Should the sellers and manufacturers of Bump Stocks be sued?

Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?

Should Ford be sued for drunk drivers?

If not, why not?

Cars a legal.

25 + years ago companies once had Christmas Parties with open bars. Why do you think that is no longer the case.

In a word: MADD (their influence on the justice system).

bump stops arent legal?

Not when used to hunt, animals or human beings, or when used to make a semi into an auto. But, to respond to your comment, they are legal until attached to a gun, I suppose a jury would need to decide if the manufacturer or point of sale were culpable.

If it were up to me, I put both out of business with the punitive award, and include every member of the board of directors, CEO and his management team and make them homeless.

Because you are a stupid will punish everyone except the guy who committed murder and the other criminals who use guns to commit murder...but you sure will punish the real abiding gun owners.
Shootings like this always brings out the trolls with their 12 packs of stupid.
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?

Should Ford be sued for drunk drivers?

If not, why not?

Cars a legal.

25 + years ago companies once had Christmas Parties with open bars. Why do you think that is no longer the case.

In a word: MADD (their influence on the justice system).

Companies still have office parties with open bars.

I'm currently a student in law school - and we have school-sponsored events with open bars, too.
That's because they're lawyers. You should have been at the last party I went to sponsored by my crazy lawyer employers. I have seldom been so wasted. Champagne and weed on the way down on a chartered bus, then more champagne and I don't remember any more after that. Holy shit, what a Christmas party.
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?

Should Ford be sued for drunk drivers?

If not, why not?

Cars a legal.

25 + years ago companies once had Christmas Parties with open bars. Why do you think that is no longer the case.

In a word: MADD (their influence on the justice system).

Companies still have office parties with open bars.

I'm currently a student in law school - and we have school-sponsored events with open bars, too.
That's because they're lawyers. You should have been at the last party I went to sponsored by my crazy lawyer employers. I have seldom been so wasted. Champagne and weed on the way down on a chartered bus, then more champagne and I don't remember any more after that. Holy shit, what a Christmas party.

There is undeniably a tremendous drinking/partying culture associated with the practice of law.

But that was true when I worked in politics as well, and in the restaurant business.

In fact, there's been a drinking culture at every job I've had, other than high school retail jobs.
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?
Should the clerks in a liquor store who sell a guy 5 cases of Bud Light and 2 handle bottles of cheap whiskey be able to be sued along with the makers of that alcohol when that guy who got blind drunk at home decides to drive to Taco Bell at 2 AM and mows down a few people on the way?
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?
So the Browns should sue the company that made the knife O.J. used?
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?
That have no case. Bump stocks are legal.
Refusing to bake a cake for deviant queers is legal too, but look what the deranged left mental cases have done with that.
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?

Should Ford be sued for drunk drivers?

If not, why not?

Cars a legal.

25 + years ago companies once had Christmas Parties with open bars. Why do you think that is no longer the case.

In a word: MADD (their influence on the justice system).

Companies still have office parties with open bars.

I'm currently a student in law school - and we have school-sponsored events with open bars, too.
That's because they're lawyers. You should have been at the last party I went to sponsored by my crazy lawyer employers. I have seldom been so wasted. Champagne and weed on the way down on a chartered bus, then more champagne and I don't remember any more after that. Holy shit, what a Christmas party.

There is undeniably a tremendous drinking/partying culture associated with the practice of law.

But that was true when I worked in politics as well, and in the restaurant business.

In fact, there's been a drinking culture at every job I've had, other than high school retail jobs.
All the fun stopped when I went into teaching, then social work. Dull bunch, I'm tellin ya.
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?
Should the clerks in a liquor store who sell a guy 5 cases of Bud Light and 2 handle bottles of cheap whiskey be able to be sued along with the makers of that alcohol when that guy who got blind drunk at home decides to drive to Taco Bell at 2 AM and mows down a few people on the way?

Dunno about the liquor store, but if someone gets into an accident after leaving a bar, not only is the driver held responsible, but in some cases, so can the bar, according to the laws in TX.

As far as bump stocks being legal? Think about this...........the gunman was able to fire at the crowd for around 10 min. Rate of fire for someone with a bold action rifle if they are good, is around 30 rpm, which would be around 300 rounds.

Rate of fire for a semi automatic that hasn't been modified and requires your finger is around 60 to 100 rpm, which would be around 600 to 1000 rounds.

This dude killed 59 people, and injured over 450 others. Many had multiple gunshot wounds.

