Spike Lee: ‘There Is a War on the Black Male’

It's the sentencing guidelines, stupid!

You honestly believe that whites and everyone else have a different standard? Black culture today creates an environment that puts more blacks in prison. Don't rob a store or give someone a beat down if you don't want to end up in prison.
Its not a belief its a fact. There are different standards in the criminal Justice system for Backs.


Right. I didn't think so.

Oh, it's Rottengorrilla again. When BUSH-whacker starts to provide links so will I...BUTT OUT! I wasn't talking to you!
Sure. Step up and own it. How's that "three strikes" stuff working out?

There is a bigger percentage of Black males in jail than justifiable in this nation and that's due to Conservative policies that break up families and deny a chance for fatherhood.

Step up and own that!

Fatherhood? 72% of black children don't have a father and that is BECAUSE OF leftist policies that fuck males over. So we suppose to allow crimes and violence on our streets? I doubt even the black community would like to see their murder stats double over night.
You've been shown many times on these boards that a man doesn't have to be married to the child's mother to be a father. I guess you forgot...

After making broad claims with no proof (in other words lies) suddenly you want to get specific and literal. Typical negro diversion tactic.

Illegitimacy is what he meant by "not having a father", silly negro.
At least I'm acting like a civil human being. Your apish behavior denotes the monster within you. Racist Bahs-Turd. Damn, where is that IGNORE button? BTW Your analogy is wrong, but you won't see it. Your father wasn't around to teach you any better!
It's the sentencing guidelines, stupid!

You honestly believe that whites and everyone else have a different standard? Black culture today creates an environment that puts more blacks in prison. Don't rob a store or give someone a beat down if you don't want to end up in prison.
Its not a belief its a fact. There are different standards in the criminal Justice system for Backs.


Right. I didn't think so.

Oh, it's Rottengorrilla again. When BUSH-whacker starts to provide links so will I...BUTT OUT! I wasn't talking to you!

I don't really give a flip who you're talking to. You don't give me instructions.

Sure. Step up and own it. How's that "three strikes" stuff working out?

There is a bigger percentage of Black males in jail than justifiable in this nation and that's due to Conservative policies that break up families and deny a chance for fatherhood.

Step up and own that!

Fatherhood? 72% of black children don't have a father and that is BECAUSE OF leftist policies that fuck males over. So we suppose to allow crimes and violence on our streets? I doubt even the black community would like to see their murder stats double over night.
You've been shown many times on these boards that a man doesn't have to be married to the child's mother to be a father. I guess you forgot...

After making broad claims with no proof (in other words lies) suddenly you want to get specific and literal. Typical negro diversion tactic.

Illegitimacy is what he meant by "not having a father", silly negro.

At least I'm acting like a civil human being. Your apish behavior denotes the monster within you.

Racist Bahs-Turd.

Damn, where is that IGNORE button?

It's right there...see it?

BTW Your analogy is wrong,

What "analogy" are you referring to?

but you won't see it. Your father wasn't around to teach you any better!
Spike's conspiracy theory sure doesn't apply to pro sports does it???. He claims whites won't let blacks have middle class jobs but we do let them make $20 million a year in the NBA and NFL and MLB!!!! HAHAHA
Because the NBA, NFL, AND MLB jobs all take place in an arena with a level playing field and a large number of regulators; do you really think any white people would buy NBA tickets if there were no Blacks on the court?

The point is whites could keep all those sports job for themselves like they used to, and if they were trying to keep down blacks, they would.

There is no conspiracy against blacks. They are free to go as far as their skills will take them. In athletics, that's very far indeed. But in jobs that involve brains, they can't make it and demand special treatment.
In fact, whites couldn't segregate professional sports today the way they once did, and even if they could, the fans would not pay to see an inferior product which is exactly what you would see in the NBA absent Black talent.

