Sparticus' Hypocritical Call To Delay Kavanaugh Vote


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'New Jersey Democratic Sen. Cory Booker is facing accusations of hypocrisy over his calls to delay the confirmation vote of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh amid sexual misconduct allegations, as he once admitted groping a friend without her consent in high school.'

"Wait,'s not the same thing. See,
what had happened was...ummm, what were
we talking about? Wait - I AM SPARTICUS!"



Mitch O'Connell delayed a hearing for Merrick Garland for over 16 months for no reason whatsoever. So what the hell is a few weeks for Kavanaugh?
'New Jersey Democratic Sen. Cory Booker is facing accusations of hypocrisy over his calls to delay the confirmation vote of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh amid sexual misconduct allegations, as he once admitted groping a friend without her consent in high school.'

View attachment 217558
"Wait,'s not the same thing. See,
what had happened was...ummm, what were
we talking about? Wait - I AM SPARTICUS!"

View attachment 217559


They were 2 teens making out on a bed and she gave consent. Your spin is retarded.
Mitch O'Connell delayed a hearing for Merrick Garland for over 16 months for no reason whatsoever. So what the hell is a few weeks for Kavanaugh?
He had a reason: we don't need no more liberals.
Mitch O'Connell delayed a hearing for Merrick Garland for over 16 months for no reason whatsoever. So what the hell is a few weeks for Kavanaugh?
Was Garland falsely accused or nearly raping someone decades ago? No? Then the Garland case has nothing to do with the despicable attempted political assassination launched by Feinstein.
Mitch O'Connell delayed a hearing for Merrick Garland for over 16 months for no reason whatsoever. So what the hell is a few weeks for Kavanaugh?

Word !

Cons have NO right to complain about scotus delays .
They were 2 teens making out on a bed and she gave consent. Your spin is retarded.
So you admit, as Booker did, that he physically 'assaulted' a girl by 'feeling her up' without her consent. Thanks.
That moron needs to shut up.
Or he is going to be the next waters, harris or pelosi.
Mitch O'Connell delayed a hearing for Merrick Garland for over 16 months for no reason whatsoever. So what the hell is a few weeks for Kavanaugh?

Word !

Cons have NO right to complain about scotus delays .
Neither party has much room to talk about ANYTHING. If you retarded mother fuckers had any honesty and integrity, you wouldnt be bitching at each other at ALL
'New Jersey Democratic Sen. Cory Booker is facing accusations of hypocrisy over his calls to delay the confirmation vote of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh amid sexual misconduct allegations, as he once admitted groping a friend without her consent in high school.'

View attachment 217558
"Wait,'s not the same thing. See,
what had happened was...ummm, what were
we talking about? Wait - I AM SPARTICUS!"

View attachment 217559


Is Cory Booker up for a LIFETIME appointment????...............Yes or No?
'New Jersey Democratic Sen. Cory Booker is facing accusations of hypocrisy over his calls to delay the confirmation vote of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh amid sexual misconduct allegations, as he once admitted groping a friend without her consent in high school.'

View attachment 217558
"Wait,'s not the same thing. See,
what had happened was...ummm, what were
we talking about? Wait - I AM SPARTICUS!"

View attachment 217559


Is Cory Booker up for a LIFETIME appointment????...............Yes or No?
Who gives a shit what 'Sparticus' is 'up' for? He is a proven grand-standing liar, a hypocrite, and an admitted sexual predator.
Who gives a shit what 'Sparticus' is 'up' for? He is a proven grand-standing liar, a hypocrite, and an admitted sexual predator.[/QUOTE]

Bad mouthing the orange clown???........LOL
'New Jersey Democratic Sen. Cory Booker is facing accusations of hypocrisy over his calls to delay the confirmation vote of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh amid sexual misconduct allegations, as he once admitted groping a friend without her consent in high school.'

View attachment 217558
"Wait,'s not the same thing. See,
what had happened was...ummm, what were
we talking about? Wait - I AM SPARTICUS!"

View attachment 217559

i kept hearing "TOP GUN" in the background...
Mitch O'Connell delayed a hearing for Merrick Garland for over 16 months for no reason whatsoever. So what the hell is a few weeks for Kavanaugh?

Word !

Cons have NO right to complain about scotus delays .
Sure we do. We can do whatever we want and you can scream at the sky when you are unable to stop it because YOU have destroyed yourselves.
That moron needs to shut up.
Or he is going to be the next waters, harris or pelosi.
They have the same "type of blood" don't you know? You know, the kind that is susceptible to sickle cell anemia. You know, the kind that seemingly makes it difficult to pronounce ASK and makes individuals prone to be waaaaay overly emotional and very very ignorant.

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