If you can reduce the rate of fire that weapons are capable of that are sold to civilians, you can reduce the number of gun deaths. If that shooter had a regular semi automatic with no mods or a bolt action rifle, the carnage would have been much less.
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?
Should the clerks in a liquor store who sell a guy 5 cases of Bud Light and 2 handle bottles of cheap whiskey be able to be sued along with the makers of that alcohol when that guy who got blind drunk at home decides to drive to Taco Bell at 2 AM and mows down a few people on the way?

Dunno about the liquor store, but if someone gets into an accident after leaving a bar, not only is the driver held responsible, but in some cases, so can the bar, according to the laws in TX.

As far as bump stocks being legal? Think about this...........the gunman was able to fire at the crowd for around 10 min. Rate of fire for someone with a bold action rifle if they are good, is around 30 rpm, which would be around 300 rounds.

Rate of fire for a semi automatic that hasn't been modified and requires your finger is around 60 to 100 rpm, which would be around 600 to 1000 rounds.

This dude killed 59 people, and injured over 450 others. Many had multiple gunshot wounds.

If you can reduce the rate of fire that weapons are capable of that are sold to civilians, you can reduce the number of gun deaths. If that shooter had a regular semi automatic with no mods or a bolt action rifle, the carnage would have been much less.

He was firing into a crowed of thousands of people....he could have fired with a gun in each hand on semi auto......

You guys are so desperate that your brains are melting....
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?
No, because it was a legally manufactured and sold product that supposedly just allows the gun owner to have the "experience" of firing a machine gun without actually having a machine gun. It's just fun at the target range stuff, they'll say. When it's used for any length of time, it makes the gun smoke and it's not meant for serious use.

However, I do wish and hope that Bump Stocks will be taken off the market immediately. If the company had half a social conscience, they would do it themselves.

Why? The guy that used them illegally is dead.
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?
Should the clerks in a liquor store who sell a guy 5 cases of Bud Light and 2 handle bottles of cheap whiskey be able to be sued along with the makers of that alcohol when that guy who got blind drunk at home decides to drive to Taco Bell at 2 AM and mows down a few people on the way?

Dunno about the liquor store, but if someone gets into an accident after leaving a bar, not only is the driver held responsible, but in some cases, so can the bar, according to the laws in TX.

As far as bump stocks being legal? Think about this...........the gunman was able to fire at the crowd for around 10 min. Rate of fire for someone with a bold action rifle if they are good, is around 30 rpm, which would be around 300 rounds.

Rate of fire for a semi automatic that hasn't been modified and requires your finger is around 60 to 100 rpm, which would be around 600 to 1000 rounds.

This dude killed 59 people, and injured over 450 others. Many had multiple gunshot wounds.

If you can reduce the rate of fire that weapons are capable of that are sold to civilians, you can reduce the number of gun deaths. If that shooter had a regular semi automatic with no mods or a bolt action rifle, the carnage would have been much less.

He was firing into a crowed of thousands of people....he could have fired with a gun in each hand on semi auto......

You guys are so desperate that your brains are melting....

You've been watching too many Rambo movies. I challenge you to be able to cause carnage like that with a gun in each hand like you've described, then fire at a target that is 350 to 450 yards away, and 320 feet down.

Besides.............did you know that 16 of his guns were fitted with bump stocks? He wasn't hunting, he wasn't a "gun enthusiast", he was a cold blooded killer who got the best equipment he could to slaughter as many people as he could.

If he hadn't had the bump stocks, maybe more people would be alive today.
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?
Should the clerks in a liquor store who sell a guy 5 cases of Bud Light and 2 handle bottles of cheap whiskey be able to be sued along with the makers of that alcohol when that guy who got blind drunk at home decides to drive to Taco Bell at 2 AM and mows down a few people on the way?

Dunno about the liquor store, but if someone gets into an accident after leaving a bar, not only is the driver held responsible, but in some cases, so can the bar, according to the laws in TX.

As far as bump stocks being legal? Think about this...........the gunman was able to fire at the crowd for around 10 min. Rate of fire for someone with a bold action rifle if they are good, is around 30 rpm, which would be around 300 rounds.

Rate of fire for a semi automatic that hasn't been modified and requires your finger is around 60 to 100 rpm, which would be around 600 to 1000 rounds.

This dude killed 59 people, and injured over 450 others. Many had multiple gunshot wounds.

If you can reduce the rate of fire that weapons are capable of that are sold to civilians, you can reduce the number of gun deaths. If that shooter had a regular semi automatic with no mods or a bolt action rifle, the carnage would have been much less.

He was firing into a crowed of thousands of people....he could have fired with a gun in each hand on semi auto......

You guys are so desperate that your brains are melting....

