Some Simple FACTS About Disarming Americans

Where's CNN's proof he was a registered Republican?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

Where's anyone who cares? What does registering as a Republican change exactly?

I know people who register Repub (or Democrat) so they can be involved in their local government.

So what??
"Why is a gun more important than a human life?"

Guns aren't. But freedom and the US Constitution are. Many lives were spent to obtain and keep them.

Please tell me - because from the gun nuts here, they don't seem to be showing much sympathy toward the dead kids, just about the thought of their guns being taken away.

This is the dumbest dogmatic logic I've seen in my short time here. We cling to guns like a lifeline because they protect us from crazy SOB's like Adam Lanza. Cocaine is illegal in the United States, criminals still use and sell it though. If you outlaw guns, criminals are still going to use them, meanwhile law abiding citizens are disarmed and defenseless against these criminals. Best way to stop a bad man with a gun? A good man with a gun.
Best way to stop a bad man with a gun? A good man with a gun.

Problem: that's two guys with guns.

Reminds me of a scene from the movie "Witness":
While police detective recovers in barn, little Amish boy notices detective's gun, picks it up. He's confronted by his grandfather.
Grandfather asks the boy "would you shoot this gun at a man?"

Boy: "I would only shoot the bad man."

Grandfather: "You can see into that man's heart??

That's it right there. Don't you know that everybody who has a gun considers himself the good man?
Best way to stop a bad man with a gun? A good man with a gun.

Problem: that's two guys with guns.

Not a problem.

Reminds me of a scene from the movie "Witness":
While police detective recovers in barn, little Amish boy notices detective's gun, picks it up. He's confronted by his grandfather.
Grandfather asks the boy "would you shoot this gun at a man?"

Boy: "I would only shoot the bad man."

Grandfather: "You can see into that man's heart??

Well yeah, if I see some kook shooting up a bunch of kids? I think I can pretty much see into his heart. Or, more like, lack thereof.

That's it right there. Don't you know that everybody who has a gun considers himself the good man?

Really? I find this highly unlikely.
Best way to stop a bad man with a gun? A good man with a gun.

Problem: that's two guys with guns.

Reminds me of a scene from the movie "Witness":
While police detective recovers in barn, little Amish boy notices detective's gun, picks it up. He's confronted by his grandfather.
Grandfather asks the boy "would you shoot this gun at a man?"

Boy: "I would only shoot the bad man."

Grandfather: "You can see into that man's heart??

That's it right there. Don't you know that everybody who has a gun considers himself the good man?

I don't consider a scene from a sub par movie as solid evidence to refute another's thoughts and beliefs. Didn't your parents ever tell you things you see in movies aren't real? And so if Adam Lanza considers himself a good man, then by your standards, he is in fact a good man. Am I right?
That's it right there. Don't you know that everybody who has a gun considers himself the good man?

Really? I find this highly unlikely.

You're the same guy who just completely whiffed on the point that Tim McVeigh's political registration is irrelevant, so I don't think what you find "unlikely" is the product of sterling powers of observation...:rofl:
Best way to stop a bad man with a gun? A good man with a gun.

Problem: that's two guys with guns.

Reminds me of a scene from the movie "Witness":
While police detective recovers in barn, little Amish boy notices detective's gun, picks it up. He's confronted by his grandfather.
Grandfather asks the boy "would you shoot this gun at a man?"

Boy: "I would only shoot the bad man."

Grandfather: "You can see into that man's heart??

That's it right there. Don't you know that everybody who has a gun considers himself the good man?

I don't consider a scene from a sub par movie as solid evidence to refute another's thoughts and beliefs. Didn't your parents ever tell you things you see in movies aren't real? And so if Adam Lanza considers himself a good man, then by your standards, he is in fact a good man. Am I right?


No, you just whiffed on another point.

It's a parable. Its lesson is about human nature. It's not to "refute" something. Duh.

And your judgement of some film in the world of films is completely irrelevant. You're grasping at straws to avoid the point. It's not working.
You got me there, but I can't help but ask, you don't believe that the best way to minimize loss of life is to exercise our right to bear arms?
You got me there, but I can't help but ask, you don't believe that the best way to minimize loss of life is to exercise our right to bear arms?

No, I don't.

For one thing the "right to bear arms" as we're incessantly reminded, is designed for the populace to protect itself from overreaching government -- not Adam Lanzas.

