Should we shut down left-wing media?


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
Lately the Democratic party and "left" wing media has been used for the purposes of rabble rousing, inciting violence, and perpetuating misinformation to the uneducated Demographic.

This could give as a good case for repealing the First Amendment, or using the state's power to shut down Democratic media, including social media which incites violence and anarchy.

In practice, I don't think it would be too easy to do - the government could simply shut down TV and radio such as the Colbert Report, NPR, as well as social media outlets such as YouTube channels which incite violence, hatred, and immorality in the lowest common denominator.

In practice, most of their "rights" are imaginary anyway, and are merely fed to them via their misinformation outlets by rabble rousers - simply shut them all down, and remind the Democratic party and it's mouth-breading demographic of their rightful place under the state's hierarchy.

As an example, anyone who uses the term "white supremacist", "Nazi", or "fascist" could be profiled by the FBI and the CIA, given that anarchist groups have abused this term. (Much as how actual white supremacy groups may be being monitored as well).
NPR and PBS, at a minimum, need to have their funding from taxpayers ceased. These entities generate millions from donations. Taking taxpayer money for Left Wing propaganda is an insult.
NPR and PBS, at a minimum, need to have their funding from taxpayers ceased. These entities generate millions from donations. Taking taxpayer money for Left Wing propaganda is an insult.
They give the most even handed reporting of the news, with the least disrespect of the President, of any of the major news outlets. They have a left leaning slant in the issues they choose to cover, but I have never heard a single one of them foaming at the mouth about the President or Republicans, not even their guests.
You would be shooting the wrong folks here.
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Lately the Democratic party and "left" wing media has been used for the purposes of rabble rousing, inciting violence, and perpetuating misinformation to the uneducated Demographic.

This could give as a good case for repealing the First Amendment, or using the state's power to shut down Democratic media, including social media which incites violence and anarchy.

In practice, I don't think it would be too easy to do - the government could simply shut down TV and radio such as the Colbert Report, NPR, as well as social media outlets such as YouTube channels which incite violence, hatred, and immorality in the lowest common denominator.

In practice, most of their "rights" are imaginary anyway, and are merely fed to them via their misinformation outlets by rabble rousers - simply shut them all down, and remind the Democratic party and it's mouth-breading demographic of their rightful place under the state's hierarchy.

As an example, anyone who uses the term "white supremacist", "Nazi", or "fascist" could be profiled by the FBI and the CIA, given that anarchist groups have abused this term. (Much as how actual white supremacy groups may be being monitored as well).

"A Modest Proposal". Jonathan Swift, 1729.
Lately the Democratic party and "left" wing media has been used for the purposes of rabble rousing, inciting violence, and perpetuating misinformation to the uneducated Demographic.

This could give as a good case for repealing the First Amendment, or using the state's power to shut down Democratic media, including social media which incites violence and anarchy.

In practice, I don't think it would be too easy to do - the government could simply shut down TV and radio such as the Colbert Report, NPR, as well as social media outlets such as YouTube channels which incite violence, hatred, and immorality in the lowest common denominator.

In practice, most of their "rights" are imaginary anyway, and are merely fed to them via their misinformation outlets by rabble rousers - simply shut them all down, and remind the Democratic party and it's mouth-breading demographic of their rightful place under the state's hierarchy.

As an example, anyone who uses the term "white supremacist", "Nazi", or "fascist" could be profiled by the FBI and the CIA, given that anarchist groups have abused this term. (Much as how actual white supremacy groups may be being monitored as well).

"A Modest Proposal". Jonathan Swift, 1729.
I'd forgotten about him. He was funny when he wasn't sinking his teeth in.
NPR and PBS, at a minimum, need to have their funding from taxpayers ceased. These entities generate millions from donations. Taking taxpayer money for Left Wing propaganda is an insult.
They give the most even handed reporting of the news, with the least disrespect of the President, of any of the major news outlets. They have a left leaning slant in the issues they choose to cover, but I have never heard a single one of them foaming at the mouth about the President or Republicans, not even their guests.
You would be shooting the wrong folks here.

