Should Antifa Be Designated a Domestic Terror Group?

Well, considering I've never run across a Constitutional Socialist country, I believe the not-Socialists. Yet, does it mean a civil war will be the only way to win? No, it does not.

I guess only time will tell.
Do you know what happened to the far right socialist from Germany in the 1940's? It wasn't a civil war, but much bigger. I think we should stop it before it gets that big.

Haha, good joke.

Nazis only make up a fraction of mass-murder for the past centuries.... In fact in the 20th century they also only make up a fraction of mass-murder.

The Right-Authoritarians / Right-Socialists in WW2 were only really particularly bad by German Nazis.

More than half of Europe was Right-Wing Authoritarians / Socialists in WW2..... Including almost everybody in Eastern, and Southern Europe.

Most of those regimes didn't kill as much as Hitler's German Nazis.... Or even the Capitalist Americans, or Capitalist Brits, or Soviets.

It might come as a surprise, but the Allies killed nearly as much as the Axis in WW2.

Before WW2, and since WW2 the Allies killed far, far more, than Germans, Italians, or Japanese had, among others of the Axis.
Nazi's ended up having millions of "innocent men, women and children", killed, you think that is some kind of joke. What a fucking asshole you are. Go back to your hole.
These idiots that keep claiming there is going to be a civil war are terrified by youth gangs and want the government to protect them. These are the same people that claim their guns are going to protect them from the government. :lmao:

I don't believe there will be a civil war. There would have to be a major meltdown (economic & governmental) before a civil war would be conceivable. I remember the same thing was said in '08 if Obama was elected president. Obviously it didn't happen and the country continued on.

But, this is just my opinion.
Do you think before the civil war of the 1860's people were walking around saying "I dont believe there will be a civil war"? That was over slavery and the expansion of slavery into the new lands of the west. What we are seeing today is one side totally giving up the Constitution and going Socialist, the other side wants to prevent it from happening. Who do you think will win?

The Socialists are bound to win.

They are working to silence the Right / Conservatives on social media like Facebook, Youtube, or Twitter, they run the News media, they run Hollywood, they even enforce the public education system.

On top of that, the browning of America, leads to more Collectivism & Democrats.

Down the line, Republicans will be bound to be replaced.
Well, considering I've never run across a Constitutional Socialist country, I believe the not-Socialists. Yet, does it mean a civil war will be the only way to win? No, it does not.

I guess only time will tell.
Do you know what happened to the far right socialist from Germany in the 1940's? It wasn't a civil war, but much bigger. I think we should stop it before it gets that big.

Haha, good joke.

Nazis only make up a fraction of mass-murder for the past centuries.... In fact in the 20th century they also only make up a fraction of mass-murder.

The Right-Authoritarians / Right-Socialists in WW2 were only really particularly bad by German Nazis.

More than half of Europe was Right-Wing Authoritarians / Socialists in WW2..... Including almost everybody in Eastern, and Southern Europe.

Most of those regimes didn't kill as much as Hitler's German Nazis.... Or even the Capitalist Americans, or Capitalist Brits, or Soviets.

It might come as a surprise, but the Allies killed nearly as much as the Axis in WW2.

Before WW2, and since WW2 the Allies killed far, far more, than Germans, Italians, or Japanese had, among others of the Axis.
Nazi's ended up having millions of "innocent men, women and children", killed, you think that is some kind of joke. What a fucking asshole you are. Go back to your hole.

The A-hole is you for looking to politicize mass-murder, and do so in the most biased way possible.

A lot more died from Communism regimes like Soviets, and Communist China,
also Capitalist regimes like the British Empire, and the USA.
These idiots that keep claiming there is going to be a civil war are terrified by youth gangs and want the government to protect them. These are the same people that claim their guns are going to protect them from the government. :lmao:

I don't believe there will be a civil war. There would have to be a major meltdown (economic & governmental) before a civil war would be conceivable. I remember the same thing was said in '08 if Obama was elected president. Obviously it didn't happen and the country continued on.

But, this is just my opinion.
Do you think before the civil war of the 1860's people were walking around saying "I dont believe there will be a civil war"? That was over slavery and the expansion of slavery into the new lands of the west. What we are seeing today is one side totally giving up the Constitution and going Socialist, the other side wants to prevent it from happening. Who do you think will win?

The Socialists are bound to win.

