Should Pro-Life People Be Murdered?- Apparently Hanoi Jane Fonda Thinks So

She's a traitor that took a picture on top of a weapon that killed Americans. You can dislike the war, or any war for that matter, but to cheer Americans being killed and posing with weapons that kill them...that's treasonous.
Did I cheer for her? No
Will I condemn her for her actions? No
Just like the French, the Americans had no business being there. There was no declaration of war.
Don't care. Once a traitor always a traitor.

ans there are ways to protest without giving aid and comfort to the people killing fellow americans
People living in huts who hardly have clothes to wear, were not watching the nightly news. It was a bigger deal to our Masters of War than it was to the Vietnamese who had never heard of Jane Fonda.
People living in huts who hardly have clothes to wear, were not watching the nightly news. It was a bigger deal to our Masters of War than it was to the Vietnamese who had never heard of Jane Fonda.
I am sure it was a much larger deal to the Americans then the Vietnamese....duh
People living in huts who hardly have clothes to wear, were not watching the nightly news. It was a bigger deal to our Masters of War than it was to the Vietnamese who had never heard of Jane Fonda.
People living in huts who hardly have clothes to wear, were not watching the nightly news.
the entire country lived in mud huts?

Bet that's a big surprise to people living in Da Nang, Saigon, etc.

And no doubt there was no media available, no radio, no newspapers, etc.?

Have you EVER traveled outside the country?
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She's a traitor that took a picture on top of a weapon that killed Americans. You can dislike the war, or any war for that matter, but to cheer Americans being killed and posing with weapons that kill them...that's treasonous.
Who cheered Americans being killed? Did Tucker Carlson tell you that?
You know for a fact that the weapon killed Americans. The Americans had no business being in Vietnam.
What is is with hardcore leftist women & homicidal insanity? Hanoi Jane actually says murder is something that can be done to fight back against those of us trying to save children from infanticide.
She says this on the View & the idiots in the audience clap.

I know Jane has been an insane idiot for years but now she's declaring the baby butchering death cultists should kill people to get their way because they "aren't going back".

I've often wondered why any male would stay with these obviously deranged fembots on the left?
Now I know- it's fear.
The low-t progponcers that put up with that insanity are just plain scared shitless of their women.
For good reason too, their chicks are total psychopaths & the men are afraid of going to the proper bathroom.

Is anyone crazy enough to try to defend this?

Tell Will Smith that Jane just said "Jada"
Bringing the troops home saves them from dying 8,000 miles away for absolutely nothing. Yes, she tried to save them as did millions of other war protesters.

I can't find a single credible source debunking the story of the notes passed to her by American POW's being turned over to North Vietnamese and this resulting in their deaths. Neither can I find any video proof that she ever apologized to American soldiers, or anyone for that matter, for her extremely undignified Actions in Vietnam.

She's a Whorelywood whore who lies for a living.

8. In 1979, Humanitas, the organization of anti-war activist Joan Baez, purchased a newspaper ad that ran in five large circulation dailies, called “An Open Letter to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam,” which ran in part: “Thousands of innocent Vietnamese, many of whose only “crimes” are those of conscience, are being arrested, detained and tortured in prison and re-education camps… The jails are overflowing with thousands upon thousands of “detainees”… People disappear and never return… People are used as human mine detectors, clearing live mine fields with their hands and feet. For many, life is hell and death is prayed for. With tragic irony, the cruelty, violence and oppression practiced by foreign powers in your country for more than a century continue today under the present regime.

It was an abiding commitment to fundamental principles of human dignity, freedom and self-determination that motivated so many Americans to oppose the government of South Vietnam and our country's participation in the war. It is that same commitment that compels us to speak out against your brutal disregard of human rights. As in the 60s, we raise our voices now so that your people may live.

9. Baez mailed the letter to 350 anti-war activists. Among those who refused to sign was Jane Fonda. “Your name would mean much more than any other,” she told Fonda, in a long letter. Fonda wrote that the add would lend credence to those who believe “that Communism is worse than death…” Washington Post, Lynn Darling, “Joan Baez at 38,” June 29, 1979
As a wise old robot once said, “Death is a preferable alternative to Communism.”

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