Star Trek Trivia: Did Kirk or Spock ever commit a crime?

The only episode I can remember about Triskelion was when Kirk had to fight the Thralls and if he lost the crew of the Enterprise would be enslaved. He won of course and spared the life of the hot chick Thrall. I don't see the connection with miscegenation laws so there must be another one I'm not remembering.
My favorite Kirk move was 'General Order 24', the complete destruction of the civilization on the surface of the planet. Kirk seemed rather pleased with himself when he used that one.

One would assume General Order 25 was champagne and cigars all around.
Was there ever an episode where Kirk or Spock committed a crime while performing their duties as Star Fleet officers?
yes many times

either swiping federation property

or violating "the prime directive"

The Prime Directive is not a law though. It could be a policy violation but it wouldn't be a 'crime'.

the prime directive in an inter galactic law from the federation of planets

the Prime Directive is the guiding principle of the United Federation of Planets. The Prime Directive, used in four of the five Star Trek-based series, prohibits Starfleet personnel from interfering with the internal development of alien civilizations. This conceptual law applies particularly to civilizations which are below a certain threshold of technological, scientific and cultural development; preventing starship crews from using their superior technology to impose their own values or ideals on them.
Was there ever an episode where Kirk or Spock committed a crime while performing their duties as Star Fleet officers?
yes many times

either swiping federation property

or violating "the prime directive"

The Prime Directive is not a law though. It could be a policy violation but it wouldn't be a 'crime'.
Agreed but in the Enterprise Incident, there was a theft of a military secret, ordered by Star Fleet which doesn't fall under the Prime Directive IMO since it isn't interfering with the development of a civilization per se.
My favorite Kirk move was 'General Order 24', the complete destruction of the civilization on the surface of the planet. Kirk seemed rather pleased with himself when he used that one.

One would assume General Order 25 was champagne and cigars all around.
Yes that was a cool episode with the Disintegration booths and computer simulations of warfare in which the Enterprise was deemed destroyed. Kirk invoked General Order 24 to save his crew presumably going all in on a bluff believing the aliens would stand down when confronted with actual death and destruction.
Was there ever an episode where Kirk or Spock committed a crime while performing their duties as Star Fleet officers?

I can't remember off hand but know there were several where Kirk ignored and broke Star Fleet regulations. Didn't he get removed from command at least once?
Was there ever an episode where Kirk or Spock committed a crime while performing their duties as Star Fleet officers?

Based on what laws? Ours? Some kind of future laws we know nothing about? The Prime Directive? Is the Prime Directive even a law? Or is it more of a guideline?

Yeah I think of the UFP as more like a United Nations, meaning the Directive is directed at officials, not regular citizens.
Was there ever an episode where Kirk or Spock committed a crime while performing their duties as Star Fleet officers?

Yes. They violated the Prime Directive several times........

In one of my favorite episodes, now......Kirk provided firearms to a tribe on a planet after the Klingon's gave guns to the other tribe.......
I don't think he ever violated any rules regarding Yeoman Rand, but how could he not? If there was a good reason to lose your command that was it!
Good answers. I need to be more specific. Was there an episode where they were ordered to commit a crime?

There was the episode where Spock was brought on charges for trying to kill Captain Pike...


No Spock tried to give Captain Pike a good life again by taking him to Talos to live a life of illusion where the bees sung his name and squirrels pressed his pants for him.

One thing you have to notice, Kirk and Spock regularly commandeered the Enterprise, with 1000 crew, to just go do stuff they wanted to do. It would be like today if the commander of an aircraft carrier just took his ship and said "I'm sailing to Fiji to drop off my buddy, he likes the sunsets on Fiji". And the Pentagon, in the end, would say "ah you crazy explorers, of course you can use that gigantic ship and spend all those millions to move it to Fiji for your buddy."

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