They are working to silence the Right / Conservatives on social media like Facebook, Youtube, or Twitter, they run the News media, they run Hollywood, they even enforce the public education system.

On top of that, the browning of America, leads to more Collectivism & Democrats.

Down the line, Republicans will be bound to be replaced.
The Socialists are bound to win.
Shut the fuck up, you have no idea what we are doing in trying to follow the law that the Nazi's and Commies both are pushing upon US. We dont want to go like Hitler or Stalin, but the way things are going, we just might have to rise up and march on Washington DC. That isnt what anyone wants, but we are pushed more and more every day, by the fuckers on the left, they have no idea(like the Japanese) who they are fucking with.
Well, considering I've never run across a Constitutional Socialist country, I believe the not-Socialists. Yet, does it mean a civil war will be the only way to win? No, it does not.

I guess only time will tell.
Do you know what happened to the far right socialist from Germany in the 1940's? It wasn't a civil war, but much bigger. I think we should stop it before it gets that big.

Haha, good joke.

Nazis only make up a fraction of mass-murder for the past centuries.... In fact in the 20th century they also only make up a fraction of mass-murder.

The Right-Authoritarians / Right-Socialists in WW2 were only really particularly bad by German Nazis.

More than half of Europe was Right-Wing Authoritarians / Socialists in WW2..... Including almost everybody in Eastern, and Southern Europe.

Most of those regimes didn't kill as much as Hitler's German Nazis.... Or even the Capitalist Americans, or Capitalist Brits, or Soviets.

It might come as a surprise, but the Allies killed nearly as much as the Axis in WW2.

Before WW2, and since WW2 the Allies killed far, far more, than Germans, Italians, or Japanese had, among others of the Axis.
Nazi's ended up having millions of "innocent men, women and children", killed, you think that is some kind of joke. What a fucking asshole you are. Go back to your hole.

The A-hole is you for looking to politicize mass-murder, and do so in the most biased way possible.

A lot more died from Communism regimes like Soviets, and Communist China,
also Capitalist regimes like the British Empire, and the USA.
You laughed at the Nazi's as only killing a just left out the innocent men, women and children that were forced to die in concentration camps. Nice marginalization of what the Nazi's did, by saying only 6,000,000 died, while 22 million died under Communism. Real fucking nice.
Should Antifa Be Designated a Domestic Terror Group?

Should Antifa Be Designated a Domestic Terror Group?
1 Jul 2019 ~ By Jeff Carlson
Andy Ngo, a Portland, Oregon-based editor and photo-journalist for Quillette, was assaulted and hospitalized by masked and hooded far-left Antifa extremists on June 29.
Ngo, who has extensively documented violence by Antifa, had written on Twitter a day earlier that he was nervous about the coming rally, noting that Antifa members had been “promising ‘physical confrontation’ & have singled me out to be assaulted.” Following the assault, Ngo was hospitalized with multiple contusions, a black eye, and a torn earlobe; he also suffered a brain bleed that required overnight hospitalization.
Antifa first rose to national prominence in 2017 during protests in Berkeley that targeted conservative speakers at University of California, Berkeley. After escalating clashes and increasing levels of violence, the city of Berkeley finally responded by issuing a series of rules that included banning items designated as weapons, along with the use of masks. As Berkeley’s bulletin noted, protesters were routinely coming to rallies armed with “metal pipes, baseball bats, lengths of 2″x4″ lumber spiked with nails, bricks, pepper spray, mace, daggers, combat shields, poles, axe handles, hatchets, helmets, masks, and similar items.” Groups like Antifa and their tendency towards violence pose a serious threat to society. It may be time to officially classify Antifa as the domestic terror threat that it is.

These violent masked hoodlums should definitely be considered domestic terrorists! They are funded by George Soros and supported by many mainstream media organizations which give them civilians addresses as well as they’re places of employment so they can harass and possibly get their target fired! We should meet they’re violence with much more then words and complaints, they should be arrested. It’s time for the governor of Oregon to remove Portland’s mayor and end his attack against the innocent civilians of that once great city! That mayor decided to make himself the chief of police as well should be incarcerated for aiding and abetting domestic terrorists and should probably spend the rest of his term behind bars!
There should be a Federal law against wearing masks during protests and riots. We know that Georgia is one state that has made laws against wearing masks in protests because of Democrat KKK domestic terrorists.