And more to the point is this: a guy with a gun is potential violence. Two guys with guns meeting each other is escalation of that potential violence. Three guys... you get the idea.
That's a dead end. Literally. The posit that the answer to violence is to escalate to more violence is absurd on its face.

As I posted somewhere else today, even if there's no violence-- suppose you're a gun owner, licensed, legal, trained and responsible, and you go out carrying....

Trouble comes up, you let it be known that you're armed... trouble retreats. Now, even if no shots were fired...
What exactly have you accomplished?

You've reinforced the idea that might makes right, and confirmed it for Trouble, who takes the hint and gets himself a gun. A bigger one than yours too.

Dead end.
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That's it right there. Don't you know that everybody who has a gun considers himself the good man?

Really? I find this highly unlikely.

You're the same guy who just completely whiffed on the point that Tim McVeigh's political registration is irrelevant, so I don't think what you find "unlikely" is the product of sterling powers of observation...:rofl:

I think you're confused. I never "whiffed" on any point that McVeigh's political registration is irrelevant. I asked for proof that McVeigh was a Republican. So, when you give sermons on sterling powers of observation, you might want to look at your own self. And by the way, WTF is "whiffed" supposed to mean? You mean, I got a smell of or, in baseball, tried unsuccessfully to hit a ball?
You got me there, but I can't help but ask, you don't believe that the best way to minimize loss of life is to exercise our right to bear arms?

No, I don't.

For one thing the "right to bear arms" as we're incessantly reminded, is designed for the populace to protect itself from overreaching government -- not Adam Lanzas.

Go ahead, let's see how this one works out for you. Make Congress adopt a law which says gun owners are not to legally use their guns, unless it's to protect themselves from an overreaching government. Let us know how it turns out.

And more to the point is this: a guy with a gun is potential violence. Two guys with guns meeting each other is escalation of that potential violence.

To stop a guy with a gun requires an escalation in violence. I guess you're opposed to police owning guns...too? What, you think we should negotiate with him? Or, worse, bend to his will even though we're armed? What are you...a liberal?

guys... you get the idea.
That's a dead end. Literally. The posit that the answer to violence is to escalate to more violence is absurd on its face.

Really? Tell that to Japan.

As I posted somewhere else today, even if there's no violence-- suppose you're a gun owner, licensed, legal, trained and responsible, and you go out carrying....

Trouble comes up, you let it be known that you're armed... trouble retreats. Now, even if no shots were fired...
What exactly have you accomplished?

What a stupid comment...pure and simple. What do you THINK I would have accomplished?
Im glad somebody else in this topic realizes that licensed guns are a constant deterrent of crime. Somebody who walks into a convenient store and sees you packing is going to get in their 89' impala with 24 inch rims and drive to the next 7/11 to rob it. While, though this might sound selfish, this no longer puts me in the path of a thug wielding an illegally gotten gun and passes him off to the next convenient store down the road, Im fine with it.
I've never seen any information other than hearsay from democrats that he was a republicans
But we do know
Timothy McVeigh: Product of Democratic and Union Upbringing

Do you even understand the concept of "Credible Sources". Something called "varight" isn't a credible source.

Timothy McVeigh: the Oklahoma City bomber - CNN

During his time in the Army, he also read and recommended to others "The Turner Diaries,"- a racist, anti-Semitic novel about a soldier in an underground army. A former roommate said that McVeigh would panic at the prospect of the government taking away peoples' guns, but that he was not a racist and was basically indifferent to racial matters.

After renting a Ryder truck that has been linked to the Oklahoma City bombing, McVeigh telephoned a religious community that preaches white supremacy, but no one there can remember knowing him or talking to him. His only known affiliations are as a registered Republican in his New York days, and as a member of the National Rifle Association while he was in the Army.

CNN is credible? since when?

CNN is credible? since when?

Okay, it's credible to sensible people...

It's just not credible to you whacks who create your own reality.

Like I said, until fairly recently, I was as right wing nuts as you are.

Then I figured out that the emotional issues - guns, abortions, gays - were just to keep people voting against their own economic interests.

I refused to keep playing along.

Hey, guess what, the plutocrats are ready to throw you guys right over the side...


After watching his unhinged performance on Meet the Press today, I'd have to agree.
The media is controlled by liberals. I expect nothing less of them. The idea of individual freedom to them is the same as holy water to a vampire.

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