So, is the left denouncing Obama's "unlawful" war in Libya?

Maybe if President Obama comes out on the WH lawn and declares that Khaddfi has WMD, conservatives will support him even if he has no definitive proof . You know, just like they did with Bush 43,

maybe you can stick to the thread TOPIC?


Tell me, are we witnessing a cultural shift? Have conservatives become peaceniks now?

If so, here's what you should do. Make a bunch of tie dyed t-shirts, pile into a VW microbus, drive to DC and hold a rally while singing "Give Peace a Chance," and chanting "Make Love Not War" when the Capitol Police start swinging their batons.
Well, we can't unfire the missiles...

So now let's start figuring out what the hell we do after Gudaffi's gone

How do we get out and who takes over?

Is anyone leading this revolution? Can they work together or are we looking at more infighting as they turn on eachother?

Is this going to be another Afghanistan?
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Well, we can't unfire the missiles...

So not let's start figuring out what the hell we do after Gudaffi's gone

How do we get out and who takes over?

Is anyone leading this revolution? Can they work together or are we looking at more infighting as they turn on eachother?

Is this going to be another Afghanistan?

Whatever it is, it's got Obama all over it.
No? Well then what is the problem with Iraq again? (Not that I am defending Iraq, I thought it was dumb, I think military action in Libya is dumb too). So...where are the left's cries for peace like in 2003?

You need to read all my posts, every day. Then you will be smarter.
Well, we can't unfire the missiles...

So not let's start figuring out what the hell we do after Gudaffi's gone

How do we get out and who takes over?

Is anyone leading this revolution? Can they work together or are we looking at more infighting as they turn on eachother?

Is this going to be another Afghanistan?

We're not currently in Libya. The missiles we fired were from submarines. As for the other questions except the last, I'm pretty sure either BBC or another foreign news source has the information on that.
Its nothing more than right wing talking points.

Its perfectly legal and the congress voted to join the UN which included these types of actions.

No Scotus case has ever determined that it is unconstitutional.

Its nothing but made up brew ha ha by the right wing talking heads.
Its nothing more than right wong talking points.

Its perfectly legal and the congress voted to join the UN which included these types of actions.

No Scotus case has ever determined that it is unconstitutional.

Its nothing but made up brew ha ha by the right wong talking heads.

No SCOTUS case has ever determined the Iraq war to be illegal either.
Its nothing more than right wing talking points.

Its perfectly legal and the congress voted to join the UN which included these types of actions.

No Scotus case has ever determined that it is unconstitutional.

Its nothing but made up brew ha ha by the right wing talking heads.

and here you are; unable to cite your claims. Get out, you are a fucking idiot.
We're not currently in Libya. The missiles we fired were from submarines.

Time will tell whether it stays that way. VietNam started with just a few advisors...
As for the other questions except the last, I'm pretty sure either BBC or another foreign news source has the information on that.

Al Jazeera warns of Al Queda eyeing the chaos as a chance to move in

AJ and BBC, in the articles I've read the last week or so, have said there are competing sects in the revolution. Unless that has changed or does change, this could end quite badly.
Maybe if President Obama comes out on the WH lawn and declares that Khaddfi has WMD, conservatives will support him even if he has no definitive proof . You know, just like they did with Bush 43,

Pretty sure big name liberal politicians like Hilary Clinton believed it too. Nice try though.

Bush had almost unanimous support from his own party on Iraq. The only substantial opposition was from the Left.
It ain't Obama's war it's Hillary Clinton's war. When the going gets tough Obama gets going. Hillary took a page frum her husband's handbook and apparantly for the first time in history the Secretary of State is taking responsibility for launching 100 Cruise missiles at ....who knows?
Maybe if President Obama comes out on the WH lawn and declares that Khaddfi has WMD, conservatives will support him even if he has no definitive proof . You know, just like they did with Bush 43,

Pretty sure big name liberal politicians like Hilary Clinton believed it too. Nice try though.