The nazis think so.
These idiots that keep claiming there is going to be a civil war are terrified by youth gangs and want the government to protect them. These are the same people that claim their guns are going to protect them from the government. :lmao:

I don't believe there will be a civil war. There would have to be a major meltdown (economic & governmental) before a civil war would be conceivable. I remember the same thing was said in '08 if Obama was elected president. Obviously it didn't happen and the country continued on.

But, this is just my opinion.
Do you think before the civil war of the 1860's people were walking around saying "I dont believe there will be a civil war"? That was over slavery and the expansion of slavery into the new lands of the west. What we are seeing today is one side totally giving up the Constitution and going Socialist, the other side wants to prevent it from happening. Who do you think will win?

The Socialists are bound to win.

They are working to silence the Right / Conservatives on social media like Facebook, Youtube, or Twitter, they run the News media, they run Hollywood, they even enforce the public education system.

On top of that, the browning of America, leads to more Collectivism & Democrats.

Down the line, Republicans will be bound to be replaced.
The Socialists are bound to win.
Shut the fuck up, you have no idea what we are doing in trying to follow the law that the Nazi's and Commies both are pushing upon US. We dont want to go like Hitler or Stalin, but the way things are going, we just might have to rise up and march on Washington DC. That isnt what anyone wants, but we are pushed more and more every day, by the fuckers on the left, they have no idea(like the Japanese) who they are fucking with.

The Brits in the British Empire, and the Brits of the USA Imperialism have both caused obviously many 10's of millions of deaths, and just as many enslaved,
that rivals that of Communist butchers, and far surpasses that of the Fascists.

The problem is you Brits are very ignorant, arrogant, and biased.

You like to point fingers at everyone else, while being one of the most prominent butchers, and oppressors.

Even though you're the most Capitalist, and Individualist in the World, you're also among the most violent, and brutal people the World has ever seen.
Well, considering I've never run across a Constitutional Socialist country, I believe the not-Socialists. Yet, does it mean a civil war will be the only way to win? No, it does not.

I guess only time will tell.
Do you know what happened to the far right socialist from Germany in the 1940's? It wasn't a civil war, but much bigger. I think we should stop it before it gets that big.

Haha, good joke.

Nazis only make up a fraction of mass-murder for the past centuries.... In fact in the 20th century they also only make up a fraction of mass-murder.

The Right-Authoritarians / Right-Socialists in WW2 were only really particularly bad by German Nazis.

More than half of Europe was Right-Wing Authoritarians / Socialists in WW2..... Including almost everybody in Eastern, and Southern Europe.

Most of those regimes didn't kill as much as Hitler's German Nazis.... Or even the Capitalist Americans, or Capitalist Brits, or Soviets.

It might come as a surprise, but the Allies killed nearly as much as the Axis in WW2.

Before WW2, and since WW2 the Allies killed far, far more, than Germans, Italians, or Japanese had, among others of the Axis.
Nazi's ended up having millions of "innocent men, women and children", killed, you think that is some kind of joke. What a fucking asshole you are. Go back to your hole.

The A-hole is you for looking to politicize mass-murder, and do so in the most biased way possible.

A lot more died from Communism regimes like Soviets, and Communist China,
also Capitalist regimes like the British Empire, and the USA.
You laughed at the Nazi's as only killing a just left out the innocent men, women and children that were forced to die in concentration camps. Nice marginalization of what the Nazi's did, by saying only 6,000,000 died, while 22 million died under Communism. Real fucking nice.

No, I laughed at you for scapegoating Right-Wing Socialists.... When your Capitalist Brits are violent ogres in your own right....
These idiots that keep claiming there is going to be a civil war are terrified by youth gangs and want the government to protect them. These are the same people that claim their guns are going to protect them from the government. :lmao:

I don't believe there will be a civil war. There would have to be a major meltdown (economic & governmental) before a civil war would be conceivable. I remember the same thing was said in '08 if Obama was elected president. Obviously it didn't happen and the country continued on.

But, this is just my opinion.
Do you think before the civil war of the 1860's people were walking around saying "I dont believe there will be a civil war"? That was over slavery and the expansion of slavery into the new lands of the west. What we are seeing today is one side totally giving up the Constitution and going Socialist, the other side wants to prevent it from happening. Who do you think will win?

The Socialists are bound to win.

They are working to silence the Right / Conservatives on social media like Facebook, Youtube, or Twitter, they run the News media, they run Hollywood, they even enforce the public education system.