Ok..you can easily accept that negroes are better basketball players but you can't admit that white people are more intelligent. Nice to pick and choose the facts you want to acknowledge and the ones you want to reject.
Make better decisions
Spike's conspiracy theory sure doesn't apply to pro sports does it???. He claims whites won't let blacks have middle class jobs but we do let them make $20 million a year in the NBA and NFL and MLB!!!! HAHAHA
Because the NBA, NFL, AND MLB jobs all take place in an arena with a level playing field and a large number of regulators; do you really think any white people would buy NBA tickets if there were no Blacks on the court?

The point is whites could keep all those sports job for themselves like they used to, and if they were trying to keep down blacks, they would.

There is no conspiracy against blacks. They are free to go as far as their skills will take them. In athletics, that's very far indeed. But in jobs that involve brains, they can't make it and demand special treatment.
In fact, whites couldn't segregate professional sports today the way they once did, and even if they could, the fans would not pay to see an inferior product which is exactly what you would see in the NBA absent Black talent.

Ok..you can easily accept that negroes are better basketball players but you can't admit that white people are more intelligent. Nice to pick and choose the facts you want to acknowledge and the ones you want to reject.
Make better decisions

Not sure what your point is?
Being a basketball player is more important than being intelligent?
I don't get it?
It's defined as delusional paranoia.:hmpf:

OK, lets break this down.

We live in a country that is dominated by the PC left and they use the Identity Politics system to categorize everyone by race, right? And the laws make distinctions about people based on race, is this not true also?

And every other race in this country is organized to represent their own interests in the legal system, right? And they have their own media, their own colleges, their own graduation days and proms, etc, right?

And these organized racial groups get set asides, and special contract priviliges with the government, right?

So where is the delusion? Where is the paranoia?

Please, I am just asking because you seem to be saying everyone can organize into racial interest groups except for whites. Why?[/QUOTE]

Are you kidding? Ever heard of the KKK? What about the rabid StormFroth;(or is that StormFront}

I am asking about white interest groups like la Raza or the NAACP but organized for whites and accepted as not racist. Obviously the KKK and StormFront do not qualify, besides those are FBI affiliates with a handful of trusting fools.
Why is it that whites are branded as racists if they organize to represent their own racial interests, unlike the NAACP or la Raza?

Daughters of the American Revolution? League of Women Voters? Multi-National Corporations? The Federal Reserve?

Lol, those are not groups of white people organized to represent white interests.

You seem to have a problem understanding English.
Last edited:
Rottengorrilla said:
You need to hop on a plane and fly over to washington and get them straightened out. Let them know that you don't think race exists and you demand they immediately should cease and desist the fraud they are perpetrating on the good people of this country.
Your low IQ prevents you from seeing the obvious. It is the PERCEPTION of race that is so pervasive and destructive in this country. STFU and that IS an ORDER! I"m telling you what to do and you are going to do it. Heh heh heh! :LOL:
Rottengorrilla said:
You need to hop on a plane and fly over to washington and get them straightened out. Let them know that you don't think race exists and you demand they immediately should cease and desist the fraud they are perpetrating on the good people of this country.

Your low IQ prevents you from seeing the obvious.


It is the PERCEPTION of race that is so pervasive and destructive in this country
Maybe...maybe not...either way race is real and the differences aren't going to go away.

STFU and that IS an ORDER! I"m telling you what to do and you are going to do it. Heh heh heh! :LOL:

you can sit there and pound on your keyboard, go paint your nails, sing the star spangled banner or bark at the moon...I couldn't care less.
Rottengorrilla said:
You need to hop on a plane and fly over to washington and get them straightened out. Let them know that you don't think race exists and you demand they immediately should cease and desist the fraud they are perpetrating on the good people of this country.
Your low IQ prevents you from seeing the obvious. It is the PERCEPTION of race that is so pervasive and destructive in this country. STFU and that IS an ORDER! I"m telling you what to do and you are going to do it. Heh heh heh! :LOL:

lol, that is funny.
Spike's conspiracy theory sure doesn't apply to pro sports does it???. He claims whites won't let blacks have middle class jobs but we do let them make $20 million a year in the NBA and NFL and MLB!!!! HAHAHA
Because the NBA, NFL, AND MLB jobs all take place in an arena with a level playing field and a large number of regulators; do you really think any white people would buy NBA tickets if there were no Blacks on the court?

