Should people have to perform/provide services for gay weddings?

Since you're asking for same-sex marriage and since neither one of us by law can you are asking for special rights just because you wish you were a man

First, same sex couples can be legally married in 13 states plus DC. Second, you'd be able to legally marry someone of the same sex too so there would be no "special" status.

So in 13 States thet gave homosexual special rights. that wasn't equal rights that was special rights.

No they are not special rights...they are EXACTLY the same as heteros already had. Unless you want to make the case that heteros had special rights to begin with....Are you going to do that?
First, same sex couples can be legally married in 13 states plus DC. Second, you'd be able to legally marry someone of the same sex too so there would be no "special" status.

So in 13 States thet gave homosexual special rights. that wasn't equal rights that was special rights.

No they are not special rights...they are EXACTLY the same as heteros already had. Unless you want to make the case that heteros had special rights to begin with....Are you going to do that?

human beings were not designed to copulate with the same sex. homosexuality is an abnormal human condition. no law or court can change that basic fact of nature.

I feel sorry for you and wytchey, but I refuse to ever accept your lifestyle as an acceptable alternative.

our current PC culture that is determined to never hurt anyone feelings or make anyone uncomfortable is a sick joke on society, because it ignores the feelings and beliefs of the majority and that is simply wrong for any society.
First, same sex couples can be legally married in 13 states plus DC. Second, you'd be able to legally marry someone of the same sex too so there would be no "special" status.

So in 13 States thet gave homosexual special rights. that wasn't equal rights that was special rights.

No they are not special rights...they are EXACTLY the same as heteros already had. Unless you want to make the case that heteros had special rights to begin with....Are you going to do that?

if that is your position then you MUST also support the equal rights of bigamists and polygamists, if not, then you are a lying hypocrite---which is what I think you are.
A private business should be able to turn away any customer they want. But then, why would they want to? People are people. They will have to deal with the loss of business when word gets out.
Every time there is a business decision it will both gain and lose income. A business decision that services will not be provided to gays will only lose gay clientele and those who support those gays enough to influence them. They will gain clientele who respect their position.
Since you're asking for same-sex marriage and since neither one of us by law can you are asking for special rights just because you wish you were a man

First, same sex couples can be legally married in 13 states plus DC. Second, you'd be able to legally marry someone of the same sex too so there would be no "special" status.

So in 13 States thet gave homosexual special rights. that wasn't equal rights that was special rights.

It is not special if it is equal. But you must have failed equations in school.
So in 13 States thet gave homosexual special rights. that wasn't equal rights that was special rights.

No they are not special rights...they are EXACTLY the same as heteros already had. Unless you want to make the case that heteros had special rights to begin with....Are you going to do that?

if that is your position then you MUST also support the equal rights of bigamists and polygamists, if not, then you are a lying hypocrite---which is what I think you are.

If the concept of bigamy and/or polygamy becomes legal....we can talk then. Right now, it is illegal. Being gay is not. See how that works? If we say all law-abiding, tax-paying citizens have the right to marry.....that does NOT include bigamists and polygamists because they are not law-abiding.

Glad to have explained the basics to you. :D
"We are gay and getting married and we are going to force you to work there"
A wedding is planned months ahead of time. With the hundreds of businesses wanting the work NO ONE will want to hire someone or some company that does not want to be there.
You people do not think before you post this nonsense.
Every time there is a business decision it will both gain and lose income. A business decision that services will not be provided to gays will only lose gay clientele and those who support those gays enough to influence them. They will gain clientele who respect their position.

NO gay wants to hire someone THAT DOES NOT WANT TO BE THERE.
Common sense 101.
"We do not want the gays"

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"We are gay and getting married and we are going to force you to work there"
A wedding is planned months ahead of time. With the hundreds of businesses wanting the work NO ONE will want to hire someone or some company that does not want to be there.
You people do not think before you post this nonsense.

If you were dealing with people who didnt have an agenda you'd be correct. But the homo lobby wants to punish anyone who doesnt see it their way. They will seek out the little baker or caterer with a strong Christian affiliation and make an example out of them. We've already seen it.
"We are gay and getting married and we are going to force you to work there"
A wedding is planned months ahead of time. With the hundreds of businesses wanting the work NO ONE will want to hire someone or some company that does not want to be there.
You people do not think before you post this nonsense.