On top of that, the browning of America, leads to more Collectivism & Democrats.

Down the line, Republicans will be bound to be replaced.
The Socialists are bound to win.
Shut the fuck up, you have no idea what we are doing in trying to follow the law that the Nazi's and Commies both are pushing upon US. We dont want to go like Hitler or Stalin, but the way things are going, we just might have to rise up and march on Washington DC. That isnt what anyone wants, but we are pushed more and more every day, by the fuckers on the left, they have no idea(like the Japanese) who they are fucking with.

The Brits in the British Empire, and the Brits of the USA Imperialism have both caused obviously many 10's of millions of deaths, and just as many enslaved,
that rivals that of Communist butchers, and far surpasses that of the Fascists.

The problem is you Brits are very ignorant, arrogant, and biased.

You like to point fingers at everyone else, while being one of the most prominent butchers, and oppressors.

Even though you're the most Capitalist, and Individualist in the World, you're also among the most violent, and brutal people the World has ever seen.
So you are okay with 6,000,000 innocent men, women and children butchered by the hands of Nazis, because other people have done it also?
I don't believe there will be a civil war. There would have to be a major meltdown (economic & governmental) before a civil war would be conceivable. I remember the same thing was said in '08 if Obama was elected president. Obviously it didn't happen and the country continued on.

But, this is just my opinion.
Do you think before the civil war of the 1860's people were walking around saying "I dont believe there will be a civil war"? That was over slavery and the expansion of slavery into the new lands of the west. What we are seeing today is one side totally giving up the Constitution and going Socialist, the other side wants to prevent it from happening. Who do you think will win?

The Socialists are bound to win.

They are working to silence the Right / Conservatives on social media like Facebook, Youtube, or Twitter, they run the News media, they run Hollywood, they even enforce the public education system.

On top of that, the browning of America, leads to more Collectivism & Democrats.

Down the line, Republicans will be bound to be replaced.
The Socialists are bound to win.
Shut the fuck up, you have no idea what we are doing in trying to follow the law that the Nazi's and Commies both are pushing upon US. We dont want to go like Hitler or Stalin, but the way things are going, we just might have to rise up and march on Washington DC. That isnt what anyone wants, but we are pushed more and more every day, by the fuckers on the left, they have no idea(like the Japanese) who they are fucking with.

The Brits in the British Empire, and the Brits of the USA Imperialism have both caused obviously many 10's of millions of deaths, and just as many enslaved,
that rivals that of Communist butchers, and far surpasses that of the Fascists.

The problem is you Brits are very ignorant, arrogant, and biased.

You like to point fingers at everyone else, while being one of the most prominent butchers, and oppressors.

Even though you're the most Capitalist, and Individualist in the World, you're also among the most violent, and brutal people the World has ever seen.
So you are okay with 6,000,000 innocent men, women and children butchered by the hands of Nazis, because other people have done it also?

No, nor is that the number of people killed by Nazis.

More like 40 million died at the hands of Nazi Germans both directly, or indirectly.
Including give, or take
22 million Russians, 6 million Jews, 4 million Ukrainians, 3 million Poles, 0.5 million Gypsies, 0.5 million French, 0.4 million British, 0.4 million Americans, and "Others".
They march under their own flag.

They wear what loosely approximates uniforms.

The seek to sow mayhem, destroy property, and do physical bodily harm to others.

They are textbook enemy combatants, and deserve no better treatment than to be shot on sight.

Include the Proud Boys on that list, and I agree.
The Proud Boys have done none of that, Chumlee.
While your garbage propaganda machine goes on and on about antifa, the only actual spike in violence is against black Jews gays and Muslims. By right-wing assholes like the proud boys on their non marching days.

Do you have a source for the only spike of violence being against minorities, or that these hate crimes are disproportionately by Whites, or Conservatives?

But of course many and common sense of course....
They march under their own flag.

They wear what loosely approximates uniforms.

The seek to sow mayhem, destroy property, and do physical bodily harm to others.

They are textbook enemy combatants, and deserve no better treatment than to be shot on sight.

Include the Proud Boys on that list, and I agree.
The Proud Boys have done none of that, Chumlee.
While your garbage propaganda machine goes on and on about antifa, the only actual spike in violence is against black Jews gays and Muslims. By right-wing assholes like the proud boys on their non marching days.

