Spy poisoning: "Russia" expels 60 US diplomats in tit-for-tat measure


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
its a perfect tome to attack Putler´s pocket (oil - gas industry) ? in retaliation ? will Trump do it to his friend Pynia?

"Russia's foreign minister said other countries that expelled Russians could expect a "symmetrical" response.

It comes amid a row over the nerve agent attack on a former Russian spy and his daughter in southern England.

Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were found unconscious on a bench in the city of Salisbury on 4 March.

The UK government has blamed Russia for the attack"

Russia expels US diplomats in tit-for-tat
Gonna be interesting to see how Trump handles this.
any guess?

Not really. Trump hasn't really been consistent on anything other than using emotional language to stir up his base.

Remember when he said he would veto the spending bill, but ended up signing it? Remember when he said he only hires the best and brightest, but has ended up firing a lot of them?

I have absolutely no idea how he's gonna handle this. But, I don't think Putin is very happy with him right now.

Besides.......................the only reason he kicked out a few diplomats is because all of our allies were doing the same, and it would look really weird if our allies kicked the Russians out but we didn't.

And don't forget, we only kicked the ones out that were on the West Coast. East Coast Russians with close ties to Trump were exempt.

Kinda like how he put out the tariffs on steel and aluminum, but then made exceptions for a whole bunch of countries.
Gonna be interesting to see how Trump handles this.
any guess?

Not really. Trump hasn't really been consistent on anything other than using emotional language to stir up his base.

Remember when he said he would veto the spending bill, but ended up signing it? Remember when he said he only hires the best and brightest, but has ended up firing a lot of them?

I have absolutely no idea how he's gonna handle this. But, I don't think Putin is very happy with him right now.

Besides.......................the only reason he kicked out a few diplomats is because all of our allies were doing the same, and it would look really weird if our allies kicked the Russians out but we didn't.

And don't forget, we only kicked the ones out that were on the West Coast. East Coast Russians with close ties to Trump were exempt.

Kinda like how he put out the tariffs on steel and aluminum, but then made exceptions for a whole bunch of countries.
He's already handling it better and stronger than Obuttfucker...
Gonna be interesting to see how Trump handles this.
any guess?

Not really. Trump hasn't really been consistent on anything other than using emotional language to stir up his base.

Remember when he said he would veto the spending bill, but ended up signing it? Remember when he said he only hires the best and brightest, but has ended up firing a lot of them?

I have absolutely no idea how he's gonna handle this. But, I don't think Putin is very happy with him right now.

Besides.......................the only reason he kicked out a few diplomats is because all of our allies were doing the same, and it would look really weird if our allies kicked the Russians out but we didn't.

And don't forget, we only kicked the ones out that were on the West Coast. East Coast Russians with close ties to Trump were exempt.

Kinda like how he put out the tariffs on steel and aluminum, but then made exceptions for a whole bunch of countries.
He's already handling it better and stronger than Obuttfucker...

Demagogue much? You aren't replying to my post with logic and facts, or even a reasonable answer to what you think Trump might do. All you did is scream emotional language and insults.

How do you think he's doing better than Obama in this matter? Be specific and leave the emotional language out of it.
Gonna be interesting to see how Trump handles this.
any guess?

Not really. Trump hasn't really been consistent on anything other than using emotional language to stir up his base.

Remember when he said he would veto the spending bill, but ended up signing it? Remember when he said he only hires the best and brightest, but has ended up firing a lot of them?

I have absolutely no idea how he's gonna handle this. But, I don't think Putin is very happy with him right now.

Besides.......................the only reason he kicked out a few diplomats is because all of our allies were doing the same, and it would look really weird if our allies kicked the Russians out but we didn't.

And don't forget, we only kicked the ones out that were on the West Coast. East Coast Russians with close ties to Trump were exempt.

Kinda like how he put out the tariffs on steel and aluminum, but then made exceptions for a whole bunch of countries.
i have nothing to add , its a really good post specially this part "Trump hasn't really been consistent on anything other than using emotional language to stir up his base."

but what i see, his administration full of hardliners , who want to put putler in his place, do you agree?
Gonna be interesting to see how Trump handles this.
any guess?