The point is whites could keep all those sports job for themselves like they used to, and if they were trying to keep down blacks, they would.

There is no conspiracy against blacks. They are free to go as far as their skills will take them. In athletics, that's very far indeed. But in jobs that involve brains, they can't make it and demand special treatment.
In fact, whites couldn't segregate professional sports today the way they once did, and even if they could, the fans would not pay to see an inferior product which is exactly what you would see in the NBA absent Black talent.

Ok..you can easily accept that negroes are better basketball players but you can't admit that white people are more intelligent. Nice to pick and choose the facts you want to acknowledge and the ones you want to reject.
Make better decisions

Not sure what your point is?
Being a basketball player is more important than being intelligent?
I don't get it?
Stanford IQs
The Best Decision I Ever Made - GoStanford.com
Rottengorrilla said:
redefined? You can't "redefine" anthropology.
"Negro" isn't a pejorative term
Only a moron would read my post and think I was trying to "redefine" anthropology.

"Negro" is a pejorative coming from the filthy mouth of a racist pig like you!

Rottengorrilla said:
negro" is the correct spelling.
Well, uh,,no, it isn't. When you are talking about race the "N" is capitalized, moron!

When I said:"I’ll bet you and your sick buddies sat around jerking off over the pictures of Michael Brown’s body."
You came back with "projection." HAHAHA! Do you think you can fool people with that kind of response? We know how you racist militants react to pictures of lynching and murder at the hands of your ilk!

Keep "projecting" it shows how lazy and inept you really are.
Spike's conspiracy theory sure doesn't apply to pro sports does it???. He claims whites won't let blacks have middle class jobs but we do let them make $20 million a year in the NBA and NFL and MLB!!!! HAHAHA
Because the NBA, NFL, AND MLB jobs all take place in an arena with a level playing field and a large number of regulators; do you really think any white people would buy NBA tickets if there were no Blacks on the court?

The point is whites could keep all those sports job for themselves like they used to, and if they were trying to keep down blacks, they would.

There is no conspiracy against blacks. They are free to go as far as their skills will take them. In athletics, that's very far indeed. But in jobs that involve brains, they can't make it and demand special treatment.
In fact, whites couldn't segregate professional sports today the way they once did, and even if they could, the fans would not pay to see an inferior product which is exactly what you would see in the NBA absent Black talent.

Ok..you can easily accept that negroes are better basketball players but you can't admit that white people are more intelligent. Nice to pick and choose the facts you want to acknowledge and the ones you want to reject.
Make better decisions

Not sure what your point is?
Being a basketball player is more important than being intelligent?
I don't get it?
Stanford IQs
The Best Decision I Ever Made - GoStanford.com
Colleges recruit negroes for athletic ability, not intelligence, obviously. Occasionally there is a diamond in the rough but most of them don't graduate as you can see from the graphs below.
College athletes overall..and especially negro athletes aren't known for their intelligence.




etc...etc..I could go on..

Now let's look at the graduation rates of these bright young negroes in their own environment:
Historically "Black" Colleges.

Rottengorrilla said:
redefined? You can't "redefine" anthropology.
"Negro" isn't a pejorative term
Only a moron

would read my post and think I was trying to "redefine" anthropology.

Use words you actually understand, then.
Your EXACT words
You haven’t a clue but in the modern world of anthropological discourse, Black Africa’s racial make –up has been redefined.

"Negro" is a pejorative

No it isn't. It is a correct anthropological term for people of the negroid race

coming from the filthy mouth of a racist pig like you!


Rottengorrilla said:
negro" is the correct spelling.

Well, uh,,no, it isn't. When you are talking about race the "N" is capitalized
Spelling and capitalization are two different things.


When I said:"I’ll bet you and your sick buddies


sat around jerking off over the pictures of Michael Brown’s body."

You came back with "projection."
Projection is a defense mechanism that involves taking our own unacceptable qualities or feelings and ascribing them to other people.
What Is Projection - Defense Mechanisms

HAHAHA! Do you think you can fool people with that kind of response?

