Should Charlottesville Mayor Be Arrested ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
After the violence in his city, the mayor of Charlottesville, VA, Michael Signer, said President Trump bears blame for the violence. FALSE! Trump has no blame at all. But the mayor himself sure does. His police did nothing when scores of counter-protestors (ones who oppose the Robt E Lee statue) BLOCKED THE STREET, where protestors (who support the statue) were marching.

These counter-protestors should have been arrested immediately. The blame is with the counter-protestors for blocking the march, and the mayor who should have had the cops take swift action.

Sure, there were Nazi flags. So what ? Even if we oppose that, and detest it. The protestors (most of whom had no flag) still have the right to march, protest, and exercise free speech. A few protestors may have waved Nazi flags, but it is the counter-protestors who PERPETRATED FACISM, by blocking the street, trying to stifle the protest, and stop it.

It is also facism by the mayor who allowed this, and who is complicit in causing the violence. If he would have had the cops do their job, and arrest the traffic/parade blockers, there would have been no car killing, or any other violence. Somebody ought to be arresting this damn fool mayor right now.

As for President Trump, and the moron leftists ragging at him, yes, I disagree with his first comment a few days ago too. He said “all sides” need to be civil. True, but, in addition to the car killer, he should have condemned the moronic and violent counter-protestors, who caused one of their own to get killed,. Trump’s first remarks weren’t strong enough. He should have condemned the mayor for having the police stand down, and then putting the police chief out in front of the media, to take the blame, while he cowardly hid in his mayors office, behind closed doors. Common sense that there would be violence, from allowing this to occur as he did.
The set up is more than disturbing. The exits for the rally attendees drove them right into the violent Antifa assholes. This was a set up. McAuliffe and the D Mayor wanted the violence.

Somebody needs to get a handle on this. Liberal mayors all over the country have been fomented violence in the street by handcuffing their cops >> Chicago, San Jose, Batimore, Ferguson, Tampa, et al.
The set up is more than disturbing. The exits for the rally attendees drove them right into the violent Antifa assholes. This was a set up. McAuliffe and the D Mayor wanted the violence.


Google Jason Kessler...former Occupy member and it seems an organizer of this fiasco
I wonder whose job it would be to arrest these crappy mayors. Many of them should also be arrested for maintaining sanctuary cities for illegal aliens.
As many of those that participated in the nazi gathering are returning home, they are finding they no longer have jobs. All should be treated in that manner. And shunned from society in general. They are scum, and need to be treated as such. And you that support them are the same.
As many of those that participated in the nazi gathering are returning home, they are finding they no longer have jobs. All should be treated in that manner. And shunned from society in general. They are scum, and need to be treated as such. And you that support them are the same.
so nothing about the other side,many who also came prepared to do battle?...
Yes, and all laws and rights go out the window for those that "offend" (half-sarc)

I'll be laughing my ass off as more people adopt your foolish beliefs...
As many of those that participated in the nazi gathering are returning home, they are finding they no longer have jobs. All should be treated in that manner. And shunned from society in general. They are scum, and need to be treated as such. And you that support them are the same.

The doxing is already blowing up in the left wings faces. They are misidentifying people who weren't at the rally. Dox at your own risk because lawsuits will be coming mother truckers.

I hope this gentleman sues HuffPo into oblivion. You don't really think people are going to eat this shit off you left wing whackos do you? And anyone fired from their job over this can go hell bent for leather to sue the fuck out of their employer.

Go ahead and brag on this shit all you want. But expect a lot of lawsuits.

"Kyle Quinn, a professor at the University of Arkansas, woke up on Saturday to discover his email inbox and social media accounts overflowing with vulgar messages, violent threats and accusations of racism, sent by people he had never met. Countless others contacted his employer, demanding that he be fired from his job. Kyle and his wife, fearing for their safety, were driven from their home and had to spend the weekend at a friend's house.

Kyle Quinn did nothing wrong, however. His only "crime" was that he happened to bear a slight resemblance to one of the white nationalists who attended Saturday's demonstration in #Charlottesville, Virginia.

The case of Kyle Quinn demonstrates the potentially dangerous consequences of "doxing," or the releasing of a private citizen's personal information with the intent to do harm.

The misidentification of Quinn has been traced back to a Twitter account, @YesYoureRacist, which was created for the sole purpose of identifying members of white supremacy groups and exposing them to employers with the objective of getting them fired.

Leader of online vigilante mob outed as HuffPo writer".

Charlottesville doxing campaign results in wrong man receiving death threats
And thus our political divide continues to devolve. Those on the Right are now supporting White Supremacy as a means of forwarding their agenda. Those on the Left are seemingly embracing a violent rebuttal to what was once a war of ideas, not fists or, tragically, automobiles.

And we spend time on message boards like this screaming passed on another. A Liberal point of view I said screamed at as being Facist (because Facist is one of the dirty political descriptions a lot of others knows). A Conservative point of view is screamed at as being Racist (because any endorsement of the dangerous far Right gangs is steeped in racism).

Where will it all end?

Some see this violence as a signal that some latter day civil war is either beginning, or has already begun. Americans of all stripes dearly hope this is not so. Violence has no place in our political discourse. Those championing violence should have muted voices in our discourse.

