Spike Lee: ‘There Is a War on the Black Male’

I'm growing bored with and tired of your ad homs and name calling.
It tends to show you are frustrated by losing the debate and cornered by logic....or else you're projecting...one or the other.

I deny that I am gratuitously insulting you, but you do see how it can turn someone off, so why use that approach?
Cockroach, hateful, racist are some of the words you have used in our conversation...there are others but it isn't important...

Negro is the correct anthropological term for members of the negroid race.
I feel no need to revise the english language to avoid a legitimate scientific term because negroes feel "offended" by it.

What about the United Negro College Fund? LMFAO
Doesn't that tend to refute your "hateful" and "racist" theory?
What about the negroes with the "Negro Spring" signs at Ferguson? Have you contacted them and asked them to stop using that word because it's "hateful" and "racist"?

Don't you see you're being manipulated and played?

Lol, no, I don't, but I think I will catch more flies with honey than vinegar,

I'll try to remember that if for some reason I get an urge to catch flies

and besides that I don't want to offend people for no reason.
Negro is the correct anthropological term for members of the negroid race.
I feel no need to revise the english language to avoid a legitimate scientific term because negroes feel "offended" by it.

So I avoid wide sweeping generic insults for the most part.
No idea what you're referring to.

I will always insult libtards because they are stupid ideologues destroying our country. They deserve the disrespect.

"libtards".... "repukicans" etc...you people sound like middle school children calling each other names.
"libtards".... "repukicans" etc...you people sound like middle school children calling each other names.
I agree completely. Just because others do it does not mean you have to lower yourself.

The minute I see these terms, whatever point the writer is trying to make becomes irrelevant.
"Agenda revealed" is how I look at it.
For example, some idiot who calls himself Billysomething started a thread with "repubs" in the title just now. Off the cuff you know it is some mindless shit probably linking something equally mindless from some dingbat site. Mind you, the term "libtards" is just as stupid. Public forums I suppose.
This is the wackiest conspiracy theory i ever heard. With all the affirmative action programs in america only a wackdoodle would say blacks are being held down. Their failure is their own fault.

Spike Lee: 'There Is a War on the Black Male' | National Review Online

Aug 19, 2014
Filmmaker Spike Lee weighed in on the death of Michael Brown and said the “uprising” in Ferguson, Mo., is in response to years of racial tension and mistreatment towards the black community in the United States. “When people get to a point — to that tipping point — they can’t take it anymore,” Lee said on CNN on Tuesday, listing the tragedies involving Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Rodney King, and others.

“I just think there is a war on the black male, and it’s tearing the country apart, in my opinion,” Lee said. “It’s not just killing us — it’s educational system, it’s the prison system, it’s these young black men growing up with no hope. It’s systematic.

Another cracker shitting their pants thread :ack-1:
"libtards".... "repukicans" etc...you people sound like middle school children calling each other names.
I agree completely. Just because others do it does not mean you have to lower yourself.

The minute I see these terms, whatever point the writer is trying to make becomes irrelevant.
"Agenda revealed" is how I look at it.
For example, some idiot who calls himself Billysomething started a thread with "repubs" in the title just now. Off the cuff you know it is some mindless shit probably linking something equally mindless from some dingbat site. Mind you, the term "libtards" is just as stupid. Public forums I suppose.

Well, 'repubs" is a contraction of republicans...like dems is for democrats..I'm ok with that...it's those other "creative" insults that make me smile...silly children.
The psychiatrists tell us we are only as sick as our secrets. And the biggest secret today is that we are not allowed to talk about black violence in any way that asks people responsible to take responsibility. That has bred a sickness in some black people and some white people — the Aryans, the haters, the Nazis, etc. — that is a lot bigger than I had imagined. Or that most people say.
FP: Crystallize for us why our leftist media, higher literary culture and our public officials condone and deny this racial violence.
Flaherty: The growth of racial violence and lawlessness creates a statement that everything these folks believe and have done over the last 50 years is not just a failure, but is harming the people they think they are helping.
FP: What has been the reaction to your book? Has the Left even acknowledged the existence of your book?
Flaherty: We are getting a tremendous amount of reaction to the book from talk radio, opinion pages and the Internet. Most of it from people who are grateful that finally, someone is talking in a clear and factual and compelling fashion about the topic of black mob violence. Attention from the Left is mixed. The overwhelming reaction is this: In the same breath they deny the widespread racial mayhem exists, then they explain why it exists. But I do get the feeling from many on the Left that the facts are so overwhelming that they are getting tired of standing up in the public square and proposing yet another program they know will not work to solve a problem they do not acknowledge even exists. I think many are ready for a new era of honesty on this topic.

White Girl Bleed a Lot | FrontPage Magazine - Part 2
Spike's conspiracy theory sure doesn't apply to pro sports does it???. He claims whites won't let blacks have middle class jobs but we do let them make $20 million a year in the NBA and NFL and MLB!!!! HAHAHA
Because the NBA, NFL, AND MLB jobs all take place in an arena with a level playing field and a large number of regulators; do you really think any white people would buy NBA tickets if there were no Blacks on the court?

