So where are the indictments Durham, Barr...anyone that has the power to do so??

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
One mans opinion..

ā€œThere is no longer justification for inaction other than to finally admit Barr isnā€™t there to help..ā€

This has been obvious to anyone but the ABNORMALS for months.

ā€œBarr acts or heā€™s fired.ā€

Him and Huber along with Wray. There are literally mountains of evidence of blatant criminal activity right in front of them. Theyā€™ve had it for months, perhaps a year or longer. Grand Juries should be tossing indictments like Mardi Gras beads on Bourbon Street during a pole dancer convention.

And yet, nothing!!!

Graham has been flapping his gums for a year about hearings on Kavanaugh, Ukraine, and other matters yet he hasnā€™t produced even a single witness list let alone actually scheduled a hearing on anything.

Burr is completely AWOL, too, except for playing his bagpipes, and an occasional meatless statement to let us know :He's ON THE CASE". One would think the Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee might have at least a passing interest in the dozens and dozens of leaks of classified material that are obviously coming from partisan Dems in both Congress and the White House. But heā€™s occupied with ā€œother more important mattersā€??????????

There are no more important matters than rooting out the seditious coup that tried to illegally remove a duly elected President.


It almost seems like they are PART OF THIS ACTIVITY....perhaps Trump FINALLY getting rid of SOME of the subversives in the White House is a start of bigger things to come, but honestly, what can a president do when even his closest advisers keep telling him that he must TREAD LIGHTLY.....Do we actually have to wait until he is reelected BEFORE the PURGE:) of the corrupt and crooked actually starts and he doesnt have to worry about an election?.....Let's hear it party of INFANTICIDE..... quick check and see what the DNC talking points would be!
Putting a big hunk of the Democratic party in Jail is best done after reelection
You may be right....logically though indicting McCabe and Comey Would probably do wonders for the re election, but we are talking political here where the shampeachment SHOULD HAVE knocked Trumps rating down quite a bit, but instead gave him a huge BUMP UP..... So rationally, after the election and letting the DemonRATS make bigger fools of themselves with talk of a shampeachment 2.0 would do nothing but good for our greatest president in a century..... even Blow Job Billy got a bump up in the polls even while the public knew he was dirty as a mud pile.... Politics is really a game of strategy and psychoanalysis of the voting public!
One mans opinion..

ā€œThere is no longer justification for inaction other than to finally admit Barr isnā€™t there to help..ā€

This has been obvious to anyone but the ABNORMALS for months.

ā€œBarr acts or heā€™s fired.ā€

Him and Huber along with Wray. There are literally mountains of evidence of blatant criminal activity right in front of them. Theyā€™ve had it for months, perhaps a year or longer. Grand Juries should be tossing indictments like Mardi Gras beads on Bourbon Street during a pole dancer convention.

And yet, nothing!!!

Graham has been flapping his gums for a year about hearings on Kavanaugh, Ukraine, and other matters yet he hasnā€™t produced even a single witness list let alone actually scheduled a hearing on anything.

Burr is completely AWOL, too, except for playing his bagpipes, and an occasional meatless statement to let us know :He's ON THE CASE". One would think the Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee might have at least a passing interest in the dozens and dozens of leaks of classified material that are obviously coming from partisan Dems in both Congress and the White House. But heā€™s occupied with ā€œother more important mattersā€??????????

There are no more important matters than rooting out the seditious coup that tried to illegally remove a duly elected President.


It almost seems like they are PART OF THIS ACTIVITY....perhaps Trump FINALLY getting rid of SOME of the subversives in the White House is a start of bigger things to come, but honestly, what can a president do when even his closest advisers keep telling him that he must TREAD LIGHTLY.....Do we actually have to wait until he is reelected BEFORE the PURGE:) of the corrupt and crooked actually starts and he doesnt have to worry about an election?.....Let's hear it party of INFANTICIDE..... quick check and see what the DNC talking points would be!
Any day now...any day now...any day now...
One mans opinion..

ā€œThere is no longer justification for inaction other than to finally admit Barr isnā€™t there to help..ā€

This has been obvious to anyone but the ABNORMALS for months.

ā€œBarr acts or heā€™s fired.ā€

Him and Huber along with Wray. There are literally mountains of evidence of blatant criminal activity right in front of them. Theyā€™ve had it for months, perhaps a year or longer. Grand Juries should be tossing indictments like Mardi Gras beads on Bourbon Street during a pole dancer convention.

And yet, nothing!!!

Graham has been flapping his gums for a year about hearings on Kavanaugh, Ukraine, and other matters yet he hasnā€™t produced even a single witness list let alone actually scheduled a hearing on anything.

Burr is completely AWOL, too, except for playing his bagpipes, and an occasional meatless statement to let us know :He's ON THE CASE". One would think the Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee might have at least a passing interest in the dozens and dozens of leaks of classified material that are obviously coming from partisan Dems in both Congress and the White House. But heā€™s occupied with ā€œother more important mattersā€??????????

