So Does Obama Know His Place Now?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
RW fatso extraordinaire recently said "The Republicans if they have any hope of winning the 2012 election, have got to put this guy in his place using this as their opportunity to do it. No doubt about it." He was referring to the faux-outrage non-story about the date change.

First question, what place does our President need to be in?

Second question, was this a dog-whistle race-baiting code word or not?

Why/why not

Boehner Should Reject Obama's Request for Joint Session Speech
Rush is a racist bought off a-hole...he knows his audience.....many thanks to him...

His audience is the ENTIRE GOP though.

They all kneel before his altar.

That's saying something...and it ain't nice.
I said in the other thread that Obama can't win. If he wanted to make te speech and said "fuck off" the GOP would hate him. If Obama moved his speech he would be called a pussy. And look what happened, he gave in like the GOP wanted him to and they still give the guy no credit
Carry on, your guy blew it, the conservatives are capitalizing on it. SSDD

Can you answer the original question....what's Obama's place?

His place is the same as Jimmy Carter's. A hope that could have been, but he missed his chance.............he blamed it on someone else once too often. He had no experience coming in to this, we were ready for new blood, the change. However he's too self absorbed to be any more than a has been.

Too bad, he was quite charismatic in the beginning.
I said in the other thread that Obama can't win. If he wanted to make te speech and said "fuck off" the GOP would hate him. If Obama moved his speech he would be called a pussy. And look what happened, he gave in like the GOP wanted him to and they still give the guy no credit

He's winning.

Only the rabid RWers are falling for their BS...and this is all willful ignorance. Nothing more than that.

The Republicans just THINK they are winning, as usual, but come 2012 they will see what a big L they will receive.

It will make 2008 look like a joke.
I remember a time during war when the Commander-in-Chief was treated with respect.

Remember the previous Administration's constant wail meme...."You can hate/dislike the President, but you must respect the Office?"

No sooner they said that than they threw it out the door now that we have a black Democrat in Office. Funny that.
I remember a time during war when the Commander-in-Chief was treated with respect.

Well Billy Boy took care of that when he disrespected the Oval Office with his young intern. Yea, it used to be a respected position. When the left said it was no big deal, I guess it isn't any more.
I remember a time during war when the Commander-in-Chief was treated with respect.

Remember the previous Administration's constant wail meme...."You can hate/dislike the President, but you must respect the Office?"

No sooner they said that than they threw it out the door now that we have a black Democrat in Office. Funny that.

Here's your new avatar:

RW fatso extraordinaire recently said "The Republicans if they have any hope of winning the 2012 election, have got to put this guy in his place using this as their opportunity to do it. No doubt about it." He was referring to the faux-outrage non-story about the date change.

First question, what place does our President need to be in?

Second question, was this a dog-whistle race-baiting code word or not?

Why/why not

Boehner Should Reject Obama's Request for Joint Session Speech

you're asking us why rush limbaugh said something? who the fuck knows and who cares? but you, of course, who needs another inane no where topic..... got it.
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First question, what place does our President need to be in?
Back home in Chicago.
Second question, was this a dog-whistle race-baiting code word or not?
It doesn't matter what he says. You'll claim it's racist anyway.

So what are you suggesting, that what Rush said was or wasn't racist?

Man up.
What the hell is it with you damned leftists, thinking you're entitled to everything?

You need to man up. Screeching "Racist!!" at everything you don't like is just mindless butthurt.
First question, what place does our President need to be in?
Back home in Chicago.
Second question, was this a dog-whistle race-baiting code word or not?
It doesn't matter what he says. You'll claim it's racist anyway.

So what are you suggesting, that what Rush said was or wasn't racist?

Man up.

I think we can all agree it's only a matter of time until Rush starts referring to the President as "boy".

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