They're noncommercial media, which means they have no incentive to milk ratings for ad revenues, which in turn means they don't need to hype stories with emotional booga-booga. That's the difference between one outlet laying out simple facts and another one going "SLUT! SLUT! SLUT!".
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Lately the Democratic party and "left" wing media has been used for the purposes of rabble rousing, inciting violence, and perpetuating misinformation to the uneducated Demographic.

This could give as a good case for repealing the First Amendment, or using the state's power to shut down Democratic media, including social media which incites violence and anarchy.

In practice, I don't think it would be too easy to do - the government could simply shut down TV and radio such as the Colbert Report, NPR, as well as social media outlets such as YouTube channels which incite violence, hatred, and immorality in the lowest common denominator.

In practice, most of their "rights" are imaginary anyway, and are merely fed to them via their misinformation outlets by rabble rousers - simply shut them all down, and remind the Democratic party and it's mouth-breading demographic of their rightful place under the state's hierarchy.

As an example, anyone who uses the term "white supremacist", "Nazi", or "fascist" could be profiled by the FBI and the CIA, given that anarchist groups have abused this term. (Much as how actual white supremacy groups may be being monitored as well).

I'll assume this is a joke since conservatives ASSURE me that they believe in FREE SPEECH and would NEVER silence anyone.
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Lately the Democratic party and "left" wing media has been used for the purposes of rabble rousing, inciting violence, and perpetuating misinformation to the uneducated Demographic.

This could give as a good case for repealing the First Amendment, or using the state's power to shut down Democratic media, including social media which incites violence and anarchy.

In practice, I don't think it would be too easy to do - the government could simply shut down TV and radio such as the Colbert Report, NPR, as well as social media outlets such as YouTube channels which incite violence, hatred, and immorality in the lowest common denominator.

In practice, most of their "rights" are imaginary anyway, and are merely fed to them via their misinformation outlets by rabble rousers - simply shut them all down, and remind the Democratic party and it's mouth-breading demographic of their rightful place under the state's hierarchy.

As an example, anyone who uses the term "white supremacist", "Nazi", or "fascist" could be profiled by the FBI and the CIA, given that anarchist groups have abused this term. (Much as how actual white supremacy groups may be being monitored as well).

"A Modest Proposal". Jonathan Swift, 1729.
I'd forgotten about him. He was funny when he wasn't sinking his teeth in.

That's been invoked a few times recently. There was a town hall with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez where some plant stood up and said we need to eat the babies for socialism or something like that. Several wags here posted it, unaware of the derivation and taking it seriously.

This OP is another version. Should be posted in Political Satire.
Lately the Democratic party and "left" wing media has been used for the purposes of rabble rousing, inciting violence, and perpetuating misinformation to the uneducated Demographic.

This could give as a good case for repealing the First Amendment, or using the state's power to shut down Democratic media, including social media which incites violence and anarchy.

In practice, I don't think it would be too easy to do - the government could simply shut down TV and radio such as the Colbert Report, NPR, as well as social media outlets such as YouTube channels which incite violence, hatred, and immorality in the lowest common denominator.

In practice, most of their "rights" are imaginary anyway, and are merely fed to them via their misinformation outlets by rabble rousers - simply shut them all down, and remind the Democratic party and it's mouth-breading demographic of their rightful place under the state's hierarchy.

As an example, anyone who uses the term "white supremacist", "Nazi", or "fascist" could be profiled by the FBI and the CIA, given that anarchist groups have abused this term. (Much as how actual white supremacy groups may be being monitored as well).

"As an example, anyone who uses the term "white supremacist", "Nazi", or "fascist" could be profiled by the FBI and the CIA, given that anarchist groups have abused this term. (Much as how actual white supremacy groups may be being monitored as well).

so if a conservative said "liberals are nazis" or "liberals are fascists" that conservative would be profiled, monitored and investigated by conservative governmental agencies?

if politicalchic said " i love being a white supremacist" she would be profiled and monitored?
NPR and PBS, at a minimum, need to have their funding from taxpayers ceased. These entities generate millions from donations. Taking taxpayer money for Left Wing propaganda is an insult.

Minuscule Microscule compared to how much the Lush Rimjobs and the Fox Noises generate from their advertising.

When your income is dependent on advertising, the more your ratings go up the more you make. That's when "SLUT! SLUT! SLUT!" hits the air, because that makes ratings go up.

