So lefties what would have stopped the gunman in Illinois?


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
1. He was a convicted felon,he was BARRED from owning a gun
2. Illinois LICENSES ALL gun owners
3.There is a 3 day waiting period for ALL gun buyers in Illinois but again he wasn't supposed to own one as a felon
4. Illinois just had their red flag law go into affect January 1st but again he wasn't supposed to have a gun! His family at ANY TIME could have turned him in and he would have been put in jail for being felon in possession of a gun.
5.They have universal background checks but again convicted felon wasn't allowed to own a gun.
6. The company was a GUN FREE ZONE!

So what other than COMPLETE ban on guns would have stopped him from getting a gun? Even then CRIMINALS will buy and sell guns to each other! So what would have stopped him?
1. He was a convicted felon,he was BARRED from owning a gun
2. Illinois LICENSES ALL gun owners
3.There is a 3 day waiting period for ALL gun buyers in Illinois but again he wasn't supposed to own one as a felon
4. Illinois just had their red flag law go into affect January 1st but again he wasn't supposed to have a gun! His family at ANY TIME could have turned him in and he would have been put in jail for being felon in possession of a gun.
5.They have universal background checks but again convicted felon wasn't allowed to own a gun.
6. The company was a GUN FREE ZONE!

So what other than COMPLETE ban on guns would have stopped him from getting a gun? Even then CRIMINALS will buy and sell guns to each other! So what would have stopped him?
He was mentally ill...give out more guns.
The only answer is good guys with guns shooting back. The Police cant protect you. Open-concealed restrictions. Just hope you work somewhere an alert guy (or a few) is carrying to fire back.
Ban people from Illinois and wife-beater t-shirts.

1. He was a convicted felon,he was BARRED from owning a gun
2. Illinois LICENSES ALL gun owners
3.There is a 3 day waiting period for ALL gun buyers in Illinois but again he wasn't supposed to own one as a felon
4. Illinois just had their red flag law go into affect January 1st but again he wasn't supposed to have a gun! His family at ANY TIME could have turned him in and he would have been put in jail for being felon in possession of a gun.
5.They have universal background checks but again convicted felon wasn't allowed to own a gun.
6. The company was a GUN FREE ZONE!

So what other than COMPLETE ban on guns would have stopped him from getting a gun? Even then CRIMINALS will buy and sell guns to each other! So what would have stopped him?

So much more could have been done to stop this save for the gun-crazy Right and their gods the NRA.

They could have banned all metal, the ownership and making of gunpowder and passed a law removing the trigger finger of all men in the state. But they just ain't SERIOUS about stopping gun violence, are they? o_O
Nah,it was a black man I assume who was a citizen. I can understand why he went off but NONE of the current laws would have stopped him.
When his gun license was revoked in 2014, why didn't/couldn't the cops follow up by making sure he turned in the gun either to l.e. or to a gun shop that would legally sell it for him? That might have helped.
Nah,it was a black man I assume who was a citizen. I can understand why he went off but NONE of the current laws would have stopped him.
When his gun license was revoked in 2014, why didn't/couldn't the cops follow up by making sure he turned in the gun either to l.e. or to a gun shop that would legally sell it for him? That might have helped.

Resource issue. Who has time to search every loons house? Will the DEM lawyers allow it? Extremely unlikely.

Too many GOVT retire at 50. CA has 1 working to 2 on retirement, thats' the story they laugh about out there.

We should pay more tax so the GOVT will keep us safe. Right? Lol!

320 mil to watch over + chasing 5mil illegal criminals as they refuse to stop entry of more?

The GOVT has failed again and again. Carry your own gun if you want 100% safety I guess? Shoot back if you get time.
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1. He was a convicted felon,he was BARRED from owning a gun
2. Illinois LICENSES ALL gun owners
3.There is a 3 day waiting period for ALL gun buyers in Illinois but again he wasn't supposed to own one as a felon
4. Illinois just had their red flag law go into affect January 1st but again he wasn't supposed to have a gun! His family at ANY TIME could have turned him in and he would have been put in jail for being felon in possession of a gun.
5.They have universal background checks but again convicted felon wasn't allowed to own a gun.
6. The company was a GUN FREE ZONE!

