Possible ideas for free healthcare in America -Bc now we have Paid for rehab centers. People who own rehab centers being multi millionaires.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
I do not have a solution to this issue. But the point is that you have people in this country who owned multiple rehabilitation centers who are multi millionaires. And I thought to myself, isn’t that interesting.

We are the wealthiest country in the world. And something seems very wrong with this picture. It shouldn’t a glorious civilization or the greatest country in the world have free healthcare for every citizen. No, I’m not talking about paying for plastic surgery. But if somebody gets addicted to crack cocaine and they have children… What about the children.?

If somebody is a conservative Christian, isn’t it their duty to care about their fellow man?. It’s clearly must be a sin for a Christian for example, to say well why do I care about this person? “ It’s not me if somebody’s dying from a drug addiction their fucked . Why should I have to pay for it.? “

But one idea that has been proposed as with all of the trillions of dollars we have spent on unnecessary wars like Iraq and giving hundreds of billions of dollars to Israel, Egypt and Ukraine. Imagine if all of that money was used to provide for hospital visits, medicine for people and drug rehabilitation centers.
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If you take $3 trillion, that we have spent on Iraq, Israel, Egypt, and Ukraine. That would surely be enough money to provide adequate medical care, medicine, and drug rehab centers to people who need them. But yet there’s apparently right now in America drug rehab centers where people are paying tens of thousands of dollars for and sometimes they don’t even get clean.

is there something wrong with that picture?

If somebody says they are a Christian, they are against abortion, therefore traditional values. Shouldn’t they be for providing free healthcare to every American citizen the greatest optimal health care you can imagine for everybody. Including drug rehabilitation centers. I mean, what do we want to have the cleanest healthier society in the world where people are really strong, physically, fit and not addicted to drugs.?

I can’t be achieved in the society where people have to pay tons and tons of money for hospital stays, drug rehab centers, and medication. In other words, we cannot have a great civilizations where most of if not all Americans are extremely healthy, physically fit in drug-free. You can’t have that when people have to fork over a huge amount of money for hospital visits or drug rehab centers.

Anyways, I don’t have solutions to these problems, but I know that we’re wasting trillions of dollars on unnecessary things. Money that could be spent to have an incredible healthcare system.
Why doesn’t the United States again the wealthiest country in the world by far and wide have the top 10 tallest buildings in the world by a wide margin. We should have not only the tallest building in the world, but one that is 10 times taller than any other building in the world. Along with the cleanest parks throughout the entire country. Imagine that for a moment, just like they had in the Roman empire.

You go from state to state and you see this extraordinary architecture, the most beautiful, outstanding hospitals that you can imagine where every American citizen can access free healthcare, and the greatest healthcare you can imagine. And then imagine every American is a strong and physically fit as they can be. Wow, that sounds about right when you’re talking about the wealthiest country in the world. … maybe this type of society will be achieved in America within 500 years.
I do not have a solution to this issue. But the point is that you have people in this country who owned multiple rehabilitation centers who are multi millionaires. And I thought to myself, isn’t that interesting.

We are the wealthiest country in the world. And something seems very wrong with this picture. It shouldn’t a glorious civilization or the greatest country in the world have free healthcare for every citizen. No, I’m not talking about paying for plastic surgery. But if somebody gets addicted to crack cocaine and they have children… What about the children.?

If somebody is a conservative Christian, isn’t it their duty to care about their fellow man?. It’s clearly must be a sin for a Christian for example, to say well why do I care about this person? “ It’s not me if somebody’s dying from a drug addiction their fucked . Why should I have to pay for it.? “

But one idea that has been proposed as with all of the trillions of dollars we have spent on unnecessary wars like Iraq and giving hundreds of billions of dollars to Israel, Egypt and Ukraine. Imagine of all of that money was used to provide for hospital visits, medicine for people and drug rehabilitation centers.
As i recall you dont believe in God and are not a Christian yourself
Another thing I saw recently that I question is a $200,000 sports car in the parking lot of a nursing home. And it was the owners car, the owner of a nursing home.

I thought to myself, maybe it makes sense that a Doctor Who is performing in the emergency room is getting paid a handsome wage. But what about when our parents get extremely old they go to nursing homes. You can make the argument that they should be cared for by their sons and daughters, but sometimes it’s not possible. But when our parents or grandparents go to a nursing home. Shouldn’t that be free?

and shouldn’t we have the greatest nursing homes in the history of the world after all were the most wealthy country in the world and we are Christian majority. Is it not the Christian thing to do to set aside money… instead of spending trillions of dollars on invading Iraq, giving hundreds of billions to Ukraine + Israel and to Egypt…. to use that money to build more sophisticated nursing homes that every elderly American can go to when they get old and are unable to take care of themselves without having the drain their bank account to do so..?

I’ve heard of tons of cases where an owner of a nursing home kicks out somebody because they don’t have anymore money in their bank account. Isn’t that something that is evil one might say? And then the elderly person is Sent to some “state nursing home”, which is a shit hole.