You've been watching too many Rambo movies. I challenge you to be able to cause carnage like that with a gun in each hand like you've described, then fire at a target that is 350 to 450 yards away, and 320 feet down.

Besides.............did you know that 16 of his guns were fitted with bump stocks? He wasn't hunting, he wasn't a "gun enthusiast", he was a cold blooded killer who got the best equipment he could to slaughter as many people as he could.

If he hadn't had the bump stocks, maybe more people would be alive today.

He was firing into a crowd of 22,000 people........he could have had a rifle in each hand and pulled the triggers.....what about that do you not understand?

What we know about the Las Vegas shooting - CNN
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?
No, because it was a legally manufactured and sold product that supposedly just allows the gun owner to have the "experience" of firing a machine gun without actually having a machine gun. It's just fun at the target range stuff, they'll say. When it's used for any length of time, it makes the gun smoke and it's not meant for serious use.

However, I do wish and hope that Bump Stocks will be taken off the market immediately. If the company had half a social conscience, they would do it themselves.

Why? The guy that used them illegally is dead.

Yeah, but there are other idiots out there who are probably considering doing something as stupid. And, because of the non stop coverage, we all know how to do an effective attack.

1) Find an event that will be well attended, and is in the open air.
2) Find a vantage point that is high enough to cover the whole area.
3) Make sure vantage point is also far enough away to render small arms fire from the crowd being slaughtered useless.
4) Set up cameras in hallway to give warning when police are approaching so that you can suicide out if necessary.
5) (and this is one of the things they used to find him) Make sure smoke detectors in room selected are disabled, as well as use masking tape to seal the doorway, because gunsmoke can give away your position.
6) Set up multiple high powered, rapid fire weapons for easy change out.
7) Break out window.
8) Cause carnage.

All they have to do now is go out and get the weapons and bump stocks.

Do you also realize that ISIL has been watching this closely? They have tried to claim credit for this attack, and you can bet your ass they have been watching the news casts about this to find out how he did it.

Wonder if ISIL is going to change their tactics to this from suicide vests? This one has caused much more carnage and death than any suicide vest or car bomb ever thought about.
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?
Should the clerks in a liquor store who sell a guy 5 cases of Bud Light and 2 handle bottles of cheap whiskey be able to be sued along with the makers of that alcohol when that guy who got blind drunk at home decides to drive to Taco Bell at 2 AM and mows down a few people on the way?

Dunno about the liquor store, but if someone gets into an accident after leaving a bar, not only is the driver held responsible, but in some cases, so can the bar, according to the laws in TX.

As far as bump stocks being legal? Think about this...........the gunman was able to fire at the crowd for around 10 min. Rate of fire for someone with a bold action rifle if they are good, is around 30 rpm, which would be around 300 rounds.

Rate of fire for a semi automatic that hasn't been modified and requires your finger is around 60 to 100 rpm, which would be around 600 to 1000 rounds.

This dude killed 59 people, and injured over 450 others. Many had multiple gunshot wounds.

If you can reduce the rate of fire that weapons are capable of that are sold to civilians, you can reduce the number of gun deaths. If that shooter had a regular semi automatic with no mods or a bolt action rifle, the carnage would have been much less.

He was firing into a crowed of thousands of people....he could have fired with a gun in each hand on semi auto......

You guys are so desperate that your brains are melting....

You've been watching too many Rambo movies. I challenge you to be able to cause carnage like that with a gun in each hand like you've described, then fire at a target that is 350 to 450 yards away, and 320 feet down.

Besides.............did you know that 16 of his guns were fitted with bump stocks? He wasn't hunting, he wasn't a "gun enthusiast", he was a cold blooded killer who got the best equipment he could to slaughter as many people as he could.

If he hadn't had the bump stocks, maybe more people would be alive today.

He was firing into a crowd of 22,000 people........he could have had a rifle in each hand and pulled the triggers.....what about that do you not understand?

What we know about the Las Vegas shooting - CNN

An expert without bump stocks would have had a higher kill ratio.
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?
No, because it was a legally manufactured and sold product that supposedly just allows the gun owner to have the "experience" of firing a machine gun without actually having a machine gun. It's just fun at the target range stuff, they'll say. When it's used for any length of time, it makes the gun smoke and it's not meant for serious use.

However, I do wish and hope that Bump Stocks will be taken off the market immediately. If the company had half a social conscience, they would do it themselves.

Why? The guy that used them illegally is dead.

Yeah, but there are other idiots out there who are probably considering doing something as stupid. And, because of the non stop coverage, we all know how to do an effective attack.