If you were dealing with people who didnt have an agenda you'd be correct. But the homo lobby wants to punish anyone who doesnt see it their way. They will seek out the little baker or caterer with a strong Christian affiliation and make an example out of them. We've already seen it.

If there is evidence of them doing just that, then that would be wrong.
"We are gay and getting married and we are going to force you to work there"
A wedding is planned months ahead of time. With the hundreds of businesses wanting the work NO ONE will want to hire someone or some company that does not want to be there.
You people do not think before you post this nonsense.

If you were dealing with people who didnt have an agenda you'd be correct. But the homo lobby wants to punish anyone who doesnt see it their way. They will seek out the little baker or caterer with a strong Christian affiliation and make an example out of them. We've already seen it.

Oh, so in your paranoid delusion, the bigot was sought out on purpose? :lol:
"We are gay and getting married and we are going to force you to work there"
A wedding is planned months ahead of time. With the hundreds of businesses wanting the work NO ONE will want to hire someone or some company that does not want to be there.
You people do not think before you post this nonsense.

If you were dealing with people who didnt have an agenda you'd be correct. But the homo lobby wants to punish anyone who doesnt see it their way. They will seek out the little baker or caterer with a strong Christian affiliation and make an example out of them. We've already seen it.

Oh, so in your paranoid delusion, the bigot was sought out on purpose? :lol:
It's not paranoid or delusional if it's true.
How many bakers are there? If one doesnt want the job for any reason, you go to the next one. Unless you're a homo activist with an agenda to punish people for their beliefs. In that case you bring suit and make a federal case out of it.
"We are gay and getting married and we are going to force you to work there"
A wedding is planned months ahead of time. With the hundreds of businesses wanting the work NO ONE will want to hire someone or some company that does not want to be there.
You people do not think before you post this nonsense.

I agree overall. In most cases, you probably want a vendor who is going to be okay with what you are doing.

But the weight of the law should be on the side of the couples.

Imagine this scenario. You hire a photographer for the wedding, who didn't know that when Pat was marrying Sally, they were both chicks. He stomps out of the wedding, and all you have to remember that special day with are dozens of badly focused IPhone pics on Facebook.
"We are gay and getting married and we are going to force you to work there"
A wedding is planned months ahead of time. With the hundreds of businesses wanting the work NO ONE will want to hire someone or some company that does not want to be there.
You people do not think before you post this nonsense.

I agree overall. In most cases, you probably want a vendor who is going to be okay with what you are doing.

But the weight of the law should be on the side of the couples.

Imagine this scenario. You hire a photographer for the wedding, who didn't know that when Pat was marrying Sally, they were both chicks. He stomps out of the wedding, and all you have to remember that special day with are dozens of badly focused IPhone pics on Facebook.

Yeah that happens. Not.
But in that case you sue for breach of contract. He should nver have agreed to the gig if he objected to it. The homos want to be able to sue him if he refuses for any reason.
If you were dealing with people who didnt have an agenda you'd be correct. But the homo lobby wants to punish anyone who doesnt see it their way. They will seek out the little baker or caterer with a strong Christian affiliation and make an example out of them. We've already seen it.

Oh, so in your paranoid delusion, the bigot was sought out on purpose? :lol:
It's not paranoid or delusional if it's true.
How many bakers are there? If one doesnt want the job for any reason, you go to the next one. Unless you're a homo activist with an agenda to punish people for their beliefs. In that case you bring suit and make a federal case out of it.

Oh puhleese, nobody is seeking out homophobes...they're just stumbling upon them as they try to go about their lives and plan their weddings.

Not their fault they keep finding people that are breaking the laws of their state.
Oh, so in your paranoid delusion, the bigot was sought out on purpose? :lol:
It's not paranoid or delusional if it's true.
How many bakers are there? If one doesnt want the job for any reason, you go to the next one. Unless you're a homo activist with an agenda to punish people for their beliefs. In that case you bring suit and make a federal case out of it.

Oh puhleese, nobody is seeking out homophobes...they're just stumbling upon them as they try to go about their lives and plan their weddings.

Not their fault they keep finding people that are breaking the laws of their state.

So instead of just finding someone else they make a federal case out of it. Right?
Like it or not, 13 states plus the District of Columbia have laws banning discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in public accommodations. ALL of them ban discrimination in public accommodation based on race, color, religion, or national origin.

If you don't like the laws, you've got A LOT of repealing to do...

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