Stealth drone


Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2010
Fuck Y'all I'm From Texas!
After losing an extremely high tech drone in Iran,Obama was given two options.
Destroy in place or retrieve.
Which did he choose?

Neither ...he just let them keep it.
Way to go Obammy,did you put a bow on it for them?

He was afraid that doing either would be considered an act of mean like supplying our enemies with weapons and cash?

What a moron........
What a bunch of dummies we are. The rockets NASA used to launch had explosives inside that would blow the rocket up if they wanted to blow it up during launch. We spend millions and millions of dollars to create something like this and we can't push a self-destruct button to blow it up at our will? We really are a nation of dumb asses.
My understanding of this drone is that it did not come equipped with a self destruct. (i am unsure though)
What a bunch of dummies we are. The rockets NASA used to launch had explosives inside that would blow the rocket up if they wanted to blow it up during launch. We spend millions and millions of dollars to create something like this and we can't push a self-destruct button to blow it up at our will? We really are a nation of dumb asses.

Thats what I thought the minute I heard it landed "safely"... how on earth does it land 'safely'?

Damn we look stupid :doubt:
My understanding of this drone is that it did not come equipped with a self destruct. (i am unsure though)

It shouldnt be an option.

For God sake, why on earth are they UNMANNED if we cant blow it up if need be?
I had heard...(LINK??)

That all sensitive instruments/info had been sanitized...electronically...which we can do...
This thread appears to be yet another one where nutters weigh in without any information. keep on keepin' on.

The fact of the OP appear unquestionable....

What part are you disputing?

It seems that on this board, typing is mandatory but brains are optional.


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After losing an extremely high tech drone in Iran,Obama was given two options.
Destroy in place or retrieve.
Which did he choose?

Neither ...he just let them keep it.
Way to go Obammy,did you put a bow on it for them?

He was afraid that doing either would be considered an act of mean like supplying our enemies with weapons and cash?

What a moron........

Huge Mistake on Obama's Part. should have Destroyed it in place, WTF is Iran going to do about it? Nothing.

Yet another example of the Obama Deer in the headlights Effect.

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