Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

DES MOINES, Iowa — New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker said on Sunday the possibility of impeaching Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh shouldn’t be off the table if Democrats take one of the houses of Congress in next month’s midterm elections. Kavanaugh was confirmed on Saturday by a narrow vote following a contentious process that included multiple sexual assault allegations.

“The reality is, right now, Republicans control the House and the Senate, and there’s no way to do even an investigation unless we flip one of the houses. So I think even before you start focusing on questions about his truthfulness before a Senate committee, you’ve got to focus on the urgency of the work over the next 30 days, and that’s where my focus is,” Booker said.


Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

Look everyone. They don't know how to handle the thriving economy. They cannot possibly tell you that they are going to raise the taxes, start up mass regulations on business, make sure to bend over for the world to rape us on trade deals and appease ALL of our enemies.

They cannot tell you any of that.

They are such creepy losers.
Well if the impeachment thing is getting thrown on the table....might as well impeach any Justice who came out and gave a public interview on how she would cast a month before the Hearing in 2015. What's good for the gander is good for the goose.
C'mon people! You knew this was coming as soon as Kavanaugh was nominated. They (Democrats) started this Friday night into Saturday morning.
I hope these idiots run with this..

The moderate dems are running from their own party and these idiots cant see how they are shooting themselves in the foot.. Republicans and moderates are pissed at the obvious change they want, in the rule of law.. The different groups (that dems like to keep separated) see their jobs coming back and wages rising.. So that's not going to work with their divide an conquer strategy. Trumps bringing the country together and people see it. dems in their divide and demonize politics have been exposed... Nov 6 cant come fast enough..
I think they pissed off enough Americans with their antics as it is. Great, give people another reason to keep Democrats out of power. Preach it loud and wide.
I think they pissed off enough Americans with their antics as it is. Great, give people another reason to keep Democrats out of power. Preach it loud and wide.

I think you're right. Every time I hear or read about one of the whiney Dems calling for impeachment and/or investigations it makes them look bad to everybody outside of their base. Is it going to increase the turnout in their base as much as it'll cost them with everybody else? Doubtful IMHO.
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I can't wait to see this fucking idiot get beat in the Democrat primary. Time his loud mouth ass got beat down.

He isn't the second coming of Obama. Spartacus is just another race baiting libtardo preaching like Al Sharpton.
I think they pissed off enough Americans with their antics as it is. Great, give people another reason to keep Democrats out of power. Preach it loud and wide.

I think you're right. Every time I hear or read about one of the whiney Dems calling for impeachment and/or investigations it makes them look bad to everybody outside of their base. Is it going to increase the turnout in their base and much as it'll cost them with everybody else? Doubtful IMHO.

I think the past several years they have driven more people to the right. Trump won, the next day, impeach Trump. Kavanaugh nominated, the next day, impeach Kavanaugh.

The Constitution says Congress can impeach on charges of high crime and misdemeanors. The Democrats are telling people "To hell with the Constitution. We are impeaching because we don't like them!"

They are virtually trying to overthrow our government. That's why smart Americans will keep them as far out of power as possible before they start another civil war in this country.
Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

DES MOINES, Iowa — New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker said on Sunday the possibility of impeaching Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh shouldn’t be off the table if Democrats take one of the houses of Congress in next month’s midterm elections. Kavanaugh was confirmed on Saturday by a narrow vote following a contentious process that included multiple sexual assault allegations.

“The reality is, right now, Republicans control the House and the Senate, and there’s no way to do even an investigation unless we flip one of the houses. So I think even before you start focusing on questions about his truthfulness before a Senate committee, you’ve got to focus on the urgency of the work over the next 30 days, and that’s where my focus is,” Booker said.


Cory Booker says Kavanaugh impeachment shouldn't be off the table

Look everyone. They don't know how to handle the thriving economy. They cannot possibly tell you that they are going to raise the taxes, start up mass regulations on business, make sure to bend over for the world to rape us on trade deals and appease ALL of our enemies.

They cannot tell you any of that.

They are such creepy losers.

Lucky for him, NJ is full of filthy piece of shits and he can get away with this bullshit without any backlash.
I think they pissed off enough Americans with their antics as it is. Great, give people another reason to keep Democrats out of power. Preach it loud and wide.

I think you're right. Every time I hear or read about one of the whiney Dems calling for impeachment and/or investigations it makes them look bad to everybody outside of their base. Is it going to increase the turnout in their base and much as it'll cost them with everybody else? Doubtful IMHO.

I think the past several years they have driven more people to the right. Trump won, the next day, impeach Trump. Kavanaugh nominated, the next day, impeach Kavanaugh.

The Constitution says Congress can impeach on charges of high crime and misdemeanors. The Democrats are telling people "To hell with the Constitution. We are impeaching because we don't like them!"

They are virtually trying to overthrow our government. That's why smart Americans will keep them as far out of power as possible before they start another civil war in this country.
And they sure as hell don’t want to make that mistake.
November is next month..
30 days.... And absentee ballots are cast starting this week....

All I know is I'm voting against all politicians with Anti-American agendas.

Screw that! I'm an American, fuck off Commie/Nazi loser!
You will not be alone...

I am writing letters to the editors of news papers and web sites that cater to democrat controlled regions.. If they print them will be another subject..
I think they pissed off enough Americans with their antics as it is. Great, give people another reason to keep Democrats out of power. Preach it loud and wide.

I think you're right. Every time I hear or read about one of the whiney Dems calling for impeachment and/or investigations it makes them look bad to everybody outside of their base. Is it going to increase the turnout in their base and much as it'll cost them with everybody else? Doubtful IMHO.

I think the past several years they have driven more people to the right. Trump won, the next day, impeach Trump. Kavanaugh nominated, the next day, impeach Kavanaugh.

The Constitution says Congress can impeach on charges of high crime and misdemeanors. The Democrats are telling people "To hell with the Constitution. We are impeaching because we don't like them!"

They are virtually trying to overthrow our government. That's why smart Americans will keep them as far out of power as possible before they start another civil war in this country.
And they sure as hell don’t want to make that mistake.

The problem is they will do anything for power. However if they happen to take leadership of Congress and impeach Trump or Kavanaugh for no other reason than they are the opposition, then we are in a state of tyranny.
I think they pissed off enough Americans with their antics as it is. Great, give people another reason to keep Democrats out of power. Preach it loud and wide.

I think you're right. Every time I hear or read about one of the whiney Dems calling for impeachment and/or investigations it makes them look bad to everybody outside of their base. Is it going to increase the turnout in their base and much as it'll cost them with everybody else? Doubtful IMHO.

I think the past several years they have driven more people to the right. Trump won, the next day, impeach Trump. Kavanaugh nominated, the next day, impeach Kavanaugh.

The Constitution says Congress can impeach on charges of high crime and misdemeanors. The Democrats are telling people "To hell with the Constitution. We are impeaching because we don't like them!"

They are virtually trying to overthrow our government. That's why smart Americans will keep them as far out of power as possible before they start another civil war in this country.
And they sure as hell don’t want to make that mistake.

The problem is they will do anything for power. However if they happen to take leadership of Congress and impeach Trump or Kavanaugh for no other reason than they are the opposition, then we are in a state of tyranny.
And that’s when the shit will hit the fan.

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