Do you have a source for the only spike of violence being against minorities, or that these hate crimes are disproportionately by Whites, or Conservatives?

But of course many and common sense of course....

The data shows that Blacks commit more hate crimes disproportionately.
It also shows the North-East, especially New Jersey tend to have more hate crimes than the rest of the USA.
I don't believe there will be a civil war. There would have to be a major meltdown (economic & governmental) before a civil war would be conceivable. I remember the same thing was said in '08 if Obama was elected president. Obviously it didn't happen and the country continued on.

But, this is just my opinion.
Do you think before the civil war of the 1860's people were walking around saying "I dont believe there will be a civil war"? That was over slavery and the expansion of slavery into the new lands of the west. What we are seeing today is one side totally giving up the Constitution and going Socialist, the other side wants to prevent it from happening. Who do you think will win?

The Socialists are bound to win.

They are working to silence the Right / Conservatives on social media like Facebook, Youtube, or Twitter, they run the News media, they run Hollywood, they even enforce the public education system.

On top of that, the browning of America, leads to more Collectivism & Democrats.

Down the line, Republicans will be bound to be replaced.
The Socialists are bound to win.
Shut the fuck up, you have no idea what we are doing in trying to follow the law that the Nazi's and Commies both are pushing upon US. We dont want to go like Hitler or Stalin, but the way things are going, we just might have to rise up and march on Washington DC. That isnt what anyone wants, but we are pushed more and more every day, by the fuckers on the left, they have no idea(like the Japanese) who they are fucking with.

The Brits in the British Empire, and the Brits of the USA Imperialism have both caused obviously many 10's of millions of deaths, and just as many enslaved,
that rivals that of Communist butchers, and far surpasses that of the Fascists.

The problem is you Brits are very ignorant, arrogant, and biased.

You like to point fingers at everyone else, while being one of the most prominent butchers, and oppressors.

Even though you're the most Capitalist, and Individualist in the World, you're also among the most violent, and brutal people the World has ever seen.
So you are okay with 6,000,000 innocent men, women and children butchered by the hands of Nazis, because other people have done it also?

The Authoritarian Right, made up a huge portion of Europe in the 1930's - 1940's..... Poland's Jozef Beck, Hungary's Horthy, Italy's Mussolini, Greece's Metaxas, Codreanu in Romania, Jozef Tiso in Slovakia, Ustase of Croatia,Ukraine's UPA, Franco's Spain, Boris III of Bulgaria, Chetniks of Serbia.

The only ones I can think of who killed millions are the Nazi Germans.
Not to say they all were peaceful, some weren't.

But, the Soviets, British Empire, and USA killed obviously multiple millions in WW2.

The Allied powers committed war crimes too, like the Dresden Firebombing, the A-Bombs over Japan, the Bengali Famine of 1943, the Katyn Forest Massacre, among various others.

I don't see sufficient evidence proving that the Authoritarian Right is more violent.

Note, the Allies today are the most violent White nations, like the USA, Russia, and Great Britain....

Most of Europe doesn't take part in modern wars, and violence, like those 3.

Even thought Russia turned Capitalist, it's still violent, having killed a bunch in Chechnya, Syria, and Donbass since the fall of the wall.

It seems Russia's no less violent today, than it was since the 1950's.
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I know what actual self destructive idiots Nazis where. They loathed each other, Hitler was a back stabbing gossiping old fool. Mien Kamp? It was borderline hysterical nonsense. Yeah, nobody that understands Nazi Germany would truly idealize it That extends itself to liberalism of today, comparable to modern fascist liberalism.

Hitler is what caused a backlash against Fascism, Right-Wing values, and Conservative values starting in the 1950's.

ANTIFA / Liberals should be glad Hitler existed.

They wouldn't have made it this far without him......
I know what actual self destructive idiots Nazis where. They loathed each other, Hitler was a back stabbing gossiping old fool. Mien Kamp? It was borderline hysterical nonsense. Yeah, nobody that understands Nazi Germany would truly idealize it That extends itself to liberalism of today, comparable to modern fascist liberalism.

Hitler is what caused a backlash against Fascism, Right-Wing values, and Conservative values starting in the 1950's.

ANTIFA / Liberals should be glad Hitler existed.