Anyways, I simply don’t have solutions to these issues I don’t. I don’t have an answer, but I do know we spent trillions of dollars on Iraq, Ukraine, Egypt and Israel and I know that that is a shit load of money and it seems like that money could’ve been used to build the most sophisticated hospitals, nursing homes and drug rehabilitation centers free of access to American citizens. I mean were the one to pay the tax dollars.

Seems any honest Christian American whether rich, poor or middle class would agree that yes it is the Christian way and the American way to actually be able to have a system where healthcare is totally free, drug rehab centers, and nursing homes are totally free and they are the greatest in the world.

We import a lot of medicine from China and India, something seems weird there. Why don’t we manufacture medicine here in America?

Yeah I don’t think America is the greatest country in the world today. Maybe we were in the past and hopefully we can be again in the future.
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I do not have a solution to this issue. But the point is that you have people in this country who owned multiple rehabilitation centers who are multi millionaires. And I thought to myself, isn’t that interesting.

We are the wealthiest country in the world. And something seems very wrong with this picture. It shouldn’t a glorious civilization or the greatest country in the world have free healthcare for every citizen. No, I’m not talking about paying for plastic surgery. But if somebody gets addicted to crack cocaine and they have children… What about the children.?

If somebody is a conservative Christian, isn’t it their duty to care about their fellow man?. It’s clearly must be a sin for a Christian for example, to say well why do I care about this person? “ It’s not me if somebody’s dying from a drug addiction their fucked . Why should I have to pay for it.? “

But one idea that has been proposed as with all of the trillions of dollars we have spent on unnecessary wars like Iraq and giving hundreds of billions of dollars to Israel, Egypt and Ukraine. Imagine if all of that money was used to provide for hospital visits, medicine for people and drug rehabilitation centers.

What makes you think that your non-profit university hospital is going to charge you any less for surgery and rehab than Big Bad Medicine, Inc.?
I do not have a solution to this issue. But the point is that you have people in this country who owned multiple rehabilitation centers who are multi millionaires. And I thought to myself, isn’t that interesting.

We are the wealthiest country in the world. And something seems very wrong with this picture. It shouldn’t a glorious civilization or the greatest country in the world have free healthcare for every citizen. No, I’m not talking about paying for plastic surgery. But if somebody gets addicted to crack cocaine and they have children… What about the children.?

If somebody is a conservative Christian, isn’t it their duty to care about their fellow man?. It’s clearly must be a sin for a Christian for example, to say well why do I care about this person? “ It’s not me if somebody’s dying from a drug addiction their fucked . Why should I have to pay for it.? “

But one idea that has been proposed as with all of the trillions of dollars we have spent on unnecessary wars like Iraq and giving hundreds of billions of dollars to Israel, Egypt and Ukraine. Imagine if all of that money was used to provide for hospital visits, medicine for people and drug rehabilitation centers.
You could also make the point that the bible tells a person to not destroy the temple ( your body). Its a personal choice and a sin

What we need to do is start pushing simple medical visits off on Technicians that could take a good History and Physical, plug it into an AI computer and the computer spits out the scripts and treatment specifics. 2 year Med Tech diploma is all that is needed. This is where medicine is going for basic office calls.
Another thing I saw recently that I question is a $200,000 sports car in the parking lot of a nursing home. And it was the owners car, the owner of a nursing home.

I thought to myself, maybe it makes sense that a Doctor Who is performing in the emergency room is getting paid a handsome wage. But what about when our parents get extremely old they go to nursing homes. You can make the argument that they should be cared for by their sons and daughters, but sometimes it’s not possible. But when our parents or grandparents go to a nursing home. Shouldn’t that be free?

and shouldn’t we have the greatest nursing homes in the history of the world after all were the most wealthy country in the world and we are Christian majority. Is it not the Christian thing to do to set aside money… instead of spending trillions of dollars on invading Iraq, giving hundreds of billions to Ukraine + Israel and to Egypt…. to use that money to build more sophisticated nursing homes that every elderly American can go to when they get old and are unable to take care of themselves without having the drain their bank account to do so..?

I’ve heard of tons of cases where an owner of a nursing home kicks out somebody because they don’t have anymore money in their bank account. Isn’t that something that is evil one might say? And then the elderly person is Sent to some “state nursing home”, which is a shit hole.

Anyways, I simply don’t have solutions to these issues I don’t. I don’t have an answer, but I do know we spent trillions of dollars on Iraq, Ukraine, Egypt and Israel and I know that that is a shit load of money and it seems like that money could’ve been used to build the most sophisticated hospitals, nursing homes and drug rehabilitation centers free of access to American citizens. I mean were the one to pay the tax dollars.

Seems any honest Christian American whether rich, poor or middle class would agree that yes it is the Christian way and the American way to actually be able to have a system where healthcare is totally free, drug rehab centers, and nursing homes are totally free and they are the greatest in the world.

We import a lot of medicine from China and India, something seems weird there. Why don’t we manufacture medicine here in America?

Yeah I don’t think America is the greatest country in the world today. Maybe we were in the past and hopefully we can be again in the future.
Jesus dude. Organize your thoughts.

