Socialism is marching in America


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
If the right should learn one thing from having their face smeared in the mud on the floor over raising the debt limit, and setting priority's in order for cutting the budget, it is that Socialism is gaining a hold in America as capitalist find themselves set adrift and unable to function or produce. As I gaze over the economy I see the last bastion of refuge is Wall Street, and it's days are surely numbered as capitalism continues it's decent into the abyss. Even the T-Party caved into cutting the military to make more funds available for programs of the people. In other words, the military machine is dead on arrival. It is a good day to be a socialist.:eusa_angel:
The first of the month is always a good day for socialists.

And for the millions of capitalists on their knees to socialism, jobless twits that voted themselves into oblivion.:clap2:
If the right should learn one thing from having their face smeared in the mud on the floor over raising the debt limit, and setting priority's in order for cutting the budget, it is that Socialism is gaining a hold in America as capitalist find themselves set adrift and unable to function or produce. As I gaze over the economy I see the last bastion of refuge is Wall Street, and it's days are surely numbered as capitalism continues it's decent into the abyss. Even the T-Party caved into cutting the military to make more funds available for programs of the people. In other words, the military machine is dead on arrival. It is a good day to be a socialist.:eusa_angel:

You're all done, Dude. You and Jake Starkey turn out the lights since you'll be the last ones out of the bunker
How would socialism even be able to exist without capitalism? No more greedy capitalusts=no more food stamps on the first of the month. Be careful what you wish for.
Used to be the 1st and the 15th, so id say they are peddling backwards and dont know it


What is a shame, that you don't understand the depth to which socialism is working in America, and how that is all possible thanks to Capitalism run amok and adrift in corruption. It is a failed system that requires socialist regulation at every step of the way.
There is not a single successful Socialist nation on the planet, they're all failures and losers, but their leaders do get to ride in their private corporate jets
The first of the month is always a good day for socialists.

Is that when corporation get their welfare?

There is a monumental difference between subsidies given to tax paying organizations that create jobs and products/services we all use in our daily lives and the free money/food stamps handed out to socialist bums on the first of the month. Seriously, are you saying you can't tell the difference?
How would socialism even be able to exist without capitalism? No more greedy capitalusts=no more food stamps on the first of the month. Be careful what you wish for.

Not so. Capitalist's left to their own greed would have reduced their profits to the point of bankruptcy. As you can see, that results in bailout after bailout, subsidies and other corporate aid to compete. Government has to intervene to set prices, and yes that is socialism saving the capitalist from extinction.
How would socialism even be able to exist without capitalism? No more greedy capitalusts=no more food stamps on the first of the month. Be careful what you wish for.

Not so. Capitalist's left to their own greed would have reduced their profits to the point of bankruptcy. As you can see, that results in bailout after bailout, subsidies and other corporate aid to compete. Government has to intervene to set prices, and yes that is socialism saving the capitalist from extinction.

When you leave your Mom's basement later today, take a walk into any local store and talk to the owner and tell him your ideas on how to run a business. If he does not die from laughter first, he might try to set you straight.
Ok Reverend Wright. What ever you say. And what are your qualifications & credentials for making such bold Economic predictions? This should be fun. lol!
The first of the month is always a good day for socialists.

Is that when corporation get their welfare?

There is a monumental difference between subsidies given to tax paying organizations that create jobs and products/services we all use in our daily lives and the free money/food stamps handed out to socialist bums on the first of the month. Seriously, are you saying you can't tell the difference?

No different. The capitalist bums have worked and paid taxes, so if they need a socialist safety net due to failed capitalism, it will be there for them.

The taxes of corporations are paid for by those same capitalist bums when they buy their products, so subsidies are tax free bonuses given to a few, while refusing to help other businesses that lack influence & lobbyists.
How would socialism even be able to exist without capitalism? No more greedy capitalusts=no more food stamps on the first of the month. Be careful what you wish for.

Not so. Capitalist's left to their own greed would have reduced their profits to the point of bankruptcy. As you can see, that results in bailout after bailout, subsidies and other corporate aid to compete. Government has to intervene to set prices, and yes that is socialism saving the capitalist from extinction.

When you leave your Mom's basement later today, take a walk into any local store and talk to the owner and tell him your ideas on how to run a business. If he does not die from laughter first, he might try to set you straight.

Public School "Educated" rejects pretending to be Economic experts on the Interwebs really is hilarious. :cuckoo: :lol:
How would socialism even be able to exist without capitalism? No more greedy capitalusts=no more food stamps on the first of the month. Be careful what you wish for.

Not so. Capitalist's left to their own greed would have reduced their profits to the point of bankruptcy. As you can see, that results in bailout after bailout, subsidies and other corporate aid to compete. Government has to intervene to set prices, and yes that is socialism saving the capitalist from extinction.

When you leave your Mom's basement later today, take a walk into any local store and talk to the owner and tell him your ideas on how to run a business. If he does not die from laughter first, he might try to set you straight.

When you pull your head out of your ass, give yourself a rim job. There is nothing I have said that isn't so, and all you got is attacks & bullshit a ten year old could toss out. Now crawl back in your mommies bed, and STFU.
How would socialism even be able to exist without capitalism? No more greedy capitalusts=no more food stamps on the first of the month. Be careful what you wish for.

Not so. Capitalist's left to their own greed would have reduced their profits to the point of bankruptcy. As you can see, that results in bailout after bailout, subsidies and other corporate aid to compete. Government has to intervene to set prices, and yes that is socialism saving the capitalist from extinction.

So you are assuming responsibility for the bail outs? You are right, it was socialism.

In a true capitalist society (not this Keynesian/socialist crap), businesses would be allowed to fail. Without the safety net, I'm sure their decisions on risky investments would be different.

But, you failed at answering my question like Walmart fails at good quality cheap avocados. How could your socialist utopia work without the money generated by evil capitalists?
Not so. Capitalist's left to their own greed would have reduced their profits to the point of bankruptcy. As you can see, that results in bailout after bailout, subsidies and other corporate aid to compete. Government has to intervene to set prices, and yes that is socialism saving the capitalist from extinction.

When you leave your Mom's basement later today, take a walk into any local store and talk to the owner and tell him your ideas on how to run a business. If he does not die from laughter first, he might try to set you straight.

When you pull your head out of your ass, give yourself a rim job. There is nothing I have said that isn't so, and all you got is attacks & bullshit a ten year old could toss out. Now crawl back in your mommies bed, and STFU.

Yea you're a real Economic Genius there. Somehow i get the feeling you don't have the experience or credentials to make such bold economic predictions. Being a Public School reject just doesn't cut it in the real world. But thanks for the laugh. It was fun. :lol:
Not so. Capitalist's left to their own greed would have reduced their profits to the point of bankruptcy. As you can see, that results in bailout after bailout, subsidies and other corporate aid to compete. Government has to intervene to set prices, and yes that is socialism saving the capitalist from extinction.

When you leave your Mom's basement later today, take a walk into any local store and talk to the owner and tell him your ideas on how to run a business. If he does not die from laughter first, he might try to set you straight.

When you pull your head out of your ass, give yourself a rim job. There is nothing I have said that isn't so, and all you got is attacks & bullshit a ten year old could toss out. Now crawl back in your mommies bed, and STFU.

No, seriously. I can't say you're ignorant because that's just not knowing things and I can't call you stupid because stupid people at least make an effort. You're the polar opposite of correct. You can't get any wronger if you tried! Do you ever get out in the world at all?

And then, doubling down on a losing bet, you insult me? Not good judgment on your part at all, then again what did anyone expect?

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