Speaker Mike Johnson: 'We have to blur' Jan. 6 vids to shield rioters from DOJ

No one believes you, and no one cares anyway.

Unlike the dumbass leftard sheeple, we can discern for ourselves which stories are newsworthy.

And we don't need any astroturfed "fact checkers" for validation.
gateway pundit never tells the truth. They exist for the sole purpose of telling RWNJs lies.

And you sheep fall for it every single time.

Last edited:
gateway undid never tell the truth. They exist for the sole purpose of telling RWNJs lies.

And you sheep fall for it every single time.

View attachment 868730

You stupid retarded asswipe, I'm libertarian. My "party" hasn't won an election in 200 years.

But I know evil when I see it, and leftards are completely fucking evil.

The Democratic Party funded EIGHT MONTHS OF RACIAL RIOTS because they couldn't unseat Trump any other way.

Leftards are evil fucking scum.
You stupid retarded asswipe, I'm libertarian. My "party" hasn't won an election in 200 years.

But I know evil when I see it, and leftards are completely fucking evil.

The Democratic Party funded EIGHT MONTHS OF RACIAL RIOTS because they couldn't unseat Trump any other way.

Leftards are evil fucking scum.
Evil fucking scum, at best.
View attachment 868448

The House speaker offered a remarkable statement in support of those who rioted at the Capitol in 2021.

WASHINGTON ― House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) said Tuesday that Republicans are blurring faces in security footage from inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, to protect rioters from prosecution.

“We have to blur some of the faces of persons who participated in the events of that day because we don’t want them to be retaliated against and to be charged by the DOJ,” Johnson said at a press conference.

The Department of Justice has long had access to the footage and has used it in some of the roughly 1,200 criminal cases against people linked to the riot, which saw participants fight police and storm the Capitol building.

Johnson’s comment is a remarkable statement of sympathy for supporters of then-President Donald Trump who illegally entered a restricted federal building as part of a violent attack on Congress.

Though prosecutors already have the video, blurring people’s faces could prevent amateur investigators from sending tips to the FBI. Online sleuths have previously used social media and facial recognition software to help the government track down a number of suspects.

Shortly after becoming speaker in October, Johnson announced that Republicans would release thousands of hours of footage from security cameras, fulfilling a pledge he made to the far-right flank of the House GOP conference. The video has previously been available to criminal defendants and reporters by request.

More at the link below...


Protect rioters from DOJ? Why is he trying to protect the rioters from identification, investigation and prosecution? What do you think?

The DoJ should charge him with aiding and abetting criminals.
You stupid retarded asswipe, I'm libertarian. My "party" hasn't won an election in 200 years.

But I know evil when I see it, and leftards are completely fucking evil.

The Democratic Party funded EIGHT MONTHS OF RACIAL RIOTS because they couldn't unseat Trump any other way.

Leftards are evil fucking scum.
Libertarians are just republicans who are embarrassed to admit it. The bigotry is what does it.
It's not about the DoJ. It's about the general public where someone might recognize one of Trump's thugs committing a crime and report them.
If you believe democrats hid the video to protect maga types, you're extra retarded. :abgg2q.jpg:

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