They wouldn't have made it this far without him......

hitler was left wing, moron. Any time you are dealing with a collectivist government, you are dealing with left wing. Right wing is NO GOVERNMENT. Why is that so difficult for you ignorant twats to understand.
I know what actual self destructive idiots Nazis where. They loathed each other, Hitler was a back stabbing gossiping old fool. Mien Kamp? It was borderline hysterical nonsense. Yeah, nobody that understands Nazi Germany would truly idealize it That extends itself to liberalism of today, comparable to modern fascist liberalism.

Hitler is what caused a backlash against Fascism, Right-Wing values, and Conservative values starting in the 1950's.

ANTIFA / Liberals should be glad Hitler existed.

They wouldn't have made it this far without him......

hitler was left wing, moron. Any time you are dealing with a collectivist government, you are dealing with left wing. Right wing is NO GOVERNMENT. Why is that so difficult for you ignorant twats to understand.

Collectivists are usually much more Nationalistic, Socially Conservative, and Racist than the Individualist.

All 3 are considered as Right-Wing values.

Actually not only were the first Capitalists the first Leftists... (As seen in the French Revolution)

But, Capitalism sells out to Leftist values, like outsourcing, illegals, abortion, pornography, prostitution, illicit drugs, gay marriage apparel, media, and Hollywood degenerate Liberal smut it's all sold by Capitalists.

The Leftist, and Capitalist makes the most sense, overwhelmingly.

In reality, the Authoritarian Right enforces socially Conservative, Nationalist, and Racist values.
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I know what actual self destructive idiots Nazis where. They loathed each other, Hitler was a back stabbing gossiping old fool. Mien Kamp? It was borderline hysterical nonsense. Yeah, nobody that understands Nazi Germany would truly idealize it That extends itself to liberalism of today, comparable to modern fascist liberalism.

Hitler is what caused a backlash against Fascism, Right-Wing values, and Conservative values starting in the 1950's.

ANTIFA / Liberals should be glad Hitler existed.

They wouldn't have made it this far without him......

hitler was left wing, moron. Any time you are dealing with a collectivist government, you are dealing with left wing. Right wing is NO GOVERNMENT. Why is that so difficult for you ignorant twats to understand.

The scale you're speaking of is called Libertarian - Authoritarian
AKA Anarchy vs Big Government.

Libertarians / Anarchists can be Left, or Right, and Authoritarians / Big Government people can be Left, or Right.

The scale I'm speaking of should in it's proper defense be Tradition / Patriotism / Hierarchy (Right wing / Conservative) vs anti-Tradition / anti-Patriotism /anti-Hierarchy (Left-Wing)

I'm a major Collectivist, and also a major Right-Winger.... Because I overall support Traditional, Patriotic, and Hierarchy values.
All you Antifa non-human bloodthirsty animals need to be locked in cages. Then NASA needs to figure out a way to catapult these cages directly into the sun, thus vaporizing these....these below Jerry Springer THINGS at the subatomic level. Every quantum of matter making up an Antifuck's body is an abomination to physical matter as we know it.
I know what actual self destructive idiots Nazis where. They loathed each other, Hitler was a back stabbing gossiping old fool. Mien Kamp? It was borderline hysterical nonsense. Yeah, nobody that understands Nazi Germany would truly idealize it That extends itself to liberalism of today, comparable to modern fascist liberalism.

Hitler is what caused a backlash against Fascism, Right-Wing values, and Conservative values starting in the 1950's.

ANTIFA / Liberals should be glad Hitler existed.

They wouldn't have made it this far without him......

hitler was left wing, moron. Any time you are dealing with a collectivist government, you are dealing with left wing. Right wing is NO GOVERNMENT. Why is that so difficult for you ignorant twats to understand.

The scale you're speaking of is called Libertarian - Authoritarian
AKA Anarchy vs Big Government.

Libertarians / Anarchists can be Left, or Right, and Authoritarians / Big Government people can be Left, or Right.

The scale I'm speaking of should in it's proper defense be Tradition / Patriotism / Hierarchy (Right wing / Conservative) vs anti-Tradition / anti-Patriotism /anti-Hierarchy (Left-Wing)

I'm a major Collectivist, and also a major Right-Winger.... Because I overall support Traditional, Patriotic, and Hierarchy values.

No, I am saying that there is one scale. It goes from no government, anarchy, on the right, all the way to authoritarian dictatorship on the left. ALL collectivist governments are leftwing. The only question is how far do they go.