State of the Union address was for the left !!!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
the rich paying their fair share is not class warfare!!! energy independence,Iran will not be allowed to get the bomb ,balancing the budget with no mention of spending cuts !!! and the biggest whopper .......government should only do what Americans can't do for themselves !!!:eek: this man stood in the hallowed halls of congress and and lied to his own base !!! he has and is still waging class warfare[ hence the fair share snipe !!!] he killed the keystone pipeline !!!how can you balance the budget and still spend,spend,spend ??? under his weak leadership Iran will get the bomb !!! and he has grown the federal government to tyrannical over regulatory private business killing proportions !!! ..............the reason I say this speech is for the left is because the right knows the truth !!! unlike his brain washed base we know he is full of it ....THE FACTS LEND CREDENCE TO OUR OPINIONS !!!!! the left however seems to buy hook line and sinker every lie that comes out of the anointed ones muzzle !!!! they actually believe his hypocrisy !!! he knows this and he is playing the useful idiotic left like a fiddle !!! the state of the union was just another blame game campaign speech to [albeit more subtle than his previous addresses ] to further divide this country !!! If you don't believe me .....WATCH HIS BEHAVIOR THIS SUMMER !!!!
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