I'm not trying to fool anyone. When you call me (or anyone else) names or accuse people of hateful things you made up in your own mind,you're projecting your own insecurities and shortcomings.

Who is "we"?

how you racist militants react to pictures of lynching and murder at the hands of your ilk!

Keep "projecting"
I never called you any names or accused you of hateful things I made up out of thin air.

it shows how lazy and inept you really are.

JimBowie said:
I am asking about white interest groups like la Raza or the NAACP but organized for whites and accepted as not racist. Obviously the KKK and StormFront do not qualify, besides those are FBI affiliates with a handful of trusting fools.

Why is it that whites are branded as racists if they organize to represent their own racial interests, unlike the NAACP or la Raza?

The plight of "conservative" White males is the true focus of your angst. Every other faction of the American population has had to organize to protect their Constitutional rights to protect themselves against THEM! Finally, White women, Blacks, Gays and Lesbians got smart enough to pool their collective voting power to change things peacefully. Conservative, in name only, racists have the KKK, American NAZI party and many other White only clubs. The NAACP was started by Whites and is staffed interracially! Go get educated!
Spike's conspiracy theory sure doesn't apply to pro sports does it???. He claims whites won't let blacks have middle class jobs but we do let them make $20 million a year in the NBA and NFL and MLB!!!! HAHAHA
Because the NBA, NFL, AND MLB jobs all take place in an arena with a level playing field and a large number of regulators; do you really think any white people would buy NBA tickets if there were no Blacks on the court?

The point is whites could keep all those sports job for themselves like they used to, and if they were trying to keep down blacks, they would.

There is no conspiracy against blacks. They are free to go as far as their skills will take them. In athletics, that's very far indeed. But in jobs that involve brains, they can't make it and demand special treatment.
In fact, whites couldn't segregate professional sports today the way they once did, and even if they could, the fans would not pay to see an inferior product which is exactly what you would see in the NBA absent Black talent.

Ok..you can easily accept that negroes are better basketball players but you can't admit that white people are more intelligent. Nice to pick and choose the facts you want to acknowledge and the ones you want to reject.
Make better decisions

Not sure what your point is?
Being a basketball player is more important than being intelligent?
I don't get it?
Stanford IQs
The Best Decision I Ever Made - GoStanford.com
Colleges recruit negroes for athletic ability, not intelligence, obviously. Occasionally there is a diamond in the rough but most of them don't graduate as you can see from the graphs below.
College athletes overall..and especially negro athletes aren't known for their intelligence.




etc...etc..I could go on..

Now let's look at the graduation rates of these bright young negroes in their own environment:
Historically "Black" Colleges.

So among Stuff Black People Don't Like you would include higher education and class warfare?

"It must be noted that the downward trend in Black student graduation rates at HBCUs has occurred during a period of economic difficulty. Many publicly operated HBCUs have seen a decline in state appropriations and cutbacks in state financial aid for college students. Private HBCUs have also faced cutbacks and difficulty in fundraising. This undoubtedly is reflected in lower student graduation rates. Prior research has shown that the major reason that Black students drop out of college is money. Thus, cuts in financial aid programs at HBCUs undoubtedly have contributed significantly to the downward trend in Black student graduation rates at these schools."

Tracking Graduation Rates at HBCUs The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education
Rottengorrilla said:
redefined? You can't "redefine" anthropology.
"Negro" isn't a pejorative term
Only a moron

would read my post and think I was trying to "redefine" anthropology.

Use words you actually understand, then.
Your EXACT words
You haven’t a clue but in the modern world of anthropological discourse, Black Africa’s racial make –up has been redefined.

"Negro" is a pejorative

No it isn't. It is a correct anthropological term for people of the negroid race

coming from the filthy mouth of a racist pig like you!


Rottengorrilla said:
negro" is the correct spelling.

Well, uh,,no, it isn't. When you are talking about race the "N" is capitalized
Spelling and capitalization are two different things.


When I said:"I’ll bet you and your sick buddies


sat around jerking off over the pictures of Michael Brown’s body."

You came back with "projection."
Projection is a defense mechanism that involves taking our own unacceptable qualities or feelings and ascribing them to other people.
What Is Projection - Defense Mechanisms

HAHAHA! Do you think you can fool people with that kind of response?