1) Find an event that will be well attended, and is in the open air.
2) Find a vantage point that is high enough to cover the whole area.
3) Make sure vantage point is also far enough away to render small arms fire from the crowd being slaughtered useless.
4) Set up cameras in hallway to give warning when police are approaching so that you can suicide out if necessary.
5) (and this is one of the things they used to find him) Make sure smoke detectors in room selected are disabled, as well as use masking tape to seal the doorway, because gunsmoke can give away your position.
6) Set up multiple high powered, rapid fire weapons for easy change out.
7) Break out window.
8) Cause carnage.

All they have to do now is go out and get the weapons and bump stocks.

Do you also realize that ISIL has been watching this closely? They have tried to claim credit for this attack, and you can bet your ass they have been watching the news casts about this to find out how he did it.

Wonder if ISIL is going to change their tactics to this from suicide vests? This one has caused much more carnage and death than any suicide vest or car bomb ever thought about.

I don't know. It seems like he went through a lot of trouble for that event.
He was a pilot with 2 airplanes. I would have just crashed my plane into the concert.
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?
No, because it was a legally manufactured and sold product that supposedly just allows the gun owner to have the "experience" of firing a machine gun without actually having a machine gun. It's just fun at the target range stuff, they'll say. When it's used for any length of time, it makes the gun smoke and it's not meant for serious use.

However, I do wish and hope that Bump Stocks will be taken off the market immediately. If the company had half a social conscience, they would do it themselves.

Why? The guy that used them illegally is dead.

Yeah, but there are other idiots out there who are probably considering doing something as stupid. And, because of the non stop coverage, we all know how to do an effective attack.

1) Find an event that will be well attended, and is in the open air.
2) Find a vantage point that is high enough to cover the whole area.
3) Make sure vantage point is also far enough away to render small arms fire from the crowd being slaughtered useless.
4) Set up cameras in hallway to give warning when police are approaching so that you can suicide out if necessary.
5) (and this is one of the things they used to find him) Make sure smoke detectors in room selected are disabled, as well as use masking tape to seal the doorway, because gunsmoke can give away your position.
6) Set up multiple high powered, rapid fire weapons for easy change out.
7) Break out window.
8) Cause carnage.

All they have to do now is go out and get the weapons and bump stocks.

Do you also realize that ISIL has been watching this closely? They have tried to claim credit for this attack, and you can bet your ass they have been watching the news casts about this to find out how he did it.

Wonder if ISIL is going to change their tactics to this from suicide vests? This one has caused much more carnage and death than any suicide vest or car bomb ever thought about.

At that range they don't need bump took the police 72 minutes to get to the guy....

And yes...the press is helping the next mass shooter.
Should the survivors and families of those murdered this weekend in Vegas have standing to sue the makers and sellers of Bump Stocks?

If not, why not?
No, because it was a legally manufactured and sold product that supposedly just allows the gun owner to have the "experience" of firing a machine gun without actually having a machine gun. It's just fun at the target range stuff, they'll say. When it's used for any length of time, it makes the gun smoke and it's not meant for serious use.

However, I do wish and hope that Bump Stocks will be taken off the market immediately. If the company had half a social conscience, they would do it themselves.

Why? The guy that used them illegally is dead.

Yeah, but there are other idiots out there who are probably considering doing something as stupid. And, because of the non stop coverage, we all know how to do an effective attack.

1) Find an event that will be well attended, and is in the open air.
2) Find a vantage point that is high enough to cover the whole area.
3) Make sure vantage point is also far enough away to render small arms fire from the crowd being slaughtered useless.
4) Set up cameras in hallway to give warning when police are approaching so that you can suicide out if necessary.
5) (and this is one of the things they used to find him) Make sure smoke detectors in room selected are disabled, as well as use masking tape to seal the doorway, because gunsmoke can give away your position.
6) Set up multiple high powered, rapid fire weapons for easy change out.
7) Break out window.
8) Cause carnage.

All they have to do now is go out and get the weapons and bump stocks.

Do you also realize that ISIL has been watching this closely? They have tried to claim credit for this attack, and you can bet your ass they have been watching the news casts about this to find out how he did it.

Wonder if ISIL is going to change their tactics to this from suicide vests? This one has caused much more carnage and death than any suicide vest or car bomb ever thought about.

I don't know. It seems like he went through a lot of trouble for that event.
He was a pilot with 2 airplanes. I would have just crashed my plane into the concert.

Excatly....thank you...he could have loaded his plane with.......well...I am not going to spread ideas....but a small plane crashing into 22,000 people......worse than the rental truck that killed 89 people...

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