That what you want? Endless diarrhea spewing of "SLUT! SLUT! SLUT!"? You find that elucidating, do you?
NPR and PBS, at a minimum, need to have their funding from taxpayers ceased. These entities generate millions from donations. Taking taxpayer money for Left Wing propaganda is an insult.
They give the most even handed reporting of the news, with the least disrespect of the President, of any of the major news outlets. They have a left leaning slant in the issues they choose to cover, but I have never heard a single one of them foaming at the mouth about the President or Republicans, not even their guests.
You would be shooting the wrong folks here.

I would suggest that conservatives have never actually heard NPR or PBS and merely repeat the HATE and LIES that limbaugh et al feed them
Lately the Democratic party and "left" wing media has been used for the purposes of rabble rousing, inciting violence, and perpetuating misinformation to the uneducated Demographic.

This could give as a good case for repealing the First Amendment, or using the state's power to shut down Democratic media, including social media which incites violence and anarchy.

In practice, I don't think it would be too easy to do - the government could simply shut down TV and radio such as the Colbert Report, NPR, as well as social media outlets such as YouTube channels which incite violence, hatred, and immorality in the lowest common denominator.

In practice, most of their "rights" are imaginary anyway, and are merely fed to them via their misinformation outlets by rabble rousers - simply shut them all down, and remind the Democratic party and it's mouth-breading demographic of their rightful place under the state's hierarchy.

As an example, anyone who uses the term "white supremacist", "Nazi", or "fascist" could be profiled by the FBI and the CIA, given that anarchist groups have abused this term. (Much as how actual white supremacy groups may be being monitored as well).

Yup, just like China, North Korea, Russia and the like.

Once more for the alternative facts crowd; your Edward L Bernaysish media machine was deregulated (the FCC) under the Clinton administration. As an incremental result over time, what was once 50 some odd companies in that space got monopolized down into half a dozen multinational corporations. How do you like monopolization and deregulation now? America used to know better than to allow this sort of thing.

The Corporate Dictatorship of PBS and NPR
"David Koch has donated upwards of $23 million to public television. And when you donate $23 million dollars to public television, you get more than just a tote bag or a coffee mug – you get to dictate the on-air programming.

This is the kind of influence and control that we see in mainstream media today too.

Thanks to the giant transnational corporations that own them, mainstream media outlets tailor their programming to appease their corporate backers."

The Corporate Dictatorship of PBS and NPR


A Word from Our Sponsor
Public television’s attempts to placate David Koch.
David Koch vs. PBS


How cute, you want the FBI to track "white supremacists", "Nazis", "fascists" and "white supremacy groups"?

How, do a roll call?

FBI Investigated White Supremacists in Police - The Intercept
The FBI Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement
Jan 31, 2017The FBI Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement Bureau policies have been crafted to take into account the active presence of domestic extremists in U.S. police ...

White Supremacists Are Infiltrating Law Enforcement, and Not ...
White Supremacists Are Infiltrating Law Enforcement, and Not at a Good Time
Jun 16, 2017And yet, they are. This report from The Intercept got rather lost in the shuffle over the past two weeks, but it's no less chilling than it was the first time I read it. It seems that, almost covertly, the FBI has been tracking the infiltration into law enforcement of white-supremacist extremists. "Federal law enforcement agencies in general —...
'FBI secret rules' exposed: Pattern of white supremacists ...
‘FBI secret rules’ exposed: Pattern of white supremacists infiltrating police known - report
Jan 31, 2017The investigation which exposes the FBI's vast powers uncovered an FBI file concluding that white supremacists and overt white nationalists had infiltrated US police departments and other law enforcement agencies.

Recently Uncovered FBI Report Reveals Long History of White ...

Recently Uncovered FBI Report Reveals Long History of White Supremacists Infiltrating Law Enforcement
White supremacists are infiltrating police departments around the country, drawing concern in the Trump era of white nationalism and reflecting a long history of domestic terrorists participating in law enforcement. These domestic extremist groups remain vibrant in police departments and other law enforcement agencies, as The Intercept reported.

FBI Quietly Investigated White Supremacists Infiltrating ...