Not really. Trump hasn't really been consistent on anything other than using emotional language to stir up his base.

Remember when he said he would veto the spending bill, but ended up signing it? Remember when he said he only hires the best and brightest, but has ended up firing a lot of them?

I have absolutely no idea how he's gonna handle this. But, I don't think Putin is very happy with him right now.

Besides.......................the only reason he kicked out a few diplomats is because all of our allies were doing the same, and it would look really weird if our allies kicked the Russians out but we didn't.

And don't forget, we only kicked the ones out that were on the West Coast. East Coast Russians with close ties to Trump were exempt.

Kinda like how he put out the tariffs on steel and aluminum, but then made exceptions for a whole bunch of countries.
i have nothing to add , its a really good post specially this part "Trump hasn't really been consistent on anything other than using emotional language to stir up his base."

but what i see, his administration full of hardliners , who want to put putler in his place, do you agree?

Actually, no, I don't. Trump has put people into positions based on their willingness to blindly follow whatever Trump wants to do.

How has Putin been put in his place? Trump dragged his feet on enacting the sanctions that Congress passed, and only did it after people started to ask what was taking so long. As far as the ambassadors being kicked out? Yeah, some of them have, but there are still a lot of them in this country, especially around DC.

The only real "hard liner" that I see who could get tough with Putin is Bolton, but I'm waiting to see how long that one lasts.
Demagogue much? You aren't replying to my post with logic and facts, or even a reasonable answer to what you think Trump might do. All you did is scream emotional language and insults.

How do you think he's doing better than Obama in this matter? Be specific and leave the emotional language out of it.
I don't have to twist and turn myself into a pretzel to try and make a point...Obama was a terrible president...Trump is running rings around him...
Demagogue much? You aren't replying to my post with logic and facts, or even a reasonable answer to what you think Trump might do. All you did is scream emotional language and insults.

How do you think he's doing better than Obama in this matter? Be specific and leave the emotional language out of it.
I don't have to twist and turn myself into a pretzel to try and make a point...Obama was a terrible president...Trump is running rings around him...

I understand. You got nothing other than emotion and rhetoric.
I understand. You got nothing other than emotion and rhetoric.
Actually you don't understand...the proof is out there for everyone to see...the economy is better our foreign policy is back to being an America first policy the swamp is running scared and Trump is winning for America...I don't need four paragraphs and some idiotic link to prove it.....
His approval rating is climbing so I'm not alone...
I understand. You got nothing other than emotion and rhetoric.
Actually you don't understand...the proof is out there for everyone to see...the economy is better our foreign policy is back to being an America first policy the swamp is running scared and Trump is winning for America...I don't need four paragraphs and some idiotic link to prove it.....
His approval rating is climbing so I'm not alone...

Yep, he's gotten as high as 42 percent so far in approval.
I understand. You got nothing other than emotion and rhetoric.
Actually you don't understand...the proof is out there for everyone to see...the economy is better our foreign policy is back to being an America first policy the swamp is running scared and Trump is winning for America...I don't need four paragraphs and some idiotic link to prove it.....
His approval rating is climbing so I'm not alone...

Yep, he's gotten as high as 42 percent so far in approval.
what do you think about this episode ?

U.S. Attack on Assad Allies in Syria Was 'Unprecedented Act of ...

Feb 8, 2018 - A leading Russian lawmaker condemned on Thursday the deadly U.S. coalition strikes against pro-Syrian government forces, which reportedly attacked a Pentagon-backed militia near the eastern province of Deir Ezzor. The U.S.-led coalition claimed Wednesday that its allied Syrian Democratic Forces ...
I understand. You got nothing other than emotion and rhetoric.
Actually you don't understand...the proof is out there for everyone to see...the economy is better our foreign policy is back to being an America first policy the swamp is running scared and Trump is winning for America...I don't need four paragraphs and some idiotic link to prove it.....
His approval rating is climbing so I'm not alone...

Yep, he's gotten as high as 42 percent so far in approval.
what do you think about this episode ?

U.S. Attack on Assad Allies in Syria Was 'Unprecedented Act of ...