Bush had almost unanimous support from his own party on Iraq. The only substantial opposition was from the Left.

partial list of influential conservatives/libertarians that opposed bombing iraq in 2003:

Tariq Ali (The Independent)
Michael R. Allen (Spintech Magazine)
Andrew J. Bacevich (Boston University)
Doug Bandow (Copley Newspapers)
Klaus Becker (We the People of Nebraska)
Art Bell (Art Bell Radio Show)
Jim Bell (Jim Bell Radio Show)
Tony Benn (British Parliament)
David Bergland (Libertarian Party)
Tom Bethell (American Spectator)
Michael Bliss (University of Toronto)
Samuel L. Blumenfeld (Chalcedon Magazine)
Burton S. Blumert (
Alan Bock (Orange County Register)
Neal Boortz (Neal Boortz Radio Show)
Mark Brady (peace activist)
Phil Brennan (Wednesday on the Web)
David M. Bresnahan (
Harold O.J. Brown (Reformed Theological Seminary)
Thad Brown (peace activist)
Harry Browne (Harry Browne Radio Show)
Gene Burns (Gene Burns Radio Show)
Jason Butler (The Butler Report)
Pat Buchanan (American Cause)
Gerald A. Carroll (columnist)
Ted Galen Carpenter (Cato Institute)
Howey Carr (Howey Carr Radio Show)
Helen Chenoweth (R-ID)
Noam Chomsky (MIT)
Alan Clark (British Parliament)
Ramsey Clark (International Action Center)
Alexander Cockburn (The Nation)
Ada Coddington (conservative activist)
Charles W. Colson (Prison Fellowship Ministries)
Sandra Crosnoe (Associated Conservatives of Texas)
John Dear (Fellowship of Reconciliation)
John V. Denson (Mises Institute)
Thomas DiLorenzo (Loyola College)
John D'Aloia, Jr. (St. Mary's Star)
Jack DeVault (author, The Waco Whitewash)
John Doggett (John Doggett Radio Show)
Bob Djurdjevic (
Jim Eason (Jim Eason Radio Show)
Rev. David Eberhard (Historic Trinity Lutheran Church)
Lou Epton (Lou Epton Radio Show)
Barry Farber (Barry Farber Radio Show)
Joseph Farah (
Don Feder (Boston Herald)
Doug Fiedor (Heads Up)
Robert Fisk (The Independent)
Thomas Fleming (Chronicles Magazine)
Kerry Fox (
Samuel Francis (Foundation Endowment)
Eric Garris (
David Gold (David Gold Radio Show)
William Norman Grigg (New American Magazine)
Paul Gottfried (Elizabethtown College)
Kevin Michael Grace (BC Report)
Bob Grant (Bob Grant Radio Show)
Steven Greenhut (Orange County Register)
Bishop Thomas Gumbleton (Archdiocese of Detroit)
David H. Hackworth (Defending America)
Ken Hamblin (Ken Hamblin Radio Show)
Sean Hannity (Fox News)
Chuck Harder (For the People)
Robert Hayden (University of Pittsburgh)
Lord Healey (British House of Lords)
Nat Hentoff (civil liberties activist)
Edward S. Herman (Temple University)
Robert Higgs (Independent Review)
James Hill (James Hill's Weekly)
Michael Hill (League of the South)
Arriana Huffington (Ctr for the Study of Popular Culture)
Sam Husseini (Institute for Public Accuracy)
Simon Jenkins (The Times of London)
Pope John Paul II
Diana Johnstone (Z Magazine)
Barrett Kalellis (Detroit News)
Kathy Kelly (Voices in the Wilderness)
Martin Kelley (
Michael Kelly (National Journal)
Jack Kemp (Empower America)
George Kenney (In These Times)
Alan Keyes (Alan Keyes Radio Show)
Michael T. Klare (Hampshire College)
Christian E. Kopff (University of Colorado)
Christopher Layne (MacArthur Peace Fellow)
Barbara Lee (D-CA)
Edward Luttwak (Atlantic Monthly)
David MacReynolds (War Resisters League)
Scott McConnell (New York Press)
Cynthia McKinney (D-GA)
Jack McManus (John Birch Society)
Veran Matic (Radio B-92)
Dan Meredith (Dixie Rising Radio)
Geoff Metcalf (Geoff Metcalf Radio Show)
Laura Mildon (Mad Dog News)
Joel Miller (Real Mensch)
Zoran Milutinovic (Wesleyan University)
Paul Miniato (Canadian libertarian activist)
Betty Molchany (peace activist)
Carol Moore (peace activist)
Jay Moore (Jay's Leftist Internet Resources)
Melanie Morgan (Lee Rogers Radio Show)
Mary Mostert (
Mancow Muller (Mancow Muller Radio Show)
Lars Erik Nelson (New York Daily News)
Robby Noel (American Freedom Network)
Oliver North (Oliver North Radio Show)
Bob Novak (Chicago Sun Times)
Vince Page (columnist)
Camile Paglia (Salon Magazine)
Matthew Parris (The Spectator of London)
Ron Paul (R-TX)
Svetozar Pejovic (Texas A&M)
Howard Phillips (Conservative Caucus)
Stephen Presser (Northwestern University)
Jim Quinn (Quinn in the Morning Radio Show)
Ralph Raico (Buffalo State College)
Justin Raimondo (peace activist)
Charley Reese (Orlando Sentinel)
Lord Rees-Mogg (British House of Lords)
Sheldon Richman (Future of Freedom Foundation)
David E. Rockett (Agrarian Foundation)
Thomas Roeser (Chicago Sun-Times)
Lee Rogers (Lee Rogers Radio Show)
A.M. Rosenthal (New York Times)
Edward Said (Columbia University)
Alex Salmond (Scottish National Party)
Debra J. Saunders (San Francisco Chronicle)
Michael Savage (Michael Savage Radio Show)
Phyllis Schlafly (Eagle Forum)
Helmut Schmidt (former German chancellor)
Benjamin Schwarz (Atlantic Monthly)
Mark Scott (Mark Scott Radio Show)
John Seiler (Orange County Register)
Jay Severin (MS-NBC)
Ariel Sharon (Israeli Parliament)
Barbara Simpson (Barbara Simpson Radio Show)
Nancy Small (Pax Christi U.S.A.)
Bob Smith (R-NH)
Julianne Smith (British American Security Information Council)
Ron Smith (Ron Smith Radio Show)
Sam Smith (Progressive Review)
Tony Snow (Detroit News)
Joe Sobran (The Wanderer)
Norman Solomon (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting)
Thomas Sowell (Hoover Institution)
Norman Stone (University of Istanbul)
Michael Stoudenmire (peace activist)
Clifford Thies (Republican Liberty Caucus)
G. C. Thomas (Marquette University)
Doug Thompson (
Srdja Trifkovic (Lord Byron Foundation for Balkan Studies) R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. (American Spectator)
Jon Basil Utley (
Tom Walls (peace activist)
Jude Wanniski (
Paul Weyrich (Free Congress Foundation) Timothy J. Wheeler (conservative activist) Carl Wiglesworth (Carl Wiglesworth Radio Show)
Rev. J. Steven Wilkins (Auburn Avenue Presbyterian Church)
Walter Williams (George Mason University)
Garry Wills (Johns Hopkins University)
Douglas Wilson (Credenda)
Jerry Zeifman (