FBI Quietly Investigated White Supremacists Infiltrating Police Depts, Said Nothing
The investigation which exposes the FBI's vast powers uncovered an FBI file concluding that white supremacists and overt white nationalists had infiltrated US police departments and other law enforcement agencies.

The Fbi Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist ...

the fbi has quietly investigated white supremacist infiltration of law enforcement (the intercept) My late mentor, KKK-busting Stetson Kennedy, wrote about how the KKK and local law enforcement were overlapping in Georgia and Florida.

FBI investigated white supremacists infiltrating law ...

FBI investigated white supremacists infiltrating law enforcement agencies: Report
Jan 31, 2017Charlie May. The Intercept cited sociologist Pete Simi, who has studied for decades the rapid increase in white supremacists in both law enforcement and the military. Simi conducted a study finding at least 31 percent of individuals indicted for right wing extremist activities, to have military experience.

FBI Investigated White Supremacists in Police - The Intercept

The FBI Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement
Jan 31, 2017Although the FBI has not publicly addressed the issue of white supremacist infiltration of law enforcement since that 2006 report, in a 2015 speech, FBI Director James Comey made an unprecedented ...

Are White Supremacists Infiltrating Law Enforcement?

Are White Supremacists Infiltrating Law Enforcement?
In 2015 the FBI, itself a law enforcement agency, "quietly" investigated the white supremacist infiltration of law enforcement, according to an Intercept investigation from earlier this year. Two things stood out from that report. One, the FBI—under James Comey,...

Racism In US: White Supremacists Infiltrating Law Enforcement ...

Racism In US: White Supremacists Infiltrating Law Enforcement, FBI Investigation Reveals
Racism In US: White Supremacists Infiltrating Law Enforcement, FBI Investigation Reveals. The documents published Tuesday by The Intercept show President Donald Trump "has inherited a vast domestic intelligence agency with extraordinary secret powers" - as well as one of the world's most expansive law enforcement systems in which racism seems to be a severe and prevalent issue.
NPR and PBS, at a minimum, need to have their funding from taxpayers ceased. These entities generate millions from donations. Taking taxpayer money for Left Wing propaganda is an insult.

Minuscule Microscule compared to how much the Lush Rimjobs and the Fox Noises generate from their advertising.

When your income is dependent on advertising, the more your ratings go up the more you make. That's when "SLUT! SLUT! SLUT!" hits the air, because that makes ratings go up.

That what you want?
I'm not really big on "frees peach" lately - since we technically have the right to Amend the Constitution, as the Founders' designed it, then this means that nothing, including the 1st Amendment is sacred except in people's imagination.

We could just remove it, then unilaterally shut down all "far-left" propaganda which incites violence, no one would miss it or lose any sleep over it.

I don't care about Rush Limbaugh.
Lately the Democratic party and "left" wing media has been used for the purposes of rabble rousing, inciting violence, and perpetuating misinformation to the uneducated Demographic.

This could give as a good case for repealing the First Amendment, or using the state's power to shut down Democratic media, including social media which incites violence and anarchy.

In practice, I don't think it would be too easy to do - the government could simply shut down TV and radio such as the Colbert Report, NPR, as well as social media outlets such as YouTube channels which incite violence, hatred, and immorality in the lowest common denominator.

In practice, most of their "rights" are imaginary anyway, and are merely fed to them via their misinformation outlets by rabble rousers - simply shut them all down, and remind the Democratic party and it's mouth-breading demographic of their rightful place under the state's hierarchy.

As an example, anyone who uses the term "white supremacist", "Nazi", or "fascist" could be profiled by the FBI and the CIA, given that anarchist groups have abused this term. (Much as how actual white supremacy groups may be being monitored as well).

This could give as a good case for repealing the First Amendment,

There is NO good reason to repeal the First Amendment.
NPR and PBS, at a minimum, need to have their funding from taxpayers ceased. These entities generate millions from donations. Taking taxpayer money for Left Wing propaganda is an insult.
They give the most even handed reporting of the news, with the least disrespect of the President, of any of the major news outlets. They have a left leaning slant in the issues they choose to cover, but I have never heard a single one of them foaming at the mouth about the President or Republicans, not even their guests.
You would be shooting the wrong folks here.

