So How Did Repubs Lose A House Race In A District They Gerrymandered To Be Democrat-Proof???

The NYT is too center-right for my tastes.

Surprise surprise. Did it ever occur to you how leftist you really are then?

There is a big difference between liberals and the Democratic party.

Yes there is, all the liberals support the Democrat party.

The New York Times and the mainstream media are too nice to Trump. The mainstream media has been too nice to idiots like Bush and Trump for years, which is one reason we now have President Trump.

No, we have President Trump because every other candidate failed to address the immigration issue the way we want it addressed: KICK THEM ALL OUT!

Outside of that, people got fed up with watching the criminals cover each others back; doing things that would land anybody else in prison for many years.

Yep, because the immigration issue is more important than, say, Russia interfering in our elections. And Trump refuses to do anything about it, except call Putin and congratulate him on his re-election. Trump is a traitor, just like you.

You mean DumBama never congratulated Putin after an election? Want to put some money on that?

So let's see, supposedly, the Russians hacked the DNC computer before election time. Then they did (nobody knows) something that interfered with our elections--all under DumBama's watch. So let's blame Trump for it!!

Typical lib thinking.

Our elections couldn't have been rigged. Just listen to an expert on the subject:


Wait a minute: how could a conservative Tea Partier be partisan and a card carrying liberal commie not partisan? Explain that one to me.

Your whole premise is a fallacy, lightweight. You're immature and stupid. Liberals don't believe in communism. What liberal is a fan of the Soviet Union, Lenin, or Stalin? Only in your delusional Repug mind is that true.

And on a similar note...You wouldn't know what communism was if Karl Marx pissed in your face.

Oh really? Then can you explain why the US Communist Party supported your last three presidential candidates and Sanders to boot?

Look up what the Communist agenda is, and see how many similarities they have to the liberal agenda. They are almost identical.

If the KKK supports the Repug Party and Trump (which they do), does that mean the Repug Party is all white supremacist racists?

You show me how the Communist agenda and the liberal agenda are "almost identical". Provide a source that is not from one of your bullshit right-wing websites. We both know you can't do it, lightweight. You're just an unsophisticated Repug goober who just throws around the word "Communist" all the time.
The NYT is too center-right for my tastes.

Surprise surprise. Did it ever occur to you how leftist you really are then?

There is a big difference between liberals and the Democratic party.

Yes there is, all the liberals support the Democrat party.

The New York Times and the mainstream media are too nice to Trump. The mainstream media has been too nice to idiots like Bush and Trump for years, which is one reason we now have President Trump.

No, we have President Trump because every other candidate failed to address the immigration issue the way we want it addressed: KICK THEM ALL OUT!

Outside of that, people got fed up with watching the criminals cover each others back; doing things that would land anybody else in prison for many years.

Yep, because the immigration issue is more important than, say, Russia interfering in our elections. And Trump refuses to do anything about it, except call Putin and congratulate him on his re-election. Trump is a traitor, just like you.

You mean DumBama never congratulated Putin after an election? Want to put some money on that?

So let's see, supposedly, the Russians hacked the DNC computer before election time. Then they did (nobody knows) something that interfered with our elections--all under DumBama's watch. So let's blame Trump for it!!

Typical lib thinking.

Our elections couldn't have been rigged. Just listen to an expert on the subject:

I know Obama congratulated Putin. But it wasn't AFTER Russia interfered in the 2016 election, shit-for-brains.
Surprise surprise. Did it ever occur to you how leftist you really are then?

Yes there is, all the liberals support the Democrat party.

The New York Times and the mainstream media are too nice to Trump. The mainstream media has been too nice to idiots like Bush and Trump for years, which is one reason we now have President Trump.

No, we have President Trump because every other candidate failed to address the immigration issue the way we want it addressed: KICK THEM ALL OUT!

Outside of that, people got fed up with watching the criminals cover each others back; doing things that would land anybody else in prison for many years.

Yep, because the immigration issue is more important than, say, Russia interfering in our elections. And Trump refuses to do anything about it, except call Putin and congratulate him on his re-election. Trump is a traitor, just like you.

You mean DumBama never congratulated Putin after an election? Want to put some money on that?

So let's see, supposedly, the Russians hacked the DNC computer before election time. Then they did (nobody knows) something that interfered with our elections--all under DumBama's watch. So let's blame Trump for it!!

Typical lib thinking.

Our elections couldn't have been rigged. Just listen to an expert on the subject:

I know Obama congratulated Putin. But it wasn't AFTER Russia interfered in the 2016 election, shit-for-brains.

The 1980s called, they want their foreign policy back, eh comrade?
So because I'm a partisan I"m not an average American worker?
Average Americans are not hyper-partisan, right wing shills.

Oh really? Then I would guess partisan left-wing shills are not average Americans either.

What makes you partisan is that you don't care about facts. You give equal weight to Repug "facts" as you do to known facts. No Democrat acts this way because the facts are already on their side. Therefore, there is no such thing as a Democrat or liberal partisan. We don't have to be partisan because we have the facts and, therefore, don't need to be partisan.

Oh yes, the Democrat party is just loaded with facts. :21:

If we force children to be bussed across town, that won't cause people to leave the metro areas and move to the suburbs.

If we take away guns from law abiding citizens, the criminals will feel guilty and turn theirs in too!

If we force restaurants to post calorie count on all their food items, that will make fat people skinny.

