So, Romney's Got Some Bling?...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
That's just how the dude rolls. There's nothing wrong with that. I want to see a successful person as President. Romney worked hard and achieved a lot of success. Why begrudge the man? I just don't get all the bitter hysterics coming from some people. We should be encouraging people to strive for great success and celebrate it when it happens for them. We shouldn't get angry and bash them for it. So Kudos to Mitt Romney and everyone else out there working and striving for great success. More power to you. Get rich, or die trying. And it does take a whole lot of trying. So good luck. :)
Oh yeah, nice crib. Thats how ya do it Mitt.

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Actually, Mitt Romney is pretty thrifty and modest compared to many others. He doesn't own luxurious yachts and private jets like others do.
Mitt Romney is a very successful American Citizen. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. No one has to apologize for being successful. We need to end all this Class Warfare division stuff. It's not good for the country. Hopefully, more will see the light on that.
Ahh yeah, home sweet home. We all gotta start somewhere. You awright Mitt.

I like Mitt Romney. The attacks on him are very petty & stupid. So he's got some Bling? Good for him. :)

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