I would suggest that conservatives have never actually heard NPR or PBS and merely repeat the HATE and LIES that limbaugh et al feed them
Never would I have imagined that we would break up into two completely separate news & informational universes like this.

They come up with stories and "facts" that simply run parallel to reality, absolutely ignoring readily-available information.

Not sure how you're supposed to keep a republic together when it operates under separate realities.
NPR and PBS, at a minimum, need to have their funding from taxpayers ceased. These entities generate millions from donations. Taking taxpayer money for Left Wing propaganda is an insult.

Minuscule Microscule compared to how much the Lush Rimjobs and the Fox Noises generate from their advertising.

When your income is dependent on advertising, the more your ratings go up the more you make. That's when "SLUT! SLUT! SLUT!" hits the air, because that makes ratings go up.

That what you want?
I'm not really big on "frees peach" lately - since we technically have the right to Amend the Constitution, as the Founders' designed it, then this means that nothing, including the 1st Amendment is sacred except in people's imagination.

We could just remove it, then unilaterally shut down all "far-left" propaganda which incites violence, no one would miss it or lose any sleep over it.

I don't care about Rush Limbaugh.

First off, I like the device of "frees peach". A wordsmith after me own heart. :thup:

I guess if you're going for a Constitutional Amendment, might as well go for the gold, straight to Bill of Rights Numero Uno, the basis and foundation of everything that follows. Kinda like pulling the tablecloth out from the dinner table and expecting nothing to fall.

Rotsa ruck wit DAT.

Here's an orange klown that could blow wind in that direction --- or maybe just blow period.

NPR and PBS, at a minimum, need to have their funding from taxpayers ceased. These entities generate millions from donations. Taking taxpayer money for Left Wing propaganda is an insult.
They give the most even handed reporting of the news, with the least disrespect of the President, of any of the major news outlets. They have a left leaning slant in the issues they choose to cover, but I have never heard a single one of them foaming at the mouth about the President or Republicans, not even their guests.
You would be shooting the wrong folks here.

I would suggest that conservatives have never actually heard NPR or PBS and merely repeat the HATE and LIES that limbaugh et al feed them
Ahh...that makes some sense.
Lately the Democratic party and "left" wing media has been used for the purposes of rabble rousing, inciting violence, and perpetuating misinformation to the uneducated Demographic.

This could give as a good case for repealing the First Amendment, or using the state's power to shut down Democratic media, including social media which incites violence and anarchy.

In practice, I don't think it would be too easy to do - the government could simply shut down TV and radio such as the Colbert Report, NPR, as well as social media outlets such as YouTube channels which incite violence, hatred, and immorality in the lowest common denominator.

In practice, most of their "rights" are imaginary anyway, and are merely fed to them via their misinformation outlets by rabble rousers - simply shut them all down, and remind the Democratic party and it's mouth-breading demographic of their rightful place under the state's hierarchy.

As an example, anyone who uses the term "white supremacist", "Nazi", or "fascist" could be profiled by the FBI and the CIA, given that anarchist groups have abused this term. (Much as how actual white supremacy groups may be being monitored as well).

Yup, just like China, North Korea, Russia and the like.
Meh... who would really miss banning an idiot who thinks that 99% of the world they live in is part of a "racist, white supermacist conspiracy theory"? If they're even allowed the pretense of "frees peach" at all, it's for entertainment value only.

Once more for the alternative facts crowd
You're a moron who doesn't know what "facts" are, nor what "alternative is" - a fact is a piece of information - in any court or legal setting, different sides present different opinions, evidences, and so forth, and the Judge and Jury deliberate on them. It's possible for both sides to be presenting contradictory information, and neither side "lying".

You don't even know something as basic as how a civil or court works, which is what your misinformation and silly meme about "alternative facts" is about to begin with. Education past the 6th grade level would be your best frend.

; your Edward L Bernaysish media machine was deregulated (the FCC) under the Clinton administration. As an incremental result over time, what was once 50 some odd companies in that space got monopolized down into half a dozen multinational corporations. How do you like monopolization and deregulation now? America used to know better than to allow this sort of thing.

The Corporate Dictatorship of PBS and NPR
"David Koch has donated upwards of $23 million to public television. And when you donate $23 million dollars to public television, you get more than just a tote bag or a coffee mug – you get to dictate the on-air programming.

