Starbucks employees bully Trump supporting customers

Know when this shit is going to end?

When we soon see a vid of snowflake assholes getting their balls kicked in by Trump supporters..........and Im talking some vicious shit too!! That fagotty lefty protest gheyness will be stopping on a dime. I for one am waiting with baited breath for this to surface.......they are going to mess with the wrong small group of people and get their nut sacks smashed the fuck in. There will suddenly be no more heros amongst the progressives......they can continue to yell on the sidelines all they want!!:gay:

I'll bet all that violent talk gave you a boner, as you sit behind that keyboard in your underwear.

I know the thought of dead antifa scum gives me a freedom boner.
With all that said, I do not wear a Trump shirt or hat or put a sticker on my car. Democrats are not people, they are fucking animals and wouldn't think twice about spitting in your coffee (or worse), or your food, or any other sick thing they can think of. Then they smile at you and hand it to you.
Starbucks Employees Bully Trump Supporting Customer

Leftist are going to eat themselves alive, please keep doing it, it's the best thing that could ever happen to this country , ridding our society of democratic nutjobs.

I noticed you never started a thread about this Trump supporter bullying a barrista...why's that? Is it because you are a paid troll?

Sounds like they're refusing to give him his money back.

Sounds like you're defending a Trump voting degenerate piece of shit. They weren't "refusing" to give the cretin his money back, you gaslighting twat.
Starbucks Employees Bully Trump Supporting Customer

Leftist are going to eat themselves alive, please keep doing it, it's the best thing that could ever happen to this country , ridding our society of democratic nutjobs.

I noticed you never started a thread about this Trump supporter bullying a barrista...why's that? Is it because you are a paid troll?

Sounds like they're refusing to give him his money back.

Sounds like you're defending a Trump voting degenerate piece of shit. They weren't "refusing" to give the cretin his money back, you gaslighting twat.

Are ya deaf?
So when is the Government going to step in and sue ? If this had been a gay or any other person from the groups Liberals consider special victims the left would have been screaming for justice.
Starbucks Employees Bully Trump Supporting Customer

Leftist are going to eat themselves alive, please keep doing it, it's the best thing that could ever happen to this country , ridding our society of democratic nutjobs.

I noticed you never started a thread about this Trump supporter bullying a barrista...why's that? Is it because you are a paid troll?

Sounds like they're refusing to give him his money back.

Sounds like you're defending a Trump voting degenerate piece of shit. They weren't "refusing" to give the cretin his money back, you gaslighting twat.

Are ya deaf?

Are you an idiot? They gave him his money back, douchebag. Even after he called the barista "trash" and "garbage." They didn't have to at that point, they reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. He's lucky they didn't call the police on his belligerent ass.
Starbucks Employees Bully Trump Supporting Customer

Leftist are going to eat themselves alive, please keep doing it, it's the best thing that could ever happen to this country , ridding our society of democratic nutjobs.

I noticed you never started a thread about this Trump supporter bullying a barrista...why's that? Is it because you are a paid troll?

Sounds like they're refusing to give him his money back.

Sounds like you're defending a Trump voting degenerate piece of shit. They weren't "refusing" to give the cretin his money back, you gaslighting twat.

Are ya deaf?

Are you an idiot? They gave him his money back, douchebag. Even after he called the barista "trash" and "garbage." They didn't have to at that point, they reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. He's lucky they didn't call the police on his belligerent ass.

My favorite part is where they start the video well after the confrontation began.
The appropriate response is a boycott of Starbucks, put them totally out of business. Let's begin now. There are plenty of other coffee shops.
Tough to do because I already have alternate sources. Starbucks can suck my drawers. The anti-Starbucks I've discovered is the Black Rifle Coffee Company. Great products and they honor and respect military veterans.
Starbucks baristas....on the road to nowhere
OH, yeah! They are certainly pursuing a wise career choice. Even better if they are working in a topless coffee cart. Nothing says "I'm destined for greatness" like flopping your tits into some dick-driven cooze-hound.

If they flop them just right, they could one day be the first lady. That's how she got her start.
Starbucks Employees Bully Trump Supporting Customer

Leftist are going to eat themselves alive, please keep doing it, it's the best thing that could ever happen to this country , ridding our society of democratic nutjobs.

I noticed you never started a thread about this Trump supporter bullying a barrista...why's that? Is it because you are a paid troll?

What we are missing is the beginning of this encounter. What precipitated this guy's action? Pretty sure he didn't just walk into a coffee shop and start bitching at the (cheap) hired help. There's always another side to the story, isn't there, but if it doesn't support the narrative, it is erased and/or ignored.
With all that said, I do not wear a Trump shirt or hat or put a sticker on my car. Democrats are not people, they are fucking animals and wouldn't think twice about spitting in your coffee (or worse), or your food, or any other sick thing they can think of. Then they smile at you and hand it to you.
Not to mention what they would do to your car.
Starbucks Employees Bully Trump Supporting Customer

Leftist are going to eat themselves alive, please keep doing it, it's the best thing that could ever happen to this country , ridding our society of democratic nutjobs.

I noticed you never started a thread about this Trump supporter bullying a barrista...why's that? Is it because you are a paid troll?

What we are missing is the beginning of this encounter. What precipitated this guy's action? Pretty sure he didn't just walk into a coffee shop and start bitching at the (cheap) hired help. There's always another side to the story, isn't there, but if it doesn't support the narrative, it is erased and/or ignored.

The man was a mental patient. I'm sure businesses have crazies starting crap all the time. This one doesn't sound any different than any other crazy having a tantrum.
So when is the Government going to step in and sue ? If this had been a gay or any other person from the groups Liberals consider special victims the left would have been screaming for justice.
Haven't you noticed? "Justice" is reserved for those who "deserve" it. That pretty much excludes anyone who even mildly disagrees with the snowflake narrative and the libtard agenda.
Starbucks Employees Bully Trump Supporting Customer

Leftist are going to eat themselves alive, please keep doing it, it's the best thing that could ever happen to this country , ridding our society of democratic nutjobs.

I noticed you never started a thread about this Trump supporter bullying a barrista...why's that? Is it because you are a paid troll?

Sounds like they're refusing to give him his money back.

Sounds like you're defending a Trump voting degenerate piece of shit. They weren't "refusing" to give the cretin his money back, you gaslighting twat.

Are ya deaf?

Are you an idiot? They gave him his money back, douchebag. Even after he called the barista "trash" and "garbage." They didn't have to at that point, they reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. He's lucky they didn't call the police on his belligerent ass.

Where do you stand on a baker's choice to refuse service? How about a photographer? Oh, and a B&B, do they have the right to refuse service to anyone?
Starbucks Employees Bully Trump Supporting Customer

Leftist are going to eat themselves alive, please keep doing it, it's the best thing that could ever happen to this country , ridding our society of democratic nutjobs.

I noticed you never started a thread about this Trump supporter bullying a barrista...why's that? Is it because you are a paid troll?

What we are missing is the beginning of this encounter. What precipitated this guy's action? Pretty sure he didn't just walk into a coffee shop and start bitching at the (cheap) hired help. There's always another side to the story, isn't there, but if it doesn't support the narrative, it is erased and/or ignored.

The man was a mental patient. I'm sure businesses have crazies starting crap all the time. This one doesn't sound any different than any other crazy having a tantrum.

And yet, the OP attributes his break down to his being a Trump supporter and not a mental patient. Of course there are crazies starting shit all the time, it's the attribution of motive that troubles me, and the double-standard hypocrisy of the leftistards.

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