-minute tirade Monday night:

‘Trump’s mouth is only good as Vladimir Putin’s c*ck holster’: Colbert brutalizes Trump in 2-minute blitz
Stephen Colbert on Monday defended fellow CBS host John Dickerson against Donald Trump after the president told the renowned journalist he refers to the (award-winning) news program “Face the Nation” as “Deface the Nation.”

“Donald Trump, John Dickerson is a fair-minded journalist and one of the most competent people who will ever walk into your office,” Colbert began during his opening monologue on “The Late Show.”

Colbert noted Dickerson has too much “dignity to trade insults with the president of the United States to his face,” adding “But I, sir, am no John Dickerson.”

“Here we go,” Colbert began, before ripping into Trump.

“Mr. Trump, your presidency? I love your presidency, I call it ‘Disgrace the Nation.’” Colbert said. “You’re not the POTUS, you’re the BLOTUS. You’re the glutton with a button. You’re a regular ‘Gorge’ Washington. You’re the presi-dunce. But you’re turning into a real prictator.”

Colbert said Trump “attracts more skinheads than free Rogaine,” has “more people marching against [him] than cancer,” and talks “like a sign-language gorilla who got hit in the head.”

Going all-in against the president, Colbert added: “Sir, the only the only thing your mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin’s cock holster.”

Watch the takedown below, via CBS:
such entertainment eh? Him and Howard Dean ought to share rants.
President Trump is tough enough to take a comedian's rant, don't you think?....or do you think Trump is a snowflake?
I heard he gave 'em hell at the WH Correspondents Dinner.....
Conservative 'free speech':

Ann Coulter speaking at a college to sell books? Free speech.

Stephen Colbert speaking on a talk show to get laughs? Hate speech that must be stopped.

Stop yer bitching cons, it's going to be a bumpy ride. No quarter asked, none given.
The alt right cucks simply can't be mocked the way they mock their enemies. They need to toughen up if they want to dish what they get in return.

Colbert had every right to perform his profession. It's called comedy, and as Steve Martin says, comedy it hurts.
The alt right cucks simply can't be mocked the way they mock their enemies.
They are way too fragile to be "Trumped" LOL...they start crying and stuff like looking for change to drop dimes and quarters LOL
Conservative 'free speech':

Ann Coulter speaking at a college to sell books? Free speech.

Stephen Colbert speaking on a talk show to get laughs? Hate speech that must be stopped.

Stop yer bitching cons, it's going to be a bumpy ride. No quarter asked, none given.
Trump made it smash mouth politics but they wanna play Flag Football
Conservative 'free speech':

Ann Coulter speaking at a college to sell books? Free speech.

Stephen Colbert speaking on a talk show to get laughs? Hate speech that must be stopped.

Stop yer bitching cons, it's going to be a bumpy ride. No quarter asked, none given.
Do you honestly think CBS would allow a conservative on their channel that is as partisan and foul as Colbert?
Conservative 'free speech':

Ann Coulter speaking at a college to sell books? Free speech.

Stephen Colbert speaking on a talk show to get laughs? Hate speech that must be stopped.

Stop yer bitching cons, it's going to be a bumpy ride. No quarter asked, none given.
Trump made it smash mouth politics but they wanna play Flag Football
I am pretty sure the media did that when they accused of him of making fun of a disabled reporter and compared him to Dylan Roof.

Counterpunching is now "smash mouth" to you goobers.
It's about the mistake we made in not calling obama Reggie Love's cockholster.

Dayum. Had we but known that it was acceptable!
I'm a little bit disappointed in Cobert. I mean Trump's lower than dung, and Putin should be in the Hague, but I don't think Putin is gay. Not that there's anything wrong in gay, but Putin wouldn't let Orange suck him, not even for forgive some loans .. or esp to forgive loans. Putin's got him by the shorthairs, and" KGB never let go short hairs ... is against torture code." Now Putin might get a kick ottta seeing Trump sucking off some Oligarchs .... "different story."
Do you think you have a leg to stand on opposing me on that?

I think half of all comedians should be right wing lunatics.
are you under the impression you post impressively ...are you Fucking Kidding me a pathetic Trump loving Goof LOL A Pussy like you Loved it when the Orange ShitGibbon was Racially taunting Obama that he was not American and has a fake Birth certificate ...the Orange Anus even Insinuated that Obama had murdered a State Official to cover up that he was Not American cheered that did you not ..fuck off weakling LOL
Sooooooo fifty posts later, anyone have any clue yet what this thread is about?
I'm guessing it's Colbert's two-minute tirade Monday night:

‘Trump’s mouth is only good as Vladimir Putin’s c*ck holster’: Colbert brutalizes Trump in 2-minute blitz
Stephen Colbert on Monday defended fellow CBS host John Dickerson against Donald Trump after the president told the renowned journalist he refers to the (award-winning) news program “Face the Nation” as “Deface the Nation.”

“Donald Trump, John Dickerson is a fair-minded journalist and one of the most competent people who will ever walk into your office,” Colbert began during his opening monologue on “The Late Show.”

Colbert noted Dickerson has too much “dignity to trade insults with the president of the United States to his face,” adding “But I, sir, am no John Dickerson.”

“Here we go,” Colbert began, before ripping into Trump.

“Mr. Trump, your presidency? I love your presidency, I call it ‘Disgrace the Nation.’” Colbert said. “You’re not the POTUS, you’re the BLOTUS. You’re the glutton with a button. You’re a regular ‘Gorge’ Washington. You’re the presi-dunce. But you’re turning into a real prictator.”

Colbert said Trump “attracts more skinheads than free Rogaine,” has “more people marching against [him] than cancer,” and talks “like a sign-language gorilla who got hit in the head.”

Going all-in against the president, Colbert added: “Sir, the only the only thing your mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin’s cock holster.”

Watch the takedown below, via CBS:
Watch the takedown?

No thanks. I've seen monkeys slinging poo at the zoo plenty of times already.

Of course you have...Trump is the Presidential equivalent of poo flinging.

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