This is the kind of influence and control that we see in mainstream media today too.

Thanks to the giant transnational corporations that own them, mainstream media outlets tailor their programming to appease their corporate backers."

The Corporate Dictatorship of PBS and NPR


A Word from Our Sponsor
Public television’s attempts to placate David Koch.
David Koch vs. PBS


How cute, yu want the FBI to track "white supremacists", "Nazis", "fascists" and "white supremacy groups"?

How, do a roll call?

FBI Investigated White Supremacists in Police - The Intercept
The FBI Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement
Jan 31, 2017The FBI Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement Bureau policies have been crafted to take into account the active presence of domestic extremists in U.S. police ...

White Supremacists Are Infiltrating Law Enforcement, and Not ...
White Supremacists Are Infiltrating Law Enforcement, and Not at a Good Time
Jun 16, 2017And yet, they are. This report from The Intercept got rather lost in the shuffle over the past two weeks, but it's no less chilling than it was the first time I read it. It seems that, almost covertly, the FBI has been tracking the infiltration into law enforcement of white-supremacist extremists. "Federal law enforcement agencies in general —...
'FBI secret rules' exposed: Pattern of white supremacists ...
‘FBI secret rules’ exposed: Pattern of white supremacists infiltrating police known - report
Jan 31, 2017The investigation which exposes the FBI's vast powers uncovered an FBI file concluding that white supremacists and overt white nationalists had infiltrated US police departments and other law enforcement agencies.

Recently Uncovered FBI Report Reveals Long History of White ...

Recently Uncovered FBI Report Reveals Long History of White Supremacists Infiltrating Law Enforcement
White supremacists are infiltrating police departments around the country, drawing concern in the Trump era of white nationalism and reflecting a long history of domestic terrorists participating in law enforcement. These domestic extremist groups remain vibrant in police departments and other law enforcement agencies, as The Intercept reported.

FBI Quietly Investigated White Supremacists Infiltrating ...

FBI Quietly Investigated White Supremacists Infiltrating Police Depts, Said Nothing
The investigation which exposes the FBI's vast powers uncovered an FBI file concluding that white supremacists and overt white nationalists had infiltrated US police departments and other law enforcement agencies.

The Fbi Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist ...

the fbi has quietly investigated white supremacist infiltration of law enforcement (the intercept) My late mentor, KKK-busting Stetson Kennedy, wrote about how the KKK and local law enforcement were overlapping in Georgia and Florida.

FBI investigated white supremacists infiltrating law ...

FBI investigated white supremacists infiltrating law enforcement agencies: Report
Jan 31, 2017Charlie May. The Intercept cited sociologist Pete Simi, who has studied for decades the rapid increase in white supremacists in both law enforcement and the military. Simi conducted a study finding at least 31 percent of individuals indicted for right wing extremist activities, to have military experience.

FBI Investigated White Supremacists in Police - The Intercept

The FBI Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement
Jan 31, 2017Although the FBI has not publicly addressed the issue of white supremacist infiltration of law enforcement since that 2006 report, in a 2015 speech, FBI Director James Comey made an unprecedented ...

Are White Supremacists Infiltrating Law Enforcement?

Are White Supremacists Infiltrating Law Enforcement?
In 2015 the FBI, itself a law enforcement agency, "quietly" investigated the white supremacist infiltration of law enforcement, according to an Intercept investigation from earlier this year. Two things stood out from that report. One, the FBI—under James Comey,...

Racism In US: White Supremacists Infiltrating Law Enforcement ...

Racism In US: White Supremacists Infiltrating Law Enforcement, FBI Investigation Reveals
Racism In US: White Supremacists Infiltrating Law Enforcement, FBI Investigation Reveals. The documents published Tuesday by The Intercept show President Donald Trump "has inherited a vast domestic intelligence agency with extraordinary secret powers" - as well as one of the world's most expansive law enforcement systems in which racism seems to be a severe and prevalent issue.
I fail to see your point, other than that it sounds like you're saying the entire legal system and police force is part of a "white supremacist conspiracy theory".

And if so, then good luck getting anyone to preserve your rights, you're fighting a battle you can't win.

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