I'm not trying to fool anyone. When you call me (or anyone else) names or accuse people of hateful things you made up in your own mind,you're projecting your own insecurities and shortcomings.

Who is "we"?

how you racist militants react to pictures of lynching and murder at the hands of your ilk!

Keep "projecting"
I never called you any names or accused you of hateful things I made up out of thin air.

it shows how lazy and inept you really are.


Spike's conspiracy theory sure doesn't apply to pro sports does it???. He claims whites won't let blacks have middle class jobs but we do let them make $20 million a year in the NBA and NFL and MLB!!!! HAHAHA
Because the NBA, NFL, AND MLB jobs all take place in an arena with a level playing field and a large number of regulators; do you really think any white people would buy NBA tickets if there were no Blacks on the court?

The point is whites could keep all those sports job for themselves like they used to, and if they were trying to keep down blacks, they would.

There is no conspiracy against blacks. They are free to go as far as their skills will take them. In athletics, that's very far indeed. But in jobs that involve brains, they can't make it and demand special treatment.
In fact, whites couldn't segregate professional sports today the way they once did, and even if they could, the fans would not pay to see an inferior product which is exactly what you would see in the NBA absent Black talent.

Ok..you can easily accept that negroes are better basketball players but you can't admit that white people are more intelligent. Nice to pick and choose the facts you want to acknowledge and the ones you want to reject.
Make better decisions

Not sure what your point is?
Being a basketball player is more important than being intelligent?
I don't get it?
Stanford IQs
The Best Decision I Ever Made - GoStanford.com
Colleges recruit negroes for athletic ability, not intelligence, obviously. Occasionally there is a diamond in the rough but most of them don't graduate as you can see from the graphs below.
College athletes overall..and especially negro athletes aren't known for their intelligence.




etc...etc..I could go on..

Now let's look at the graduation rates of these bright young negroes in their own environment:
Historically "Black" Colleges.

So among Stuff Black People Don't Like you would include higher education and class warfare?

I didn't say that did I? You're making things up.

"It must be noted that the downward trend in Black student graduation rates at HBCUs has occurred during a period of economic difficulty. Many publicly operated HBCUs have seen a decline in state appropriations and cutbacks in state financial aid for college students. Private HBCUs have also faced cutbacks and difficulty in fundraising. This undoubtedly is reflected in lower student graduation rates. Prior research has shown that the major reason that Black students drop out of college is money. Thus, cuts in financial aid programs at HBCUs undoubtedly have contributed significantly to the downward trend in Black student graduation rates at these schools."

Tracking Graduation Rates at HBCUs The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education

LMMFAO...a racist group "Blacks in Higher Education" making excuses about why negroes can't meet minimum standards to graduate from college...and the reason is.....they don't get enough free stuff (financial aid cutbacks).

LMMFAO..so financial aid cutbacks make negroes who are already in school dumber and it prevents them from graduating..
Brilliant logic there. Why didn't I see it myself.

I suppose these "cutbacks" are no doubt the fault of white (racist) legislators who want to keep the "black" man down.

Rottengorrilla said:
redefined? You can't "redefine" anthropology.
"Negro" isn't a pejorative term
Only a moron

would read my post and think I was trying to "redefine" anthropology.

Use words you actually understand, then.
Your EXACT words
You haven’t a clue but in the modern world of anthropological discourse, Black Africa’s racial make –up has been redefined.

"Negro" is a pejorative

No it isn't. It is a correct anthropological term for people of the negroid race

coming from the filthy mouth of a racist pig like you!


Rottengorrilla said:
negro" is the correct spelling.

Well, uh,,no, it isn't. When you are talking about race the "N" is capitalized
Spelling and capitalization are two different things.


When I said:"I’ll bet you and your sick buddies


sat around jerking off over the pictures of Michael Brown’s body."

You came back with "projection."
Projection is a defense mechanism that involves taking our own unacceptable qualities or feelings and ascribing them to other people.
What Is Projection - Defense Mechanisms

HAHAHA! Do you think you can fool people with that kind of response?