If we make a law that people who can't afford healthcare get healthcare insurance anyway, that will solve our problem of uninsured Americans.

If we promote irresponsibility and penalize responsibility, that will give us more responsible people.

If we pay poor people to have more children than working Americans, that will solve our poverty problem.

Yeah, you guys are just loaded with facts.

What does this have to do with facts? This is what I mean - you don't even know the definition of a fact. What you've posted is more Repug garbage about what you think Democrats believe.

If Democrats actually believed the trite nonsense that you're spewing, then you might have a point (a point that is completely unrelated to the topic, however). Unfortunately for you and your third-rate little brain, this is just another one of your boring, immature Repug rants about what Democrats "believe".
/----/ Here's the results of some liberal policies.

Is that even the same street?

Okay, guy, I guess after you make economic war on a country for 60 years, things can get pretty bad. But don't forget why they threw us out to start with.
/——/ What economic war? Name one product or service Cuba could not buy from another country not participating in the sanctions. It was communism that destroyed Cuba. Look at North and South Korea if you need more proof.
What does this have to do with facts? This is what I mean - you don't even know the definition of a fact. What you've posted is more Repug garbage about what you think Democrats believe.

What I posted are all facts. It's not what "I" think they believe, it's what they do believe.

If Democrats actually believed the trite nonsense that you're spewing, then you might have a point (a point that is completely unrelated to the topic, however). Unfortunately for you and your third-rate little brain, this is just another one of your boring, immature Repug rants about what Democrats "believe".

It's not a wonder why we refer to your kind as the Uninformed Voter. You don't even know or understand what the party you support is about or what their goals are.

Since you made a fool out of yourself with that statement, I'll give ya another shot.....pick anything I posted that the Democrat party has not or does not support, and we'll debate that issue one on one.
Oh please. You only wish this had anything to do with Trump. And wouldn't the answer to your question be that gerrymandering isn't why you people lose elections?

The Republicans barely lost to a DINO. If he ran on the Republican ticket, he would have been considered your standard Republican.

Keep projecting. It's what you did before you lost Congress, the Senate, the White House, and most of the governorships across the country. In spite of all the MSM brainwashing, our country has never been better. Lower taxes, most wage earners bringing home more in their paychecks, unemployment at the lowest levels in almost a half-century, Raises and bonuses being handed out, consumer and corporate confidence at record levels, NK begging for relief and ISIS out of Iraq that DumBama Fd up. WTF would people have to vote against when it comes to Republicans?
Of course the Pennsylvania race had everything to do with Trump. If the Republican had won, Trump would even have told you it was all due to him, and you would parrot him.

Trump even personally injected himself into the race, and brought along helmet headed Junior for extra firepower.
Trump blew a massive GOP margin in just one year.


No, we have President Trump because every other candidate failed to address the immigration issue the way we want it addressed: KICK THEM ALL OUT!

Outside of that, people got fed up with watching the criminals cover each others back; doing things that would land anybody else in prison for many years.
There is no immigration issue. That is just a made up problem by the right to deflect from the real issues facing the country.
Oh please. You only wish this had anything to do with Trump. And wouldn't the answer to your question be that gerrymandering isn't why you people lose elections?

The Republicans barely lost to a DINO. If he ran on the Republican ticket, he would have been considered your standard Republican.

Keep projecting. It's what you did before you lost Congress, the Senate, the White House, and most of the governorships across the country. In spite of all the MSM brainwashing, our country has never been better. Lower taxes, most wage earners bringing home more in their paychecks, unemployment at the lowest levels in almost a half-century, Raises and bonuses being handed out, consumer and corporate confidence at record levels, NK begging for relief and ISIS out of Iraq that DumBama Fd up. WTF would people have to vote against when it comes to Republicans?
Of course the Pennsylvania race had everything to do with Trump. If the Republican had won, Trump would even have told you it was all due to him, and you would parrot him.

Trump even personally injected himself into the race, and brought along helmet headed Junior for extra firepower.

I don't think there is anything unusual about a President supporting somebody from his party, do you? You mean DumBama never did that?
No, we have President Trump because every other candidate failed to address the immigration issue the way we want it addressed: KICK THEM ALL OUT!

Outside of that, people got fed up with watching the criminals cover each others back; doing things that would land anybody else in prison for many years.
There is no immigration issue. That is just a made up problem by the right to deflect from the real issues facing the country.

Illegals are not a real issue? Would you like me to post some MS-13 stories for you to read?
What economic war? Name one product or service Cuba could not buy from another country not participating in the sanctions.

I think you are a bit confused. I worked for a British Company from 2008 to 2015. The problem is, "Every other company" has affliates in the US. So they can't do business in Cuba, either.

It was communism that destroyed Cuba. Look at North and South Korea if you need more proof.

YOu mean South Korea did really well because we pumped trillions of dollars into their economy? Man, if we only did that to our own poor neighborhoods...

"Horray, Capitalism"

No, we have President Trump because every other candidate failed to address the immigration issue the way we want it addressed: KICK THEM ALL OUT!

Outside of that, people got fed up with watching the criminals cover each others back; doing things that would land anybody else in prison for many years.
There is no immigration issue. That is just a made up problem by the right to deflect from the real issues facing the country.

Here in Chicago, our flat broke public school system spends millions every year to educate illegal aliens and children of illegal aliens.

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