So where is that Nobel for Trump on North Korea?


Gold Member
Jul 17, 2016
So just a few months ago Trupets were screaming that the Korean peninsula is now been rid of nukes! Now not so much! We all told ya then but you said it was acomplished!
Had it been Obama, my guess is he would have FIVE Nobels by now...and the press would be gushing their love and adoration for him.
So just a few months ago Trupets were screaming that the Korean peninsula is now been rid of nukes! Now not so much! We all told ya then but you said it was acomplished!

Is now been rid? WTF. Sure don't recall anyone saying "it be" accomplished.
So just a few months ago Trupets were screaming that the Korean peninsula is now been rid of nukes! Now not so much! We all told ya then but you said it was acomplished!
------------------------------ none of its a big deal , TRUMP is taking steps and thats the best that can be done . Its a work in progress so just don't worry about it . The PRESIDENT has numerous well stocked and maintained bunkers all over the USA and world for him and his family in case the 'norks' do something stupid Evenflow .
So just a few months ago Trupets were screaming that the Korean peninsula is now been rid of nukes! Now not so much! We all told ya then but you said it was acomplished!

This is all Chinas doing.

The U.S should be aggressive in confronting China in the South Sea and then do aggressive military drills around S Korea if no more progress is made with Kim.

If war is edging closer, the CIA need to be working triple time in the region, getting information and pamphlets ready to direct N Koreans to the Chinese border in the event of an attack. This will really get the point across to China that there will be serious internal consequences if all out war happens.

China is the greatest enemy to the U.S by a long shot, and too many internally and externally have been helping these Communist SOB's. Trumps administration needs to be the time to confront this menace. Look how quickly the U.S military with strong leadership made ISIS impotent. When there is strong leadership and focus, the U.S military is unmatched.
Had it been Obama, my guess is he would have FIVE Nobels by now...and the press would be gushing their love and adoration for him.

Well ... He did get one by getting elected ... That's a pretty slick move and you have to give him credit for that ... :thup:

So just a few months ago Trupets were screaming that the Korean peninsula is now been rid of nukes! Now not so much! We all told ya then but you said it was acomplished!

Hard to follow exactly what your point is, probably because you really haven't one. Clearly, had Obama done what Trump had done, he would have been carried on people's shoulders, and he WAS given a Nobel for essentially doing nothing! So where is Trump's? Yes, that is a good question then, and all you've done is point out the vast dichotomy of the media. You're right-- -- Kim is not quite yet going down without a fight, but Trump isn't responsible for that; one might ask where is all that world peace Obama got a Nobel for? Bottom line: the only possible answer for your question, while they were LOOKING for any excuse to award Obama, they are looking for every excuse NOT to recognize Trump. Thanks for proving Liberal Bias. Bet that's not what you set out to do.

The Nobel Obama got was Europe's "reward" to the USA for pleasing them by electing a euro-friendly black socialist.
Nobody ever said the Korean peninsula was "free of nukes". President Trump even admitted that the outcome was uncertain. I guess the radical left just expects too much from a republican and not so much from a democrat. I think it was just about this point in his administration when Barry Hussein was awarded the Nobel Prize for getting elected.
Well I am sure if he followed the last administration and bombed a hospital or used the IRS to target political opponents or even just sold guns to drug cartels he might of had more backing from the left for one.

The problem is it always takes years of negotiations to come to an agreement. The Korean Armistice did not happen in one meeting. The salt talks took years. The so called Iran deal took time. But in the lefts minds if you are Republican then you are such a god that one meeting is enough to change the world.
Nobody ever said the Korean peninsula was "free of nukes". President Trump even admitted that the outcome was uncertain. I guess the radical left just expects too much from a republican and not so much from a democrat. I think it was just about this point in his administration when Barry Hussein was awarded the Nobel Prize for getting elected.

It is just like when Barry was in office: after a while, even an idiot realizes that NO ONE gets a decision wrong, ASS-BACKWARDS DEAD WRONG, every single fricking time, 180° DEAD-ASS wrong, over and over with never a single one in favor of the USA without finally realizing and admitting that no one, not even Obama can be wrong ALL THE TIME by ACCIDENT. Likewise, when you have a leftist sycophant cult supporting the likes of Obama and Hillary who dismiss the mountains of criminal behavior while are like a hawk right on the smallest detail to criticize Trump on, you realize this is NO ACCIDENT.

90-95% of the Leftist Trump-bashers on this forum MUST BE:
  1. Admitting they are dumber than a submarine with screen doors. Or
  2. Admitting they are paid partisan hacks. Or
  3. Really hate America and just want to see it fail anyway, anyhow, the sooner the better. Or
  4. Are such bitter, infantile bad losers, they will NEVER get over Hillary's defeat and like a child's temper tantrum, just can't accept not getting their way at any cost.
Which is it guys?
Trump did win Communist of The Year award ...

Had it been Obama, my guess is he would have FIVE Nobels by now...and the press would be gushing their love and adoration for him.

Obama would have actually gotten a deal. And he never would have done this.

Had it been Obama, my guess is he would have FIVE Nobels by now...and the press would be gushing their love and adoration for him.

Obama would have actually gotten a deal. And he never would have done this.

You have to give you credit. Your derangement is off the charts and you don't mind showing it off like a shiny new penny.
So just a few months ago Trupets were screaming that the Korean peninsula is now been rid of nukes! Now not so much! We all told ya then but you said it was acomplished!

Is now been rid? WTF. Sure don't recall anyone saying "it be" accomplished.

Rump did, good you to sleep well the NoKo problem has been solved!

Another one...good you to sleep? Don't suppose you have a link?

Do not know how to link from phone.

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