There are no more important matters than rooting out the seditious coup that tried to illegally remove a duly elected President.


It almost seems like they are PART OF THIS ACTIVITY....perhaps Trump FINALLY getting rid of SOME of the subversives in the White House is a start of bigger things to come, but honestly, what can a president do when even his closest advisers keep telling him that he must TREAD LIGHTLY.....Do we actually have to wait until he is reelected BEFORE the PURGE:) of the corrupt and crooked actually starts and he doesnt have to worry about an election?.....Let's hear it party of INFANTICIDE..... quick check and see what the DNC talking points would be!
Any day now...any day now...any day now...
And what will you say when it comes?.....Ah shit!....ROTFLMFAO!!!!
One mans opinion..

ā€œThere is no longer justification for inaction other than to finally admit Barr isnā€™t there to help..ā€

This has been obvious to anyone but the ABNORMALS for months.

ā€œBarr acts or heā€™s fired.ā€

Him and Huber along with Wray. There are literally mountains of evidence of blatant criminal activity right in front of them. Theyā€™ve had it for months, perhaps a year or longer. Grand Juries should be tossing indictments like Mardi Gras beads on Bourbon Street during a pole dancer convention.

And yet, nothing!!!

Graham has been flapping his gums for a year about hearings on Kavanaugh, Ukraine, and other matters yet he hasnā€™t produced even a single witness list let alone actually scheduled a hearing on anything.

Burr is completely AWOL, too, except for playing his bagpipes, and an occasional meatless statement to let us know :He's ON THE CASE". One would think the Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee might have at least a passing interest in the dozens and dozens of leaks of classified material that are obviously coming from partisan Dems in both Congress and the White House. But heā€™s occupied with ā€œother more important mattersā€??????????

There are no more important matters than rooting out the seditious coup that tried to illegally remove a duly elected President.


It almost seems like they are PART OF THIS ACTIVITY....perhaps Trump FINALLY getting rid of SOME of the subversives in the White House is a start of bigger things to come, but honestly, what can a president do when even his closest advisers keep telling him that he must TREAD LIGHTLY.....Do we actually have to wait until he is reelected BEFORE the PURGE:) of the corrupt and crooked actually starts and he doesnt have to worry about an election?.....Let's hear it party of INFANTICIDE..... quick check and see what the DNC talking points would be!

I think it's high time to see some heads rolling too. We could start small and obvious low hanging fruit with say Comey them work up through the rest of em.
Yaā€™ll are just realizing that youā€™re being lead around by your noses. Hilarious, but better late than never.
One mans opinion..

ā€œThere is no longer justification for inaction other than to finally admit Barr isnā€™t there to help..ā€

This has been obvious to anyone but the ABNORMALS for months.

ā€œBarr acts or heā€™s fired.ā€

Him and Huber along with Wray. There are literally mountains of evidence of blatant criminal activity right in front of them. Theyā€™ve had it for months, perhaps a year or longer. Grand Juries should be tossing indictments like Mardi Gras beads on Bourbon Street during a pole dancer convention.

And yet, nothing!!!

Graham has been flapping his gums for a year about hearings on Kavanaugh, Ukraine, and other matters yet he hasnā€™t produced even a single witness list let alone actually scheduled a hearing on anything.

Burr is completely AWOL, too, except for playing his bagpipes, and an occasional meatless statement to let us know :He's ON THE CASE". One would think the Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee might have at least a passing interest in the dozens and dozens of leaks of classified material that are obviously coming from partisan Dems in both Congress and the White House. But heā€™s occupied with ā€œother more important mattersā€??????????

There are no more important matters than rooting out the seditious coup that tried to illegally remove a duly elected President.


It almost seems like they are PART OF THIS ACTIVITY....perhaps Trump FINALLY getting rid of SOME of the subversives in the White House is a start of bigger things to come, but honestly, what can a president do when even his closest advisers keep telling him that he must TREAD LIGHTLY.....Do we actually have to wait until he is reelected BEFORE the PURGE:) of the corrupt and crooked actually starts and he doesnt have to worry about an election?.....Let's hear it party of INFANTICIDE..... quick check and see what the DNC talking points would be!

I think it's high time to see some heads rolling too. We could start small and obvious low hanging fruit with say Comey them work up through the rest of em.
I still think Page. The mother of 3 has the most to lose....have her FROG WALK at 5 AM from her house like they did to Manafort and Stone, to REALLY shake her up....and don't forget ransacking her house looking for EVIDENCE....I am sure her children will ALWAYS remember MOMA taken away in handcuffs....Then we start going UP THE LADDER!!!!

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The right time is after the D convention gets a nominee and leave the nominee and his VP choice alone and beat the crap out of everyone else who is a D and can be sent to jail.

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