Feb 8, 2018 - A leading Russian lawmaker condemned on Thursday the deadly U.S. coalition strikes against pro-Syrian government forces, which reportedly attacked a Pentagon-backed militia near the eastern province of Deir Ezzor. The U.S.-led coalition claimed Wednesday that its allied Syrian Democratic Forces ...

Our troops were attacked, we responded. What's the problem?

The only problem I see is that Assad is tight with Putin, and Putin may not take kindly to this.
I understand. You got nothing other than emotion and rhetoric.
Actually you don't understand...the proof is out there for everyone to see...the economy is better our foreign policy is back to being an America first policy the swamp is running scared and Trump is winning for America...I don't need four paragraphs and some idiotic link to prove it.....
His approval rating is climbing so I'm not alone...

Yep, he's gotten as high as 42 percent so far in approval.
what do you think about this episode ?

U.S. Attack on Assad Allies in Syria Was 'Unprecedented Act of ...

Feb 8, 2018 - A leading Russian lawmaker condemned on Thursday the deadly U.S. coalition strikes against pro-Syrian government forces, which reportedly attacked a Pentagon-backed militia near the eastern province of Deir Ezzor. The U.S.-led coalition claimed Wednesday that its allied Syrian Democratic Forces ...

Our troops were attacked, we responded. What's the problem?

The only problem I see is that Assad is tight with Putin, and Putin may not take kindly to this.
Assad is more than tight with , he is Putler´s ally + in this attack 624 Muscovite solders were killed . was it a Trump decision to attack Assad and Putler´s army in Syria that day?
The place is insane................crazy bed partners here.

Syrian regime forces pass stranded ISIS convoy > CENTCOM > Press Release View

SOUTHWEST ASIA - At approximately 7am GMT Sept. 8, Syrian pro-regime forces advanced past the 11-bus convoy of ISIS terrorists and non-combatants in the eastern Syrian desert.

To ensure safe de-confliction of efforts to defeat ISIS, coalition surveillance aircraft departed the adjacent airspace at the request of Russian officials during their assault on Dawyr Az Zawyr.

The Coalition will continue to employ available assets to support our Syrian Democratic Forces and Iraqi partners in our mission to defeat ISIS.

"From the start of this situation on Aug. 29, we have placed responsibility for the buses and passengers on the Syrian regime, who in conjunction with Lebanese Hezbollah brokered a deal with ISIS to move its terrorists into Iraq," said Brig. Gen. Jon Braga, director of operations for the Coalition. "The regime's advance past the convoy underlines continued Syrian responsibility for the buses and terrorists. As always, we will do our utmost to ensure that the ISIS terrorists do not move toward the border of our Iraqi partners," said Braga.

I understand. You got nothing other than emotion and rhetoric.
Actually you don't understand...the proof is out there for everyone to see...the economy is better our foreign policy is back to being an America first policy the swamp is running scared and Trump is winning for America...I don't need four paragraphs and some idiotic link to prove it.....
His approval rating is climbing so I'm not alone...

Yep, he's gotten as high as 42 percent so far in approval.
what do you think about this episode ?

U.S. Attack on Assad Allies in Syria Was 'Unprecedented Act of ...

Feb 8, 2018 - A leading Russian lawmaker condemned on Thursday the deadly U.S. coalition strikes against pro-Syrian government forces, which reportedly attacked a Pentagon-backed militia near the eastern province of Deir Ezzor. The U.S.-led coalition claimed Wednesday that its allied Syrian Democratic Forces ...

Our troops were attacked, we responded. What's the problem?

The only problem I see is that Assad is tight with Putin, and Putin may not take kindly to this.
Assad is more than tight with , he is Putler´s ally + in this attack 624 Muscovite solders were killed . was it a Trump decision to attack Assad and Putler´s army in Syria that day?
They crossed deconfliction lines and there is an agreement to coordinate in the fight against ISIS..............The U.S. had and still makes it very clear NOT to move into these regions..................In the past these forces got away with attacking allied forces against ISIS............not to mention U.S. military personnel.............

Syria and the Russians with them violated this agreement and were killed as a result................They need to learn how to read a dang map.

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