They buy tickets to other sports that have few blacks, and once upon a time they bought basketball tickets all the time with no blacks on the court.

You seem to have drawn your conclusion before looking at the facts,....so you're a libtard, arent you?
I've noticed we've all wandered a fair distance from the OP, and I think I'll start over by saying rich blacks like Spike are slow to notice how young, poor black men are killing each other over scraps tossed from massa's table.
"libtards".... "repukicans" etc...you people sound like middle school children calling each other names.
I agree completely. Just because others do it does not mean you have to lower yourself.

The minute I see these terms, whatever point the writer is trying to make becomes irrelevant.
"Agenda revealed" is how I look at it.
For example, some idiot who calls himself Billysomething started a thread with "repubs" in the title just now. Off the cuff you know it is some mindless shit probably linking something equally mindless from some dingbat site. Mind you, the term "libtards" is just as stupid. Public forums I suppose.

Well, 'repubs" is a contraction of republicans...like dems is for democrats..I'm ok with that...it's those other "creative" insults that make me smile...silly children.
It is not the abbreviation which comes off as petulant, rather it is the weak and usually hackneyed attempt at insult. I used the term "Pakis" among some typically self-righteous British wankers who considered the term derogatory, yet "Afghanis" was considered proper.

Political correctness is confusing and I've yet to master it.
I will always insult libtards because they are stupid ideologues destroying our country. They deserve the disrespect.

"libtards".... "repukicans" etc...you people sound like middle school children calling each other names.

"You people", lolololol

I've never said or typed any of those childish words.


obfuscation and non responsive replies don't make you look very smart or mature.
Spike's conspiracy theory sure doesn't apply to pro sports does it???. He claims whites won't let blacks have middle class jobs but we do let them make $20 million a year in the NBA and NFL and MLB!!!! HAHAHA
Because the NBA, NFL, AND MLB jobs all take place in an arena with a level playing field and a large number of regulators; do you really think any white people would buy NBA tickets if there were no Blacks on the court?

Yes..basketball is VERY important.
It is important in the sense that tens of millions of US males play organized basketball at some point in their lives, For the vast majority the competition is limited to middle school and high school PE classes; some will play on their high school teams, and a few of those will play in college. I think there are a couple hundred players in the NBA. That ratio is important especially when you consider there are no Legacy Admissions to the NBA; you prove yourself against millions of competitors on a level court with numerous regulators watching your every move; it's a real shame capitalism can't provide the same work environment to all its workers.
Spike's conspiracy theory sure doesn't apply to pro sports does it???. He claims whites won't let blacks have middle class jobs but we do let them make $20 million a year in the NBA and NFL and MLB!!!! HAHAHA
Because the NBA, NFL, AND MLB jobs all take place in an arena with a level playing field and a large number of regulators; do you really think any white people would buy NBA tickets if there were no Blacks on the court?

Yes..basketball is VERY important.
It is important in the sense that tens of millions of US males play organized basketball at some point in their lives, For the vast majority the competition is limited to middle school and high school PE classes; some will play on their high school teams, and a few of those will play in college. I think there are a couple hundred players in the NBA. That ratio is important especially when you consider there are no Legacy Admissions to the NBA; you prove yourself against millions of competitors on a level court with numerous regulators watching your every move; it's a real shame capitalism can't provide the same work environment to all its workers.

I see...the conversation morphed from implying that white people wouldn't buy tickets to see NBA games if no negroes were in the league ( a VERY bizarre claim you can't even begin to support) to how important organized sports are to young people.
Very deft maneuver.
I'm growing bored with and tired of your ad homs and name calling.
It tends to show you are frustrated by losing the debate and cornered by logic....or else you're projecting...one or the other.

I deny that I am gratuitously insulting you, but you do see how it can turn someone off, so why use that approach?

Cockroach, hateful, racist are some of the words you have used in our conversation...there are others but it isn't important...

Negro is the correct anthropological term for members of the negroid race.
I feel no need to revise the english language to avoid a legitimate scientific term because negroes feel "offended" by it.

What about the United Negro College Fund? LMFAO
Doesn't that tend to refute your "hateful" and "racist" theory?
What about the Negroes with the "Negro Spring" signs at Ferguson? Have you contacted them and asked them to stop using that word because it's "hateful" and "racist"?
Don't you see you're being manipulated and played?

ROTTENGORRILLA, you are an uneducated ignoramus who wouldn’t know a Knee-Grow if you saw one.
I’ll bet you and your sick buddies sat around jerking off over the pictures of Michael Brown’s body. That’s the kind of thing that turns racist assholes like you on.

