St. Louis Voters Oust Prosecutor Who Didn’t Bring Charges In Cop Killing Of Michael Brown


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

St. Louis County District Attorney Robert McCulloch at 2015 press conference about an arrest in connection with a shooting at the Ferguson Police Department.

In a remarkable win for reformers, Wesley Bell, a city council member in Ferguson, Missouri, upset Robert McCulloch in Tuesday’s Democratic primary.

Wesley Bell, who cast himself as a reformer committed to changing a local criminal justice system widely criticized following the 2014 killing of black and unarmed teenager Michael Brown by a white police officer, won St. Louis County’s Democratic primary for top prosecutor on Tuesday in a major upset.

Bell, a city council member in Ferguson, Missouri, where Brown was killed, defeated Robert McCulloch, who had served in the prosecutor’s post since 1991. McCulloch was harshly criticized by many for failing to file charges against the officer who shot Brown, and Tuesday’s vote was widely seen as a referendum by local residents on his handling of the case.

Bell’s primary victory effectively means he is set to become St. Louis County’s next prosecuting attorney, given that he faces no Republican challenger in November’s general election.


Ferguson, Missouri, City Council member Wesley Bell won the Democratic nomination for top prosecutor in St. Louis County on Tuesday, scoring a major upset over an entrenched incumbent.

St. Louis Voters Oust Prosecutor Who Didn't Bring Charges In Cop Killing Of Michael Brown

Congratulations to Wesley Bell. Robert McCulloch was an arrogant asshole.
From the OP:

Prosecutors are among the most powerful agents in the U.S. criminal justice system. They have unrivaled access to the evidence that can determine a person’s guilt or innocence, and broad powers in determining how aggressively to pursue possible criminal charges against individuals.

Ninety-five percent of elected prosecutors are white, and 79 percent are male. Only 1 percent of prosecutors are women of color. The majority of prosecutors — 85 percent — run for election unopposed. They are rarely punished for misconduct, and a 1976 Supreme Court ruling gives them absolute immunity from civil suits.
So the cop that shot Michael Brown should have been charged but it was completely correct when Hillary wasn't charged for the 110 classified documents that were found on her private server, right?
From the OP:

Prosecutors are among the most powerful agents in the U.S. criminal justice system. They have unrivaled access to the evidence that can determine a person’s guilt or innocence, and broad powers in determining how aggressively to pursue possible criminal charges against individuals.

Ninety-five percent of elected prosecutors are white, and 79 percent are male. Only 1 percent of prosecutors are women of color. The majority of prosecutors — 85 percent — run for election unopposed. They are rarely punished for misconduct, and a 1976 Supreme Court ruling gives them absolute immunity from civil suits.
wait are you saying the prosecutor in ferguson is a democrat?
you heap all this racist talk and bullshit on to people like him, and he's a democrat, yet it's the republicans who are racist.....jesus you guys have no logic what so ever.

St. Louis County District Attorney Robert McCulloch at 2015 press conference about an arrest in connection with a shooting at the Ferguson Police Department.

In a remarkable win for reformers, Wesley Bell, a city council member in Ferguson, Missouri, upset Robert McCulloch in Tuesday’s Democratic primary.

Wesley Bell, who cast himself as a reformer committed to changing a local criminal justice system widely criticized following the 2014 killing of black and unarmed teenager Michael Brown by a white police officer, won St. Louis County’s Democratic primary for top prosecutor on Tuesday in a major upset.

Bell, a city council member in Ferguson, Missouri, where Brown was killed, defeated Robert McCulloch, who had served in the prosecutor’s post since 1991. McCulloch was harshly criticized by many for failing to file charges against the officer who shot Brown, and Tuesday’s vote was widely seen as a referendum by local residents on his handling of the case.

Bell’s primary victory effectively means he is set to become St. Louis County’s next prosecuting attorney, given that he faces no Republican challenger in November’s general election.


Ferguson, Missouri, City Council member Wesley Bell won the Democratic nomination for top prosecutor in St. Louis County on Tuesday, scoring a major upset over an entrenched incumbent.

St. Louis Voters Oust Prosecutor Who Didn't Bring Charges In Cop Killing Of Michael Brown

Congratulations to Wesley Bell. Robert McCulloch was an arrogant asshole.

So you're excited about the prospect of letting thugs roam the streets with impunity?
I mean personally I dont give a shit since I dont live there but the residents who do will be on the receiving end....oh well.
Didn't a grand jury deal with this? Why yes. Yes they did. OP is a lie.

The Michael Brown grand jury process was fair

By Paul Cassell November 25, 2014

The Michael Brown grand jury has spoken, declining to return charges against Officer Darren Wilson. The evidence that the grand jury reviewed has made available to the public and can be found here. Since I haven’t yet had an opportunity to review the voluminous testimony, in this post I discuss not substance, but procedure. Contrary to the complaints of some critics, the grand jury process was clearly fair.

Opinion | The Michael Brown grand jury process was fair

St. Louis County District Attorney Robert McCulloch at 2015 press conference about an arrest in connection with a shooting at the Ferguson Police Department.

In a remarkable win for reformers, Wesley Bell, a city council member in Ferguson, Missouri, upset Robert McCulloch in Tuesday’s Democratic primary.

Wesley Bell, who cast himself as a reformer committed to changing a local criminal justice system widely criticized following the 2014 killing of black and unarmed teenager Michael Brown by a white police officer, won St. Louis County’s Democratic primary for top prosecutor on Tuesday in a major upset.