But extremist views are amplified by this very instrument of communication we are using right now, the Internet. Can the internet be turned into a devise of unity? Let us pray.
Most folks are not supporting white supremacy, they are supporting the freedom of thought, beliefs, and opinions this nation was founded on, but twist away.
After the violence in his city, the mayor of Charlottesville, VA, Michael Signer, said President Trump bears blame for the violence. FALSE! Trump has no blame at all. But the mayor himself sure does. His police did nothing when scores of counter-protestors (ones who oppose the Robt E Lee statue) BLOCKED THE STREET, where protestors (who support the statue) were marching.

These counter-protestors should have been arrested immediately. The blame is with the counter-protestors for blocking the march, and the mayor who should have had the cops take swift action.

Sure, there were Nazi flags. So what ? Even if we oppose that, and detest it. The protestors (most of whom had no flag) still have the right to march, protest, and exercise free speech. A few protestors may have waved Nazi flags, but it is the counter-protestors who PERPETRATED FACISM, by blocking the street, trying to stifle the protest, and stop it.

It is also facism by the mayor who allowed this, and who is complicit in causing the violence. If he would have had the cops do their job, and arrest the traffic/parade blockers, there would have been no car killing, or any other violence. Somebody ought to be arresting this damn fool mayor right now.

As for President Trump, and the moron leftists ragging at him, yes, I disagree with his first comment a few days ago too. He said “all sides” need to be civil. True, but, in addition to the car killer, he should have condemned the moronic and violent counter-protestors, who caused one of their own to get killed,. Trump’s first remarks weren’t strong enough. He should have condemned the mayor for having the police stand down, and then putting the police chief out in front of the media, to take the blame, while he cowardly hid in his mayors office, behind closed doors. Common sense that there would be violence, from allowing this to occur as he did.
I have seen time and time again, people coming forward saying the cops just stood by and watched shit......anyone believing otherwise is in denial. Not only should the mayor be arrested, but the chief of police should resign. 3 people are dead because this city allowed violent whores on their property!!
As many of those that participated in the nazi gathering are returning home, they are finding they no longer have jobs. All should be treated in that manner. And shunned from society in general. They are scum, and need to be treated as such. And you that support them are the same.
Funny how liberals redefine thingsa away from the truth, put them into a villainous framework, and then attack that framework. "nazi gathering" ? HA HA HA HA HA. Some of these liberal posts are downright funny.

The ones who should not have jobs when they return home, are the leftist, counter-protestor FACISTS, who BLOCKED THE STREET, attacked the legal, permit carrying marchers, and tried to stifle their free speech, using violence. We got to see who the REAL "NAzis" are. THEY are the scum, and need to be treated as such. And you that support them are the same.
The doxing is already blowing up in the left wings faces. They are misidentifying people who weren't at the rally. Dox at your own risk because lawsuits will be coming mother truckers.

I hope this gentleman sues HuffPo into oblivion. You don't really think people are going to eat this shit off you left wing whackos do you? And anyone fired from their job over this can go hell bent for leather to sue the fuck out of their employer.

Go ahead and brag on this shit all you want. But expect a lot of lawsuits.

"Kyle Quinn, a professor at the University of Arkansas, woke up on Saturday to discover his email inbox and social media accounts overflowing with vulgar messages, violent threats and accusations of racism, sent by people he had never met. Countless others contacted his employer, demanding that he be fired from his job. Kyle and his wife, fearing for their safety, were driven from their home and had to spend the weekend at a friend's house.

Kyle Quinn did nothing wrong, however. His only "crime" was that he happened to bear a slight resemblance to one of the white nationalists who attended Saturday's demonstration in #Charlottesville, Virginia.

The case of Kyle Quinn demonstrates the potentially dangerous consequences of "doxing," or the releasing of a private citizen's personal information with the intent to do harm.

The misidentification of Quinn has been traced back to a Twitter account, @YesYoureRacist, which was created for the sole purpose of identifying members of white supremacy groups and exposing them to employers with the objective of getting them fired.

Leader of online vigilante mob outed as HuffPo writer".

Charlottesville doxing campaign results in wrong man receiving death threats
Why aren't the counter-protestor FACISTS who blocked the street of the permit-legal marchers, being identified, and having THEIR information sent to their employers. Let's ID the BAD GUYS.
the guy driving the car is responsible for the death.........
As are also the counter-protester leftists who blocked traffic on the street, and blocked the marchers from engaging in their march. Had they not done that, the guy driving the car would not have run anybody over.
the guy driving the car is responsible for the death.........
As are also the counter-protester leftists who blocked traffic on the street, and blocked the marchers from engaging in their march. Had they not done that, the guy driving the car would not have run anybody over.
you dont know that,he could have just went threw them somewhere else...
you dont know that,he could have just went threw them somewhere else...
Where traffic blocker idiots block traffic there have been numerous accounts of cars continuing to drive. You're right, I don't know about this particular guy, but I do know he didn't drive on the sidewalk. He drove in the street > where counter -protesters were illegally blocking the cars, including this guy's car.

And he DIDN'T go "somewhere else". He went where the counter -protesters were illegally blocking the street.

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