Should SCOTUS be increased to 13?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

I think so! After all, there are 13 circuits now. What do you think?
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Please explain.

Justices are chosen by a president.

Presidents are elected through FPTP, which is exacerbated by Congress being chosen by FPTP which leads to a partisan two party system.

This means that Presidents are often quite partisan, Clinton was probably the least partisan in the last 50 years, and they impeached him.

This means a Supreme Court justice in order to get noticed, has to be kind of partisan too. This then pushes the whole judicial system towards partisan politics.

Also, it's all about games. Look at all the justices there.

Trump in 4 years got three justice picks.
Obama in 8 years got two justice picks.
Bush in 8 years got two justice picks.

Of these Trump and Bush's first election, neither got the popular vote.

So, only one right wing Justice was put in place by a President who became president with the popular vote, Thomas, and he's corrupt.

It doesn't represent the US. It represents THE SYSTEM and the system is broken beyond belief.
Justices are chosen by a president.

Presidents are elected through FPTP, which is exacerbated by Congress being chosen by FPTP which leads to a partisan two party system.

This means that Presidents are often quite partisan, Clinton was probably the least partisan in the last 50 years, and they impeached him.

This means a Supreme Court justice in order to get noticed, has to be kind of partisan too. This then pushes the whole judicial system towards partisan politics.

Also, it's all about games. Look at all the justices there.

Trump in 4 years got three justice picks.
Obama in 8 years got two justice picks.
Bush in 8 years got two justice picks.

Of these Trump and Bush's first election, neither got the popular vote.

So, only one right wing Justice was put in place by a President who became president with the popular vote, Thomas, and he's corrupt.

It doesn't represent the US. It represents THE SYSTEM and the system is broken beyond belief.
Sounds like the brilliance of "Checks and Balances" to me. The SCOTUS and a slim majority in the House is America's only defense against your Democrat Regime.
I would be in favor of a retirement “red zone” of sorts for all federal employees including elected officials. Call it 77.5 or 80 or 83.5 or whatever. Lets say 80 y/o just for the sake of argument. By “red zone” I mean that if you’re a senator and you win another six year term at the age of 78, you can serve until you are 84 but you can’t run again because you’re over 80. If a judge or justice turns 80 on day one of the new term, they see the rest of their term. If the Judge has any cases before her or him; they finish hearing the case.
If it's not broken don't fix it.
The idiots are just being short sighted and unwilling to accept the current system. If they increase the number then the next administration that comes in with a congress that is sympathetic will simply change it again.
Please explain.
We have enough intellectual horsepower on the Supreme Court right now. Adding four more isn’t going to improve their decision making. If anything, I’m afraid of their being increased balkanization.

Add an amendment to the Constitution limiting the number to 9 but, moreover, have the amendment put in age limits and something that forces the Senate to have an up or down vote on the presidential nominee prior to adjournment.

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