So Syrian Refugees Can Come Here,No Questions,No Application? What About Europeans Waiting In Line?

We've created bloody chaos in both Syria and Iraq. We funded and armed ISIS in Syria and slaughtered untold Thousands in Iraq. Hopefully, these are mostly Christians we're taking in. We've created a Christian Genocide in the Middle East. Christians were free and safe over there before we meddled and created chaos.

"Hopefully these are mostly christians being taken in...."

c'mon know better than that..the whole point is to colonize america with 3rd world peasants with NO cultural ties to ANYTHING we value....

obama already tried "hope" as tactic for running the country...and here we are..we're getting the "change" now.

...but they just HAD to have their "black" president..

Oh i hear ya. Just some wishful thinking on my part. I know the asshole has completely dismantled our Immigration System. But taking Christians in, i can kinda get. We created the current Christian Genocide going on over there. Before the Iraq invasion and funding ISIS in Syria, Christians lived in peace over there.

So i guess we do owe Christians a bit. But overall, i don't support this current President's immigration policies. I consider him a Muslim foreigner. So his policies don't surprise me. It is what it is.

concur...but I'm pretty sure they've been killing christians over there for a couple thousand years...we can't fix them...and we don't need any more immigrants in america for a decade or so.

True, but we've certainly made it much worse over there. Christians worshipped and lived in relative peace over there before we invaded Iraq and funded ISIS in Syria. We've unleashed horrific evil over there.
:lalala: Anyone else saying this? So liberals will welcome all of these people, especially from Syria into the country, and no need to fill out any paper work, no one to three year waiting period? Can anyone imagine how Europeans feel right now??,,Oh wait,,,Democrats are racists to Europeans, they know once they get here legally, they vote Republican. Right?:iagree:

What if they're treated the same as were Cuban refugees? Fair enough?
Hell. They have been killing each other for thousands of years and us being over there hasn't and won't change that.
Syria has been a largely secular nation. It has a large population of Christians, including many of these refugees. These people are leaving because of the rise of Islamic extremism in their country. They want no part of that crap. Your insinuation that they are all potential terrorists is xenophobic and bigoted.

I agree with what you are saying. Nonetheless, it cannot escape you that opening the flood gates would indeed allow a great opportunity for entry for bad guys who have a demonstrated history of waging guerrilla warfare whilst hiding amongst women and children.
Ten thousand Syrians to America? Does this scenario sound unlikely?

Immigrant Syrians become members of domestic terrorist cells as a result of Obama not helping more directly in the Syrian War. Blaming America for deaths and destruction via drones in the homeland they strike back.
wait till all of these refugees see how cold our winters are. and then what are they going to do when power goes out for weeks because of an al gore blizzard from hell?

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