Socialist component of OWS

Do you support Socialism as practiced by OWS?

  • Yes I am an anarchist and totally hate the "man"!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes but am a wannabe cause the media tells me I should!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No I don't support as I'm too busy building and not destroying!

    Votes: 7 100.0%
  • It doesn't matter as we are all going to hell!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The debate of the socialists.. should we destroy property or not??

"Even worse, the anarchist statement goes on to equate smashing a few windows with the struggle of International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) members in Longview, Wash., to prevent operators of the EGT grain terminal from breaking their union. "In this struggle," the anonymous statement says, "ILWU workers have fought with police and damaged property, largely EGT grain. We must ask ourselves why we choose to support these workers, yet demonize anarchists for breaking the windows of a bank?"
Debating our tactics in Oakland |

So all you OWS supporter, anti-capitalists, 99% wannabes.. here is a poll question for you.
Your poll doesn't have the best wording, but no I don't support socialism.

However I think the media makes it look too much like most of the OWS protesters are socialists. This is simply not the case and to think so is laughable and shows that media mentality. They would love for you to believe that so you refuse to acknowledge that people, EVEN YOURSELF are mad as hell.
The OWS protesters, for most part, are not anti-capitalist...they are anti GREED.

Can you since you believe that show me an example of "greed"?

People throw this term around but I've yet to see why some of the biggest supporters of OWS are millionaires and billionaires.. so are they "greedy"?
Just look at their list of demands. They are socialists, for the most part.

By all means, list these "demands" and tell us how they are "socialism".

One of the complaints of the OWSM is that, where banks and financial institutions are concerned, the profit is privatized while the loss is "socialized".
The OWS protesters, for most part, are not anti-capitalist...they are anti GREED.

Can you since you believe that show me an example of "greed"?

People throw this term around but I've yet to see why some of the biggest supporters of OWS are millionaires and billionaires.. so are they "greedy"?

CEOs making 300 to 400 times their average worker for one.

Banks and financial institutions as legalized gambling houses where WE cover their losses is another.
Your poll doesn't have the best wording, but no I don't support socialism.

However I think the media makes it look too much like most of the OWS protesters are socialists. This is simply not the case and to think so is laughable and shows that media mentality. They would love for you to believe that so you refuse to acknowledge that people, EVEN YOURSELF are mad as hell.

OWS was organized by a devout communist in Van Jones, and openly backed by Unions which are predominantly led by those with communist agendas. Acorn, which was exposed as being a communist organization got caught with there fingers in it as well.
That being said, I would say no that it is not a socialist movement but rather a communist one, with the communist only making up about 5% of the total movement with a bunch of dumbasses that they tricked into believing the bullshit doing all the legwork.
Remember, they are calling for revolution, and all revolutions require the Bourgeois to be taking out through violence and then a dictatorship follows. Too bad the dumbasses at OWS don't realize the true agenda of those who are driving them, because where they are headed is alot worse then where they are now.
The OWS protesters, for most part, are not anti-capitalist...they are anti GREED.

Can you since you believe that show me an example of "greed"?

People throw this term around but I've yet to see why some of the biggest supporters of OWS are millionaires and billionaires.. so are they "greedy"?

CEOs making 300 to 400 times their average worker for one.

Banks and financial institutions as legalized gambling houses where WE cover their losses is another.

There workers are free to go somewhere else and work if they dont like it.
A revolution doesn't have to be violent at all, we've seen that plenty of times of course. I don't need to give I?

I don't know who originally started OWS, but I first heard of it from a random Youtube video that was posted from members of the internet group Anonymous. I think many people who had heard of it before and who are actually there, heard of it from there. I'm not even sure what their list of demands are or anything, since this group seems to be all over the place.

But I know one thing I've been consistently hearing was that they want Wallstreet out of our govt. That's something I can definitely stand behind.

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