conservative leaders who oppose bombing

any other BULL SHIT that you want to provide us with?
What a amazing magic trick, all the neocons who were for the War in Iraq are suddenly against it. Anything to score political points against Obama I suppose. :lol:

naaaaah no sale. you cannot make hey of their hypocrisy while being called on hypocrisy, its a wash. ;)

my gripes which I have noted from minute one are;

a) why is this actionable as in what circumstances even for the lower threshold as to the war powers resolution act exist?

b) Yemen?

c) Bahrain?

d) why is it being mislabeled as a no fly zone? its is not a no fly zone resolution, thats a fantasy.

e) where is the report out to Congress and why is not the clock ticking on section 4(a)(1); in that the forces are being introduced into hostilities or imminent hostilities, thus triggering the 60-90 day time limit?

f) no one I have seen ( from the left side of the number line who sppts the Libyan venture) and no I cannot claim to have seen every post has answered these questions ....

e) where is the media? why are they not asking the questions ala a, b, c, d, e?

Though personally, I'm not for the U.S intervening in Libya. If it was a moral issue, then I would of agreed with the War in Iraq as well. My issue here is that we're already in Afghanistan and Iraq. We cannot afford to be in Libya as well. The U.S should not and doesn't need to play world police with every single incident that goes on in the world. I have no problem however with the rest of the U.N members intervening if they so choose.

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Letting a dictator kill his people at his insane whim is not going to be good for anyone in the world.

If Gadafi is allowed to bomb his own people until only his cronies are left what do you think that says to the rest of the countries on the brink of revolution for democracy?

You people just hate anything this president does no matter what it is.

This is a UN action and not a declared war.

So allowing Saddam Hussein to murder his own people was fine with you in 2003. His continued violations of the cease fire and violation of UN edicts was fine with you in 2003.

The ONLY difference is a Republican was President then and a Democrat is the President now.

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