So Obama hates Shias and loves Sunnis What are we to do?

In a recent interview, Noam Chomsky points out the comparisons between Nazi war crimes in WWII with Bush and Blair and Obama crimes in the Middle East.

"This war hysteria has never ceased, moving seamlessly from a fear of the German Hun to a fear of communists to a fear of Islamic jihadists and terrorists.

“'The public is frightened into believing we have to defend ourselves,' Chomsky said. 'This is not entirely false. The military system generates forces that will be harmful to us. Take Obama’s terrorist drone campaign, the biggest terrorist campaign in history.

"'This program generates potential terrorists faster than it destroys suspects. You can see it now in Iraq.

"'Go back to the Nuremburg judgments.

"Aggression was defined as the supreme international crime. It differed from other war crimes in that it encompasses all the evil that follows. The U.S. and British invasion of Iraq is a textbook case of aggression.

"'By the standards of Nuremberg they [the British and U.S. leaders] would all be hanged. And one of the crimes they committed was to ignite the Sunni and Shiite conflict.”

"The conflict, which is now enflaming the region, is 'a U.S. crime if we believe the validity of the judgments against the Nazis. Robert Jackson, the chief prosecutor at the [Nuremberg] tribunal, addressed the tribunal. He pointed out that we were giving these defendants a poisoned chalice. He said that if we ever sipped from it we had to be treated the same way or else the whole thing is a farce.'"

Chris Hedges: American Socrates - Chris Hedges - Truthdig
So Obama hates Shias and loves Sunnis What are we to do?Stay out of the war and work on energy independence.

We have Tim Horton's we don't want to behead you we are trust me cute beyond and I'm sorry about the Bieb and Celine BUT we have Rush/BTO/and Nickleback

You are sharing Sunni's shrooms.

Both sides are not our friends.

Thus let them kill each other, while we build complete energy independence.
So Obama hates Shias and loves Sunnis What are we to do?Stay out of the war and work on energy independence.

We have Tim Horton's we don't want to behead you we are trust me cute beyond and I'm sorry about the Bieb and Celine BUT we have Rush/BTO/and Nickleback

You are sharing Sunni's shrooms.

Both sides are not our friends.

Thus let them kill each other, while we build complete energy independence.
The US began its quest to control Middle Eastern oil in the 1920s.
We continued during the '40s and '50s when the US was the world's leading oil exporter.
It has never been about energy independence.
It has always been about controlling the flow of our oil under their soil.

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