You aren’t game enough to actually research this but I’ll say it anyway for the benefit of those who can appreciate anthropological studies. You haven’t a clue but in the modern world of anthropological discourse, Black Africa’s racial make –up has been redefined. The pejorative term “Negro” is used to describe so-called sub-Saharan Blacks. Other Black Africans, such as those occupying East Africa and the Horn of Africa have been graciously deemed Caucasoid. White professionals made that determination all by themselves. Blacks had nothing to do with it.

If you wondered what happened to the so called Caucasoid Black Hamites, look no further than the White House. Obama’s father, the Kenyan, is a descendant of that lineage and his son now occupies the most prestigious office in the world! Do you believe he is a Negro? What makes you think I am a Negro? I wouldn’t care. Racists do not stop to consider any differences anyway.

Frankly, I disagree with the proponents of the Black Caucasoid theorem. Any person living on the continent of Africa darker than a brown paper bag and having certain features regardless of how subtle-i.e. like the Saudi Royals, is Black. Knee grows every one! Race is a false social concept that needs to be scrapped!
Spike's conspiracy theory sure doesn't apply to pro sports does it???. He claims whites won't let blacks have middle class jobs but we do let them make $20 million a year in the NBA and NFL and MLB!!!! HAHAHA
Because the NBA, NFL, AND MLB jobs all take place in an arena with a level playing field and a large number of regulators; do you really think any white people would buy NBA tickets if there were no Blacks on the court?

The point is whites could keep all those sports job for themselves like they used to, and if they were trying to keep down blacks, they would.

There is no conspiracy against blacks. They are free to go as far as their skills will take them. In athletics, that's very far indeed. But in jobs that involve brains, they can't make it and demand special treatment.
In fact, whites couldn't segregate professional sports today the way they once did, and even if they could, the fans would not pay to see an inferior product which is exactly what you would see in the NBA absent Black talent.
ROTTENGORRILLA, you are an uneducated ignoramus


who wouldn’t know a Knee-Grow if you saw one.

"negro" is the correct spelling.

I’ll bet you and your sick buddies sat around jerking off over the pictures of Michael Brown’s body.


That’s the kind of thing that turns racist assholes like you on.


You aren’t game enough to actually research this but I’ll say it anyway for the benefit of those who can appreciate anthropological studies. You haven’t a clue but in the modern world of anthropological discourse,

Want to bet?

Black Africa’s racial make –up has been redefined. The pejorative term “Negro” is used to describe so-called sub-Saharan Blacks.

redefined? You can't "redefine" anthropology.

"Negro" isn't a pejorative term

Other Black Africans, such as those occupying East Africa and the Horn of Africa have been graciously deemed Caucasoid.
You can "graciously" deem them anything you want. They aren't caucasian.

White professionals made that determination all by themselves. Blacks had nothing to do with it.

making vague claims that "white professionals" did something without naming them is called inventing a strawman.

If you wondered what happened to the so called Caucasoid Black Hamites, look no further than the White House. Obama’s father, the Kenyan, is a descendant of that lineage and his son now occupies the most prestigious office in the world! Do you believe he is a Negro? What makes you think I am a Negro? I wouldn’t care. Racists do not stop to consider any differences anyway.

More unsupported vague claims and allegations = strawmmen

Frankly, I disagree with the proponents of the Black Caucasoid theorem. Any person living on the continent of Africa darker than a brown paper bag and having certain features regardless of how subtle-i.e. like the Saudi Royals, is Black. Knee grows every one! Race is a false social concept that needs to be scrapped!
Race exists. There are physical, biological and intelligence differences between them.

...but, hypothetically, if race didn't exist, then the numerous federal gvt programs like AA that artificially advance negroes to positions and jobs they didn't earn and aren't qualified for is a fraud...Our entire federal gvt has been duped.

You need to hop on a plane and fly over to washington and get them straightened out. Let them know that you don't think race exists and you demand they immediately should cease and desist the fraud they are perpetrating on the good people of this country.
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Spike's conspiracy theory sure doesn't apply to pro sports does it???. He claims whites won't let blacks have middle class jobs but we do let them make $20 million a year in the NBA and NFL and MLB!!!! HAHAHA
Because the NBA, NFL, AND MLB jobs all take place in an arena with a level playing field and a large number of regulators; do you really think any white people would buy NBA tickets if there were no Blacks on the court?

The point is whites could keep all those sports job for themselves like they used to, and if they were trying to keep down blacks, they would.

There is no conspiracy against blacks. They are free to go as far as their skills will take them. In athletics, that's very far indeed. But in jobs that involve brains, they can't make it and demand special treatment.
In fact, whites couldn't segregate professional sports today the way they once did, and even if they could, the fans would not pay to see an inferior product which is exactly what you would see in the NBA absent Black talent.

Ok..you can easily accept that negroes are better basketball players but you can't admit that white people are more intelligent. Nice to pick and choose the facts you want to acknowledge and the ones you want to reject.

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