So Tell Me if I got This Right.....


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Pollen is basically Tree, shrub and flower sperm.

So each Spring we have to live through a huge plant bukake, and hay fever is essentially an STD?

Where am I off on this?

yes----the seasonal allergies are STD's------humans who breathe----
are victims of POLLEN RAPE-------it is a manifestation of male
aggression------upon both women and men
Pollen is basically Tree, shrub and flower sperm.

So each Spring we have to live through a huge plant bukake, and hay fever is essentially an STD?

Where am I off on this?

Sorry about your luck. I know people who suffer from bad plant bukkake assaults so regularly that you could write in their sick days based on weather forecasts and have to plan their work schedules accordingly.

Personally, I am lucky enough to be immune from that kind of stuff. I'm not even allergic to poison ivy, oak or sumac, let alone pollen.

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