So what other than COMPLETE ban on guns would have stopped him from getting a gun? Even then CRIMINALS will buy and sell guns to each other! So what would have stopped him?
Gun confiscation.
Nah,it was a black man I assume who was a citizen. I can understand why he went off but NONE of the current laws would have stopped him.
When his gun license was revoked in 2014, why didn't/couldn't the cops follow up by making sure he turned in the gun either to l.e. or to a gun shop that would legally sell it for him? That might have helped.

Resource issue. Who has time to search every loons house? Will the DEM lawyers allow it? Extremely unlikely.

Too many GOVT retire at 50. CA has 1 working to 2 on retirement, thats' the story they laugh about out there.

We should pay more tax so the GOVT will keep us safe. Right? Lol!

320 mil to watch over + chasing 5mil illegal criminals they refuse to stop entry of more?

The GOVT has failed again and again. Carry your own gun if you want 100% safety I guess? Shoot back if you get time.
I guess you're right about the resource issue, but there is absolutely no sense in having that law if they aren't going to remove the guns they KNOW about.
Nah,it was a black man I assume who was a citizen. I can understand why he went off but NONE of the current laws would have stopped him.
When his gun license was revoked in 2014, why didn't/couldn't the cops follow up by making sure he turned in the gun either to l.e. or to a gun shop that would legally sell it for him? That might have helped.

That was a failure of Illinois' FOID system and the federal NICS system. He applied for and received an Illinois Firearms Owner's ID in 2014. He purchased the S&W .40 handgun on March 6th, and picked it up on March 11th.

He applied for a concealed carry license on March 16th, and at that time, his 1995 felony was discovered. His CCL was rejected and FOID revoked. So neither the federal NICS background check at the time of purchase, nor the FOID application discovered his felony conviction. In a case like that, the Illinois State Police merely sends a letter and hopes that they voluntarily relinquish the firearm.

So in other words, there was a failure to enforce gun laws that were already on the books. No amount of laws passed are going to stop things like this from happening, if those laws are not enforced.
1. He was a convicted felon,he was BARRED from owning a gun
2. Illinois LICENSES ALL gun owners
3.There is a 3 day waiting period for ALL gun buyers in Illinois but again he wasn't supposed to own one as a felon
4. Illinois just had their red flag law go into affect January 1st but again he wasn't supposed to have a gun! His family at ANY TIME could have turned him in and he would have been put in jail for being felon in possession of a gun.
5.They have universal background checks but again convicted felon wasn't allowed to own a gun.
6. The company was a GUN FREE ZONE!

So what other than COMPLETE ban on guns would have stopped him from getting a gun? Even then CRIMINALS will buy and sell guns to each other! So what would have stopped him?
Gun confiscation.
As we have been saying the ENTIRE TIME,you lefties want guns ALL banned. Come and try please.
Some further clarification on Illinois gun laws: When an FOID is revoked, a firearm disposition record is filled out. The person has to list purchased firearms, and what they did with them. They are allowed to turn them in, or they can turn them over to another person with a valid FOID.

I don’t know what happens to that form or if there is any verification done by the state. I believe the host agency taking the record inventories a copy of it, and the original gets submitted to the Illinois State Police for review or further action.

There's always the possibility that the shooter handed off the pistol to a friend or family member who had a valid FOID, but whomever that was just let him keep the pistol. That would mean that friend or family member would most likely be charged.
I asked an old guy to sell me a gun (for home protection). He said he bought all legally (10 or more). The MFG fires them, they keep a ballistic print to traceback to owner. I will ask again when he is closer to death.

I did not want to jump thru CA paperwork and get on radar at that time.

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