Stop with unreadable word salad
I do not have a solution to this issue. But the point is that you have people in this country who owned multiple rehabilitation centers who are multi millionaires. And I thought to myself, isn’t that interesting.

We are the wealthiest country in the world. And something seems very wrong with this picture. It shouldn’t a glorious civilization or the greatest country in the world have free healthcare for every citizen. No, I’m not talking about paying for plastic surgery. But if somebody gets addicted to crack cocaine and they have children… What about the children.?

If somebody is a conservative Christian, isn’t it their duty to care about their fellow man?. It’s clearly must be a sin for a Christian for example, to say well why do I care about this person? “ It’s not me if somebody’s dying from a drug addiction their fucked . Why should I have to pay for it.? “

But one idea that has been proposed as with all of the trillions of dollars we have spent on unnecessary wars like Iraq and giving hundreds of billions of dollars to Israel, Egypt and Ukraine. Imagine if all of that money was used to provide for hospital visits, medicine for people and drug rehabilitation centers.
^ This. :)
If somebody is a conservative Christian, isn’t it their duty to care about their fellow man?. It’s clearly must be a sin for a Christian for example, to say well why do I care about this person? “ It’s not me if somebody’s dying from a drug addiction their fucked . Why should I have to pay for it.? “
I'm just a few years in on the whole medicare gig here

They gave me this card, so now i can walk into any health care center, slap it on their counter top, and they'll rx me anything to stfu and go away....

POINT?, live long enough to be a pita , it's a fun pass time!

I'm just a few years in on the whole medicare gig here

They gave me this card, so now i can walk into any health care center, slap it on their counter top, and they'll rx me anything to stfu and go away....

POINT?, live long enough to be a pita , it's a fun pass time!

That’s for senior citizens isn’t it you have to be 65 or older? That is good I submit. But what about the nursing homes issues. Private nursing homes cleaned out older people for all of their money and then when the muddy runs out they toss them out and they go to some State nursing home where people steal their jewelry and all sorts of terrible things happen …tho that could happen out of private place too.

We’re talking about our parents and grandparents here. I think it’s odd that in America you have private nursing homes that offer better care for a ton of money compared to what I believe. Our state ran nursing homes where the rooms are small where the care is not adequate if you will.

Anyway, my point will always be the trillions of dollars we waste on invading Iraq giving 100s of billions to Israel, Egypt, Ukraine if that money was used to build architecture in America to build the tallest skyscrapers in the world, the greatest hospitals, the best drug rehab centers And nursing homes that Americans could access for free free we would have a much better country.

I think that’s the Christian thing to do. I think it’s the humanitarian thing to do if your Christian or not doesn’t matter. It’s the humanitarian thing to do. In response to this topic people will sometimes troll and they will make things up about other people saying who’s gonna pay for it. I don’t have a solution, but I just brought up an idea of the trillions of dollars we wasted if that money is used toward a different purpose.

“You’re a communist, we can’t have socialism in America,”

Well, no instead of spending trillions of dollars on invading Iraq giving hundreds of billions to Israel, use the money for American citizens.

Hope all is well with you. You are a great person. I know you built your own home. It’s very impressive.
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That’s for senior citizens isn’t it you have to be 65 or older? That is good I submit. But what about the nursing homes issues. Private nursing homes cleaned out older people for all of their money and then when the muddy runs out they toss them out and they go to some State nursing home where people steal their jewelry and all sorts of terrible things happen …tho that could happen out of private place too.

We’re talking about our parents and grandparents here. I think it’s odd that in America you have private nursing homes that offer better care for a ton of money compared to what I believe. Our state ran nursing homes where the rooms are small where the care is not adequate if you will.

Anyway, my point will always be the trillions of dollars we waste on invading Iraq giving 100s of billions to Israel, Egypt, Ukraine if that money was used to build architecture in America to build the tallest skyscrapers in the world, the greatest hospitals, the best drug rehab centers And nursing homes that Americans could access for free free we would have a much better country.

I think that’s the Christian thing to do. I think it’s the humanitarian thing to do if your Christian or not doesn’t matter. It’s the humanitarian thing to do. In response to this topic people will sometimes troll and they will make things up about other people saying who’s gonna pay for it. I don’t have a solution, but I just brought up an idea of the trillions of dollars we wasted if that money is used toward a different purpose.

“You’re a communist, we can’t have socialism in America,”

Well, no instead of spending trillions of dollars on invading Iraq giving hundreds of billions to Israel, use the money for American citizens.

Hope all is well with you. You are a great person. I know you built your own home. It’s very impressive.
IIRC, that's our medicaid spendown , basically the government liquidating all one's assets to pay for one's demise

The trick being the old folks need to be painted incompetent , unable to care for themselves

Guess what happens here to all the 'fallen and can't get up' folks, who get transported to the ER?

They get scrutinized by the 'system' which not only watches physical vitals , but fiscal one's as well

It's just a matter of provoking family members from that point on

I personally turned many and old timer into soylent green , before i realized i was a tool for that system



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