Obama scandals.. He didnt know or just read it in the paper.


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
Fast and Furious. Said he read it in the paper

IRS Didn't know until the news released it

VA scandal. Said he found out in the news
At first there was no mention of Obama's involvement in Benghazi beyond Clinton's statement that she called the president and told him what had happened.
So he was blind on that and where was he on that night besides getting ready for yet another fund raiser and Him lying saying a video caused it
AP scandal said he found out in the news

Now Iraq he is shocked how bad it got .. Even though this has been going on for more then a year..

Plus what country can take us seriously.. Told Syria not to cross his red line. They walked right through it .. Told Russia not to invade Ukraine . Putin laughed and did it anyway..

I don't know how any one can support this incompetent president. How can you trust anyone who gets all his information from the NEWS..
Go ahead name any more things he did not know or things other countries laugh at us about because he is not a leader
Obama's scandal strategy:

"No one is more upset about this than I am!"
Weeks go by with nothing being done...
"I cannot comment on an ongoing investigation."
Several more weeks of inaction....
"No one is talking about that any more brah!"

Move on to next scandal, repeat.
Go ahead name any more things he did not know or things other countries laugh at us about because he is not a leader

Better yet, prove that he did. And if you can't, then you need to think about this political party called the GOP you probably support, because they seem terribly incompetent to bring any accusations to fruition.

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Obama's scandal strategy:

"No one is more upset about this than I am!"
Weeks go by with nothing being done...
"I cannot comment on an ongoing investigation."
Several more weeks of inaction....
"No one is talking about that any more brah!"

Move on to next scandal, repeat.

"Scandal". There's just no "there" there.

Either Obama's people are a whole hell of a lot smarter than those who wish to usurp them, or there's no scandal. Which do you think it is, BedPan?

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