Bell, a city council member in Ferguson, Missouri, where Brown was killed, defeated Robert McCulloch, who had served in the prosecutor’s post since 1991. McCulloch was harshly criticized by many for failing to file charges against the officer who shot Brown, and Tuesday’s vote was widely seen as a referendum by local residents on his handling of the case.

Bell’s primary victory effectively means he is set to become St. Louis County’s next prosecuting attorney, given that he faces no Republican challenger in November’s general election.


Ferguson, Missouri, City Council member Wesley Bell won the Democratic nomination for top prosecutor in St. Louis County on Tuesday, scoring a major upset over an entrenched incumbent.

St. Louis Voters Oust Prosecutor Who Didn't Bring Charges In Cop Killing Of Michael Brown

Congratulations to Wesley Bell. Robert McCulloch was an arrogant asshole.

a local criminal justice system widely criticized following the 2014 killing of black and unarmed teenager Michael Brown by a white police officer

Self-defense, not a crime in St Louis...….yet.
So he is going to be top prosecutor and he doesnt believe in ballistic evidence?

St. Louis County District Attorney Robert McCulloch at 2015 press conference about an arrest in connection with a shooting at the Ferguson Police Department.

In a remarkable win for reformers, Wesley Bell, a city council member in Ferguson, Missouri, upset Robert McCulloch in Tuesday’s Democratic primary.

Wesley Bell, who cast himself as a reformer committed to changing a local criminal justice system widely criticized following the 2014 killing of black and unarmed teenager Michael Brown by a white police officer, won St. Louis County’s Democratic primary for top prosecutor on Tuesday in a major upset.

Bell, a city council member in Ferguson, Missouri, where Brown was killed, defeated Robert McCulloch, who had served in the prosecutor’s post since 1991. McCulloch was harshly criticized by many for failing to file charges against the officer who shot Brown, and Tuesday’s vote was widely seen as a referendum by local residents on his handling of the case.

Bell’s primary victory effectively means he is set to become St. Louis County’s next prosecuting attorney, given that he faces no Republican challenger in November’s general election.


Ferguson, Missouri, City Council member Wesley Bell won the Democratic nomination for top prosecutor in St. Louis County on Tuesday, scoring a major upset over an entrenched incumbent.

St. Louis Voters Oust Prosecutor Who Didn't Bring Charges In Cop Killing Of Michael Brown

Congratulations to Wesley Bell. Robert McCulloch was an arrogant asshole.

Fucking busted big time Lakhota! And I'm only on my first coffee.


Prosecuting Attorney Robert P. McCulloch described the process that he used. The grand jury was one that a judge had previously selected, well before the shooting occurred. After the shooting, the grand jurors were asked to extend their service to hear the evidence. Prosecutors then called before the grand jury everyone they could that had evidence relevant to the case. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch summarized the process neatly:

The jurors — seven men, five women; nine whites, three blacks — did a job they couldn’t have dreamed they’d be doing in May, a job that none of them signed up for. They listened to two assistant prosecutors present physical evidence gathered by police investigators. They listened to Officer Wilson’s account of what happened. They listened to some 60 witnesses. They were instructed in what Missouri law says about what’s needed to bring various categories of homicide charges against a cop.

Opinion | The Michael Brown grand jury process was fair
Well if a Grand Jury decides there is no case then there is nothing a prosecutor can do.

Another lamo thread brought to you by Shittingbull.

What a moron.

St. Louis County District Attorney Robert McCulloch at 2015 press conference about an arrest in connection with a shooting at the Ferguson Police Department.

In a remarkable win for reformers, Wesley Bell, a city council member in Ferguson, Missouri, upset Robert McCulloch in Tuesday’s Democratic primary.

Wesley Bell, who cast himself as a reformer committed to changing a local criminal justice system widely criticized following the 2014 killing of black and unarmed teenager Michael Brown by a white police officer, won St. Louis County’s Democratic primary for top prosecutor on Tuesday in a major upset.

Bell, a city council member in Ferguson, Missouri, where Brown was killed, defeated Robert McCulloch, who had served in the prosecutor’s post since 1991. McCulloch was harshly criticized by many for failing to file charges against the officer who shot Brown, and Tuesday’s vote was widely seen as a referendum by local residents on his handling of the case.

Bell’s primary victory effectively means he is set to become St. Louis County’s next prosecuting attorney, given that he faces no Republican challenger in November’s general election.


Ferguson, Missouri, City Council member Wesley Bell won the Democratic nomination for top prosecutor in St. Louis County on Tuesday, scoring a major upset over an entrenched incumbent.

St. Louis Voters Oust Prosecutor Who Didn't Bring Charges In Cop Killing Of Michael Brown

Congratulations to Wesley Bell. Robert McCulloch was an arrogant asshole.

The confrontation began when Wilson ordered Brown and a friend, who were walking in the street, to walk on the sidewalk instead. Wilson, in his accounts, portrayed Brown as menacing and alleged that the teenager attacked him through an open window of his police vehicle. Wilson said Brown then fled, but stopped and turned back to charge at him. Witnesses differed on their versions of what happened between Wilson and Brown, with some claiming that Brown put his hands up to surrender at one point before being shot by Wilson. Ultimately, Wilson unloaded a total of 12 rounds at Brown, killing him.

Yes, Brown's friend lied about "Hands up, don't shoot"

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