I'm not trying to fool anyone. When you call me (or anyone else) names or accuse people of hateful things you made up in your own mind,you're projecting your own insecurities and shortcomings.

Who is "we"?

how you racist militants react to pictures of lynching and murder at the hands of your ilk!

Keep "projecting"
I never called you any names or accused you of hateful things I made up out of thin air.

it shows how lazy and inept you really are.



Don't call people names or make up derogatory comments about them.

In other words stop projecting your own failures, shortcomings and inadequacies.

Debate the topic and stop using ad homs if you want to have a discussion. I'm not going to be baited into a name calling match.
Spike's conspiracy theory sure doesn't apply to pro sports does it???. He claims whites won't let blacks have middle class jobs but we do let them make $20 million a year in the NBA and NFL and MLB!!!! HAHAHA
Because the NBA, NFL, AND MLB jobs all take place in an arena with a level playing field and a large number of regulators; do you really think any white people would buy NBA tickets if there were no Blacks on the court?

The point is whites could keep all those sports job for themselves like they used to, and if they were trying to keep down blacks, they would.

There is no conspiracy against blacks. They are free to go as far as their skills will take them. In athletics, that's very far indeed. But in jobs that involve brains, they can't make it and demand special treatment.
In fact, whites couldn't segregate professional sports today the way they once did, and even if they could, the fans would not pay to see an inferior product which is exactly what you would see in the NBA absent Black talent.

Ok..you can easily accept that negroes are better basketball players but you can't admit that white people are more intelligent. Nice to pick and choose the facts you want to acknowledge and the ones you want to reject.
Make better decisions

Not sure what your point is?
Being a basketball player is more important than being intelligent?
I don't get it?
Stanford IQs
The Best Decision I Ever Made - GoStanford.com
Colleges recruit negroes for athletic ability, not intelligence, obviously. Occasionally there is a diamond in the rough but most of them don't graduate as you can see from the graphs below.
College athletes overall..and especially negro athletes aren't known for their intelligence.




etc...etc..I could go on..

Now let's look at the graduation rates of these bright young negroes in their own environment:
Historically "Black" Colleges.

So among Stuff Black People Don't Like you would include higher education and class warfare?

I didn't say that did I? You're making things up.

"It must be noted that the downward trend in Black student graduation rates at HBCUs has occurred during a period of economic difficulty. Many publicly operated HBCUs have seen a decline in state appropriations and cutbacks in state financial aid for college students. Private HBCUs have also faced cutbacks and difficulty in fundraising. This undoubtedly is reflected in lower student graduation rates. Prior research has shown that the major reason that Black students drop out of college is money. Thus, cuts in financial aid programs at HBCUs undoubtedly have contributed significantly to the downward trend in Black student graduation rates at these schools."

Tracking Graduation Rates at HBCUs The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education

LMMFAO...a racist group "Blacks in Higher Education" making excuses about why negroes can't meet minimum standards to graduate from college...and the reason is.....they don't get enough free stuff (financial aid cutbacks).

LMMFAO..so financial aid cutbacks make negroes who are already in school dumber and it prevents them from graduating..
Brilliant logic there. Why didn't I see it myself.

I suppose these "cutbacks" are no doubt the fault of white (racist) legislators who want to keep the "black" man down.

I suspect they have more to do with Rich Blacks on Wall Street nearly sinking the global economy in 2008.
Rottengorrilla said:
You need to hop on a plane and fly over to washington and get them straightened out. Let them know that you don't think race exists and you demand they immediately should cease and desist the fraud they are perpetrating on the good people of this country.

Your low IQ prevents you from seeing the obvious.


It is the PERCEPTION of race that is so pervasive and destructive in this country
Rottengorrilla said:
Maybe...maybe not...either way race is real and the differences aren't going to go away.


STFU and that IS an ORDER! I"m telling you what to do and you are going to do it. Heh heh heh! :LOL:

Rottengorrilla said:
you can sit there and pound on your keyboard, go paint your nails, sing the star spangled banner or bark at the moon...I couldn't care less.


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